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"My lord, I don't want a reward. Truly I don't."

"Then what do you want?"

"My Uncle Morgan is one of your faithful barons, and I ask that you protect him."

"That is all you want?"

"Yes, my lord."

The king's disposition shifted as quick as a bolt of lightning, and he was suddenly charming and solicitous. Though she had heard about his radical changes of mood, she was still caught off guard.

"I have just spoken at length with Morgan," he announced.

Gillian's voice shook when she asked, "He is well, my lord?"

"He's old and tired and making outrageous accusations, but he is well. You'll see him soon."

Tears clouded her vision. "Thank you, my lord," she whispered. "I know you are anxious to see if the treasure is here, but if I may, I would ask…"

"Yes, my dear?"

"If I'm wrong and the box isn't here, please don't take your displeasure out on my Uncle Morgan. He had nothing to do with this. I alone am responsible."

"And I should therefore turn my wrath on you?"

"Yes, my lord."

John sighed. "I have waited over fifteen years for the return of the treasure, and I find that anticipation increases my joy and my sadness. I don't want to hurry," he explained. "For the possible disappointment will be very painful for me. As for Morgan," he continued. "I assure you that even if the treasure isn't here, your uncle will still have my protection, and so shall you. Do you think me an ogre? I will not hold you responsible for your father's crimes."

Though she knew that at this moment he was sincere, she also knew how swiftly he could change his mind. She didn't dare put her faith in his promise.

"You are very kind, my lord," she whispered.

"I can upon occasion be kind," he arrogantly agreed. "Now answer a question for me."

"Yes, my lord?"

"Are you married to the giant barbarian with the long golden hair named Laird Buchanan?"

Gillian swayed. "I am his wife, my lord," she stammered. "He is here… you have seen him?"

"Aye, I've seen him," he drawled. "And he is indeed here, with two other lairds and an army at their side. The Highlanders surround Dunhanshire."

Bridgid's deep indrawn breath drew the king's attention. "I've been ignoring you far too long, my dear. Forgive me my poor manners and tell me, who are you?"

"She is my dearest friend," Gillian said. "Her name is Bridgid KirkConnell."

Bridgid smiled at the king, and within a heartbeat he was smiling back. "Ah, you are the lady the Laird Sinclair has come for."

"I do belong to his clan, my lord," she whispered, nervous to have the king's undivided attention. "And I am one of his many loyal followers, but he wouldn't come all this way just for me."

The king laughed. "From the way he was ranting at me, I believe you're mistaken. I must admit the Highlanders are an impressive and intimidating lot, to be sure. When I saw them, I considered returning to London to get additional troops, and I was certainly urged to do just that by my guard," he added. "But then the three lairds separated from their men and rode hard to intercept me. It seems they had only just found out that the two of you were inside, and they were… highly agitated. I commanded them to stay outside the walls, and I will tell you that I was most unhappy when Laird Maitland dared to argue with me. When I told him that you had sent for me, and that I would not allow any harm to come to you, they grudgingly agreed to wait. Why did you come all this way, Bridgid?"

She looked at Gillian, hoping she would explain.

"Baron Alford believes Bridgid is my sister."

"But she isn't," the king said.

"No, my lord, she isn't."

"We lied to Baron Alford," Bridgid blurted. "But Gillian told me I mustn't lie to you, my lord."

The king seemed amused by Bridgid's honesty. "And she was right," he said before turning to Gillian again. "And what of your sister?"

Gillian bowed her head. "She is forever lost to us, my lord."

John nodded, accepting what she said as fact. Alford interrupted the conversation then by offering the king refreshments.

"I'll dine with you when I return."

"Return, my lord?" Alford asked.

"Yes," John answered. "Lady Gillian is going to show me where she believes Arianna's treasure is hidden. We will not know for certain that it's here until we look for ourselves."

Alford took a step toward his commander and motioned for him to come to him.

John smiled at Gillian. "Shall we go then?" he asked as he stepped back and graciously offered his arm to her.

Her hand trembled when she placed it on the king's arm. Noticing her distress, John put his hand on top of hers, gave it an affectionate pat, and commanded that she cease being afraid of him.

"You are a loyal subject, are you not?"

"Yes, my lord, I am."

"Then, as I said before, you have nothing to fear from me. Do you know, Gillian, that you remind me of her?"

"Your Arianna, my lord?"

His face dropped, and he became melancholy. "Aye, she was my Arianna, and though your eyes are not the same color as hers, they are as beautiful. I loved her, you know, as I have never loved any other woman. She was… perfection. I often wonder what course my life would have taken had she lived. She brought out the good in me, and when I was with her, I wanted to be… different." He sounded like a very young boy now in the throes of his first love.

The king suddenly pulled away from her and turned to Alford, for he'd only just noticed his friend was in deep discussion with one of his soldiers. John lashed out, berating the baron for his rudeness, reminding him that when he was in the room, it was the law of England that he, and only he, be the center of attention.

Having just been duly chastised, Alford bowed his head while he gave John his apology.

"What were you discussing with your soldier?" John demanded. "It must have been important for you to be so impertinent."

"Horace is one of your most loyal soldiers, and I was telling him that I would ask you it you would allow him and three other worthy men the honor of escorting you and Gillian."

With a negligible shrug, John granted permission. "We won't be gone long," he said, and then he commanded his soldiers, "All of you stay here. No one leaves this hall until I return. Bridgid, my dear, will you please wait here?"

"Yes, my lord," she replied.

Alford drew the king's attention yet again. "May I accompany you and Gillian?"

"Sit down," John commanded.

Alford didn't heed the warning in the king's voice and dared to ask a second time.

Irritated with his baron, John decided to make him suffer. "No, you may not come along," he said once again. "And while Gillian and I are taking our stroll, I suggest that you and Hugh and Edwin stay away from the open windows."

Alford looked confused by the suggestion. John chuckled as he explained. "Did I forget to mention that Dunhanshire is completely surrounded by Highlanders? Ah, I can see from your expression I did forget. How remiss of me."

"The heathens are here?" Alford's eyes bulged, and he swallowed loudly as he tried to get past his surprise.

"I just said that they were," John replied. "You do know why they've come, don't you?"

Alford feigned ignorance. "No, my lord, I don't know why. How could I?"

John grinned, enjoying his friend's discomfort. He was annoyed with Alford for being so impudent in his presence and also because of the mischief he'd caused with Baron Morgan. The king had few loyal lords now, and even though Morgan wasn't a favored baron, he was well thought of by the others, and his voice in support of John's policies could well make a difference in the future. Alford's zeal in trying to locate Arianna's treasure had put his king in the middle of a squabble, and he planned to make his friend suffer a bit longer before he forgave him.