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The formless stone of his icon flared anew, this time with intense red light. Fire exploded around the blank statue that had once been his mortal form, became as flesh again, but a flesh that did not exist within the bounds of mortal comprehension. It was the physical extension of self, the material focus through which the energy of his boundless self would channel, it was the instrument through which he would exert his will upon the mortal world. The blond hair of the statue burst into flame, as did the eyebrows and the fur, but the body retained its Were-cat features and shape. Two wings made of pure fire fanned into being within the fire of his braid, and then anchored themselves to his back, becoming an intregral part of self that were as real as an arm or a leg, despite being made of living flame. This terrifying new creation opened its eyes, eyes that glowed with an intense green light, much like the green of the eyes that the mortal had once possessed, glowing in his anger and shining in his resolute intent to defend.

In that moment of blinding brilliance, Tarrin Kael ceased to be. In his place was born a new god, a new power within the universe. He was Tarrin, god of fire, god of duty, god of protection, defender of Sennadar itself, and his was the burning light of retribution which would strike down the god of darkness and forever spare the world of Sennadar from his scourged presence.

Pushing his complete awareness into his icon, feeling much as he had when he was mortal when he pushed himself into a projection, Tarrin became again aware of the material world around him, restricted himself to an awareness grounded almost completely within the material world. A mind expanded by his transformation took all in at once, understood, planned, realized. Jesmind and Jasana had not left, and he saw in their minds, minds that seemed as open books to him, that Jasana had tore free of Jesmind and ran back to protect her father when Val had attacked him. The Demons were all aghast with shock and furious with chagrin, understanding that they had just allowed the opportunity of an eon to slip through their fingers. And across from him, his mind a whirling chaos of disbelief and fury, floated the entity whose existence the new god had been created to destroy. He existed solely for the need to eradicate an ancient mistake, and he would not be denied.

Curious, he noted, that the amulet about the neck of his material form was still bound to Niami, and it still functioned. It had survived the transformation of self. He used it quickly and wisely, sending the Firestaff into the bounds of its elsewhere and recalling the black-bladed sword, bending his power to it, transforming it in an instant into an instrument of godly might, whose power existed on so many levels of existence that the mortal mind could not comprehend its depths. It was the instrument of justice, the executioner's sword, and it would fulfill the task for which it had been created.

He was ready. There was only one thing left to do. He reached out-such a simple thing to do!-and touched Jesmind's mind directly. Run! he told her as Val managed to recover himself, drew in his power and prepared to do direct battle with another god. Run as fast as you can, and don't look back no matter what happens!

Val struck, and in that attack Tarrin understood the nature of the danger. Val attacked not in one manner, but attacked Tarrin on uncountable levels, in so many myriad ways, on mental, physical, magical, and metaphysical levels, that only a god could have countered it. Only a god could attack another god in that manner, for they were not bound by the laws and restrictions of the material world, as Val had been so restricted when he struck at the mortal Tarrin, forced to limit his power to the restraints of mortal capability. Tarrin countered on every level, and the strain it put on the very fabric of the universe spilled over into the physical world. A shattering concussion emanated around Tarrin, containing more energy than every magic-user alive on Sennadar could have generated in a combined effort, knocking down all the mortals, sending Jesmind and Jasana tumbling down the stairs, as the stone of the pyramid shuddered and rocked from the blow. Dust billowed out from the ceiling, but a shrug of fiery wings showed Val that his divine opponent was not impressed by the attack. Carried into the air by his divine power, the blazing light of the god Tarrin met the swallowing darkness of the god Val, who had conjured forth a rod of absolute blackness to serve as his physical weapon, and they locked into mortal combat, a duel that could very well destroy the world.

The Elder Gods, present only in spirit and unseen on the battlefield, had no interest in what was happening with the armies. They could sense what was transpiring in the pyramid, and in what was but a flicker of time to the mortals, a long and heated debate arose among them to decide what must be done. But it was the voice of Niami, the goddess of magic, that quelled all objection and unified them to a common goal.

It is as he wishes it, she said with undisguised pain tremoring her spirit. We cannot interfere.

Then what shall we do? Step back and watch them destroy what we labored to create? came a hot demand from Ahiriya, the goddess of fire.

We will do as has been decided by our champion, the voice of Ayise, the mother of all gods, stated firmly. We can be of use without interfering in what must be done. Join to me, my children, and let us summon forth the aid of the Youngers. Combined, our power can limit the sphere of destruction about to be wrought upon the land. We must confine the damage as much as possible, so as to save the lives of the mortals currently embroiled in war around us and protect the Balance from being disturbed by what is to come.

And when one defeats the other, then what shall we do? Leia, the goddess of nature, demanded.

What must be done, my daughter, Ayise said grimly. Destroy the victor before he regains his power and can defend against us.

Such a rude end seems a grave disservice to one who served us so faithfully, stately Darian, god of earth, noted.

It was an end the champion fully understood would be awaiting him, Ayise sighed. He has made his choice. Dishonor not the nobility of his sacrifice, my children. What he does, he does in service to us all.

And so, the Elder Gods called forth into service the power and presence of the Younger Gods. Forty-five of them, representing every aspect of the forces that served to shape the world of Sennadar. From grim K'Tar, god of war, to capricious Elia, goddess of song, dance and revelry, from baleful Niskar, god of enmity and hate, to insatiable Lenani, goddess of vice and lust, from dutiful Aldoran, god of law, to raging Vykar, god of chaos and destruction, all answered the summons of the Elder Gods. Elder and Younger gods raised forth the hands and joined in unified intent, creating a boundary of defense through which the destruction about to be wrought within could not pass. It was not a physical boundary; indeed, the mortal Goblinoids below them passed freely across its boundary, but it would serve as a powerful defense to limit the destruction surely about to unleashed upon the land as two gods lashed at one another using power and might the physical world was never meant to contain.

They would ensure that the world would not suffer with what was about to come to pass.

Never in her entire life has Jesmind been so terrified.

She cowered on the floor, clutching her desperately crying child as all reality seemed to go wild around them.

The immense chamber seemed to waver and distort as two indescribably powerful figures seemed to duel with one another in the air over the platform. One of them was the god Val, but the other, somehow, was Tarrin. Jesmind didn't understand what had happened, but somehow, Tarrin could somehow fight against Val. And the change in him! Was how he looked now some kind of great magic? Triana had told her long ago that she sensed something special about her mate, something unusual, as if there was a potential within him that transcended the bounds of normal magic. Could this be the final realization of that hidden potential? A power so great that it gave him the power to fight a god?