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"Well, I did, but-"

"Who stood behind Gilard's back and saved him?"

"I did, Duncan, but I was so frightened and I-"

"Who took on the task of caring for my sister? Who conquered Silenus for her lamb? Who-"

"You know it was me," Madelyne said. She put her hands on Duncan 's cheeks and then said, "But you've still to understand. Each time I did any of those tasks you believe are honorable, I was so afraid inside. Why, I was terrified just standing up to you."

Duncan pushed Madelyne's hands away and drew her down for a long kiss. "Fear doesn't mean you're a coward, love. Nay, in my mind it means you are mortal. Only a fool puts caution aside."

When he finished his speech, he had to kiss her again.

"You'll have to tell me what to do when we return to court, Duncan," Madelyne said next. "I don't want to displease you or say the wrong thing in answer to the king's questions. He'll question me, won't he, Duncan?"

He caught the fear in her voice, shook his head over it. "Madelyne, nothing you do will ever displease me. And you've only to tell the truth to the king's questions. That is all I would ever ask of you."

"'Tis what Louddon said to me," Madelyne muttered. "He thinks my truths will trap you."

"This is my battle, Madelyne. Tell the truth and leave the rest to me."

Madelyne sighed. She knew he was right.

Duncan tried to lighten her mood. "I must shave before we leave for court," he announced.

Madelyne started to blush. "I would prefer that you never shave again. I have come to… appreciate your beard, milord."

Duncan fully appreciated his wife's honesty. His forceful kiss told her so.

Duncan and Madelyne arrived in London two days later. Gilard, Edmond, and Gerald met them at the gates. They all wore grim expressions.

After giving Madelyne a welcoming embrace, Edmond told Duncan the other barons had already settled in their chambers.

Gilard next embraced Madelyne. He took his time with the greeting, and when he turned to speak to Duncan, his arm was still circling Madelyne's waist. "Do you go to the king tonight?"

Duncan decided Gilard wasn't quite over his infatuation with Madelyne. He pulled his wife into his side before he answered his brother. "I go now."

"Louddon thinks Madelyne is with her uncle. He's probably hearing of her return right this minute, Duncan. I must remind you that Louddon knows you're not married," Gerald interjected.

"We are married now," Duncan said. "Father Berton officiated, with my vassals as witnesses to the act, Gerald."

Gerald couldn't help but smile over that news.

"The king's going to be angry," Edmond predicted with a scowl. "Marrying before this matter is righted will be taken as a personal insult."

Duncan was about to respond to Edmond 's comments, when his attention was drawn to the king's soldiers. Led by William's brother, Henry, the men marched in union to stand directly in front of Duncan.

Henry motioned to the soldiers to wait and then said to Duncan, "My brother sends his guard to escort Lady Madelyne to her chambers."

"I'm going to William now to give him my accounting, Henry. I'm uneasy letting Madelyne go anywhere without me. She was mistreated when last under our king's protection," he added, his voice grim.

Henry didn't show any reaction to Duncan 's harsh voice. " 'Tis doubtful the king even knew she was here, Duncan. Louddon…"

"I'll not have her placed in jeopardy again, Henry," Duncan argued.

"Then you wish this dear lady to be placed in the middle of your tug-of-war with her brother?" Henry inquired.

Before Duncan could answer, Henry said, "Come, walk with me. There is something I wish to say to you."

Out of deference to his position, Duncan immediately obeyed the order. He walked by Henry's side to a secluded area of the courtyard.

Henry did most of the talking. Madelyne had no idea what he was saying, but she could tell from the look on her husband's face that Duncan wasn't too pleased with the conversation.

As soon as Duncan and Henry returned to the waiting group, Duncan turned to his wife. "Madelyne, go with Henry. He'll see you settled."

"In your chambers, Duncan?" Madelyne asked, trying not to sound worried.

Henry answered her question. "You'll have your own rooms, my dear, under my guard. Until this matter is settled neither Louddon nor Duncan will be allowed near you. 'Tis a fact that my brother has a fierce temper. Let us not fire the timber just yet. Tonight will be soon enough."

Madelyne looked at Duncan. When she received his nod, she bowed to Henry. Duncan took her aside then, leaned down, and whispered into her ear.

Everyone became highly curious over this conversation, for when Madelyne turned back to Henry, she was looking quite radiant.

Gilard watched Madelyne take Henry's arm and walk toward the entrance. "What did you say to her, Duncan? One minute our Madelyne was looking ready to weep and the next she was smiling and looking most content."

"I merely reminded her of an ending to a certain story," Duncan said with a shrug.

It was all he was going to say on the matter. Edmond suggested he go refresh his appearance and even sleep for a few hours.

Though Duncan thought it ludicrous for Edmond to suggest sleep, he did follow his advice about changing his tunic.

"I believe I'll follow Madelyne," Edmond commented then. "Perhaps I'll find Anthony standing outside her door and stay with him until this evening."

Duncan nodded. "Don't let Henry think you doubt his guard," he warned.

With those parting words Duncan walked away.

Gilard turned to Baron Gerald then. "We've averted a battle. Duncan would have charged into the king's chambers and demanded immediate justice."

"A temporary condition," Gerald answered. "The battle is still to come. The other barons will call on Duncan this afternoon. He'll be kept busy enough. Henry interceded and deserves his due for it. One day Duncan will thank him."

"Why would Henry be concerned over this matter?" Gilard asked.

"He wants Duncan 's loyalty," Gerald answered. "Come, Gilard, find me a cool drink and toast my coming marriage to your sister."

Gilard looked pleased. "She has agreed then?"

"She has. I'm going to marry her before she changes her mind."

Gilard laughed over Gerald's announcement. Gerald smiled. He was pleased because he'd successfully turned Gilard's attention away from Henry's motives. Gerald didn't feel Gilard needed to be privy to the secret meeting he'd attended, nor Henry's odd questions about Duncan 's loyalty. His reasons were easy enough to understand. Gilard might ask questions of the wrong barons, inadvertently causing trouble that wasn't needed now. Aye, the Wexton brothers had enough problems to solve.

"After we've toasted your marriage, I believe I'll go and stand with Edmond."

"It's going to be crowded in the corridor outside Madelyne's rooms," Gerald commented. "I wonder what Louddon will do, Gilard, when he learns his sister is back."

The baron under question had gone hunting in the king's forest. Louddon didn't return to the castle grounds until late that afternoon. He was immediately informed of Madelyne's return.

Louddon was, of course, furious. He went to claim his sister.

Anthony stood alone outside Madelyne's door now. Both Edmond and Gilard had gone to change for the coming dinner and confrontation.

When the vassal saw Louddon approaching, he lounged against the wall and gave Madelyne's brother a look of disgust.

Louddon ignored the vassal. He pounded on the door, shouting for entrance.

Henry opened the door. He greeted Louddon politely and then announced that no one was allowed to speak to Madelyne.

Before Louddon could argue, the door slammed shut in his face.

Madelyne watched the scene with bewilderment. She didn't know what to think of Henry's behavior. The king's brother hadn't left her side for more than a few minutes when she'd gone into the sleeping chamber to change her dress for her meeting with the king.