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his hands, she would walk out of the bar.

"He went out and bought a fence as a birthday present for Daryl's boy. You don't meet too many thoughtful men like Theo these days. And think about the money that fence must have set him back."

"I'll do my part, but please don't get your hopes up. Theo's going to go home, and nothing any of us do will change that."

"There's that negativity again. We've got to give it our best try, don't we? This town needs a good, honest lawyer, and Theo Buchanan fits the bill."

She nodded. "All right. How about tomorrow I make my etouffee?"

He looked appalled. "Oh, no, honey, don't do that. Serve him up Billie's gumbo. Remember the way to a man's heart is through

his stomach."

"But you love my etouffee." Her shoulders slumped then. "You don't love it?"

He patted her shoulder. "You're my daughter and I love you. I had to tell you I like it."

"Do you know how long it takes to make that dish? All day," she told him before he could offer a guess. "You could have mentioned you didn't care for it before now."

"We didn't want to hurt your feelings, you being so tenderhearted and sensitive."

"Honestly, Daddy, you could have… Wait a minute. 'We'?"

"Your brothers and me. They love you too, honey. You're a fine cook with plain dishes, and your biscuits are still light and

fluffy, but we need to dazzle the man now. Like I was telling you, the way to a man's heart…"

"Yes, I know… is through his stomach. That's hogwash, by the way."

"Oh? How do you think your mama nabbed me?"

When was she going to learn she could never win an argument with her father, no matter what she said? Finally admitting

defeat, she said, "Her world famous bundt cake."

"That's right."

"I don't want to nab Theo the way Mama nabbed you."

"I know that. It's the town that wants to nab him."

"Okay, I'll do my part. I promise. Now, let me see if I've got this straight. Doing my part means I don't cook at all, I lie about

the gumbo and tell Theo I made it, and, oh, yes, I'm supposed to be friendly. Do you want me to put a chocolate mint on his

pillow tonight?"

Wrapping his arms around her, he gave her a big bear hug. "That might be overkill. Now, go sit, and I'll bring out supper for

you and Theo."

Michelle didn't have another quiet minute for the next three hours. After she and Theo had eaten, she put on an apron and got

to work cleaning the tables and helping carry out pitchers of cold beer. Theo was stuck sitting at the bar between two men clutching papers in their hands. A line had formed behind him. Daddy was leaning over the counter making the introductions.

More free legal advice, she thought. Myron had disappeared over an hour ago, and since her father was busy trying to

manipulate Theo, she took over tending the bar.

By ten-thirty the kitchen was officially closed and cleaned, and the crowd had thinned out. There were only about a dozen

people inside the bar when she removed her apron and went to the jukebox. She put in a quarter she'd taken from the cash register, punched B-12, and then sat down at a corner table she'd just cleared. She leaned her elbow on the table and propped

her chin in the palm of her hand.

Her gaze kept going back to Theo. The big jerk looked so serious and adorable in his gray T-shirt and jeans. Did he have to be

so sexy? And why couldn't she find something wrong with him so she could obsess about that and get over him. All she could think about was having sex with him. Oh, God, did that mean she was turning into a slut? The sex would be amazing. Stop thinking about it. Think about something else.

Another thought popped into her head that was even more depressing. Great. When he left-and he would leave-the town

was going to blame her. Oh, they wouldn't say anything, but they'd all think it was her fault. She hadn't been friendly enough.

She wondered how they would all feel if they knew just how friendly she wanted to be. Admit it, damn it. You're feeling

sorry for yourself because he will go back to Boston and his oh-so-sophisticated life there, and you want him to stay

in Bowen. Forever.

Well, hell, how had that happened? How could she have been so stupid? Hadn't counting up all the reasons why she shouldn't

fall for him meant anything? Evidently not. She'd been too naive to pay attention to her own cautions. She was a strong woman,

so why hadn't she been able to protect herself from him? Did she love him? Oh, Lord, what if she did?

Not possible, she decided. Love couldn't happen this quickly… could it?

Michelle was so busy worrying she didn't notice him coming toward her.

"You look like you lost your best friend. Come on. Dance with me."

Go away and let me wallow in self-pity. "Okay."

Theo dug a quarter out of his pocket, dropped it in the jukebox, told her to choose, and she promptly punched A-1.

The music started, but it wasn't until he had taken her into his arms that she realized that she'd made a big mistake. The last

thing she needed now, in her vulnerable, feeling-sorry-for-herself state, was to be touched by him.

"You're as stiff as a board. Relax," he whispered against her ear.

"I am relaxed."

He gently shoved her head down and pulled her closer until their bodies were pressed together. Oh, boy. Big, big mistake. Too

late now, she thought as she snuggled against him and curled her fingers around his neck. "I love this song."

"It sounds familiar, but that doesn't make any sense. I don't usually listen to country western music."

"It's Willie Nelson singing 'Blue Eyes Cryin' in the Rain.' "

He was nuzzling her cheek, driving her to distraction. "It's a nice song. I like it," he said.

She tried to pull back; he wouldn't let her. "It's a sad song," she said, cringing over how antagonistic she sounded.

They swayed slowly to the rhythm of the music.

"It's an old story," she explained.

"What's that?"

He kissed the sensitive spot just below her ear, giving her goose bumps. She trembled. He had to know what he was doing to

her. Oh, God, she really was putty in his hands.

"It's about a woman who falls in love with a man and then he leaves her and she's…"

"Let me guess… crying in the rain?"

She could hear the laughter in his voice. His hand was gently stroking her back.

"How come he leaves her?"

"Because he's a big jerk." Too late she realized she'd said the thought out loud. She quickly added, "It's just a song. I'm only guessing. Maybe she actually left him, and she's so happy to be rid of him she's crying in the rain."


She moved closer, her fingers softly rubbing the back of his neck in tiny circles.

"You should probably stop doing that."

"You don't like it?" She ran her fingertips through his hair as she asked the question.

"Yes, I do like it. That's why I want you to stop."

"Oh." So she could make him nuts too. That wonderful realization made her feel a little reckless.

"So, you probably don't want me to do this," she whispered, and kissed the pulse at the base of his neck.

"Michelle, I'm warning you. Two can play this game."

"What game?" she asked innocently, and then she kissed his neck again, tickling him with her tongue. She felt a bit daring.

Daddy was in the kitchen, and no one was paying them any attention. Besides, Theo's big body pretty much concealed hers.

That made her even more reckless, and she pressed even closer to him. "If you don't like what I'm doing…"

The challenge didn't go unanswered. "You're bad," he told her.

She sighed. "Thank you."

"You know what I like?"

"What's that?" A breathless whisper.

"I like the way you smell. When I get close to you,