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"How can you know these things?" Caroline asked.

"The day I first met you. You were frightened then, but you stood up to me. Your only concern was to protect a virtual stranger from further harm. Bravery is a trait I admire," he added. He wasn't smiling anymore as he continued in a serious tone. "When we talked, you told of your worry that you might disgrace your relatives by doing something awkward. You also spoke of your family in the Colonies, and your loyalty to them was very obvious. Lastly," Bradford concluded, "you called your aunt Mama, and your eyes showed the deep affection you felt for her."

"A dog is loyal and trustworthy and affectionate."

Caroline's jest forced a reluctant grin from the man looming above her. "Tonight you trembled in my arms when we danced. Are you going to tell me that you were cold?" He was teasing her now, and Caroline responded with a smile of her own. "Can you be honest with me?"

"Honesty is a trait I most admire in others," Caroline returned, "because it is completely lacking in my own character." She sighed with exasperation and then continued, "I am a thief with words and promises, and can't help myself. Therefore," she added, "if I agree that there is a special feeling between us, then you will have no way of knowing if I am telling the truth or not, will you?"

Bradford grinned and shook his head. "Then we shall have to do something to give us proof," he suggested. Amusement lingered in his eyes, and Caroline knew he hadn't believed a word she had said. She was lying and he knew it.

"And just how do I prove that I do or don't feel anything for you?" Caroline asked. She was frowning with concentration, but a sudden sparkle appeared in her eyes and Bradford immediately knew she was up to something. It was the identical look he had noticed right before she had led Brummell into her trap. He found himself anticipating her next move. "Perhaps there is a way after all! Why don't you jump off the balcony? If I don't scream out to stop you, then you will know that I don't care."

"And if you do issue a warning?" Bradford asked with a rich chuckle.

"Well, then you will know that I did in fact feel something for you. Of course, you will have broken every bone in your body, but we will have our answer, won't we?"

She smiled prettily, and Bradford considered that she might be finding pleasure in the picture she had just painted.

"There is an alternative," Bradford suggested. "And one that wouldn't destroy my body, since that is a real concern to you."

"I am not concerned about your body," Caroline rushed out. "And this conversation is becoming quite improper. What if someone should hear us?"

"Are you always so concerned about what other people think?"

"I never gave it a thought until I arrived in England," Caroline admitted. "And it is a strain. Being correct can be exhausting."

Bradford smiled over her honesty. "Caroline, I would like to kiss you and be done with it."

She didn't move. She felt as mesmerized as a small animal about to be caught in a very large net. Bradford placed both palms on the wall behind her and slowly leaned forward. "You are so romantic," Caroline whispered. "Be done with it? Is it such a chore then?"

Why did she continue to bait him? she asked herself a little frantically. It could only make things worse than they already were.

"You insist that there is nothing happening between us, avoid looking into my eyes whenever possible, and yet tremble in my arms. Your body contradicts your words of protest."

Caroline surprised Bradford by nodding. "I know it," she whispered.

Her admission pleased Mm, almost as much as her rosy lips beckoned him. He couldn't wait any longer but vowed to go slowly. His mouth gently brushed hers. Caroline tried to turn her head but Bradford caught her lower lip and held her captive. He kissed her again, applying more pressure, and although he had planned only to give her one chaste kiss, he found that he wanted more from her. His mouth opened over hers, and when she tried to resist the invasion of his tongue into the sweet warmth inside, Bradford used one hand to force her chin down. His tongue took what his body craved, stroking and exploring and penetrating the sweetness she offered.

Caroline was shocked by the initial touch of his tongue. She didn't know that men kissed women in such a way! She recoiled in embarrassment, yet heard herself gasp with pure pleasure. She couldn't stop the kiss or her tongue, when it touched his, timidly at first, and then with increasing ardor. She heard his deep growl of encouragement and put her arms around his neck to bring him closer.

She didn't know it was possible, but the kiss deepened, became hotter. She clung to Bradford's massive shoulders and drank her fill, giving and taking the pleasure that flowed like sweet wine between them.

The longer they kissed, the more Bradford demanded. He was rough in his passion, holding her face to gain deeper advantage. Never had a single kiss so affected him, so aroused him. He wanted her with a burning need that no other woman could satisfy. The more he drank, the more he wanted.

His tongue penetrated, receded, and then plunged in again and again. Caroline, lost in an ocean of sensation, began to tremble and felt liquid heat flow through her body. The intensity of what was happening between them frightened her. She finally pulled away and had to use the wall for support. Her breathing was as ragged as her thoughts.

It took a full minute for Bradford to gain control of himself.

Caroline kept her gaze downcast, lest he read the embarrassment in her eyes. She had behaved wantonly and thought that he must think she was a loose woman without morals.

"Now tell me there isn't anything between us," Bradford demanded. His voice sounded gruff and, she noticed with irritation, terribly victorious.

"I won't deny that your kiss was pleasant," Caroline said. She looked up at him, and Bradford was again spellbound by her eyes.

"I want you, Caroline." So much for honeyed words, Bradford thought with an inward grimace. He began cursing himself for his rashness when he noticed the change in her expression.

Silence descended while Caroline considered how to answer. She was angry but had only herself to blame. She had responded to his kiss like a common woman of the streets, hadn't she? "You want me?" she asked in a shocked voice. "How dare you say such a thing to me. Is it because I returned your kiss?" Tears gathered in her eyes but she was too upset to control them. "I don't care that you want me."

She didn't give Bradford time to answer. "Do you think, because of your title and position, that you can have all that you want? Well, you're mistaken if you think you can have me, my lord. I'm not a member of the ton and I'm not impressed by material offerings."

"Every woman is impressed with material offerings," Bradford muttered, using her own expression for wealth and power.

"Are you suggesting that if the price is right, you can have any woman you want?" Caroline drew herself up to her full height when Bradford shrugged his reply. She matched him glare for glare. "You insult me." "Because I'm being honest with you?"

"No! Because you actually believe what you're saying," Caroline returned. "I would no more give myself to you than I would give myself to your King George," she added.

"Because I've stated that I want you, you jump to the conclusion that I mean as my mistress. You are insulted when I believe you should be flattered," he argued. He was furious and let her feel the full wrath of his anger. "But if I court you and then ask for your hand in marriage, what then?" His hands were braced on either side of Caroline's head, his face just inches from hers. Oh, he knew what she was after, and as much as it infuriated him to admit it, he wanted her almost enough to give it to her. "You'd change your tune then, wouldn't you?"