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‘Oh dear,’ said Pippa.

‘Oh dear,’ said Dario.

Mick shuffled from foot to foot.

‘How could that have happened? We just put out all the bags of clothes we could see.’ Pippa raised her eyebrows even higher. ‘Didn’t we, Dario?’

‘Yes.’ He put a hand over his mouth in a parody of dismay. ‘God, I hope we didn’t put yours out by mistake.’

Leah stared at them with contempt.

‘Astrid’s bike’s been taken as well,’ said Davy, but no one seemed to hear him. They were locked in their own little world of rage and revenge.

‘And the money box,’ I added.

They heard that. All heads turned to me.

‘What?’ said Mick.

‘The money box has gone,’ I repeated.


‘What do you mean, how? How do you think? I wasn’t here. You three ran away, Leah got into a fight, Davy tried to break it up, and Owen was busy taking pictures.’

I twisted my head to look for Owen. He was talking to another man with a camera. My heart sank further: I recognized him as one of the photographers who’d been stalking me since I’d found Ingrid de Soto ’s body. ‘That’s all I need.’


‘We’ll probably be able to read about ourselves in the local papers tomorrow. And here comes Miles, to make the happy family complete.’

We watched him as he walked along the street. He looked smart and cool, but as he drew nearer, puzzlement appeared on his face and his steps quickened, until he was nearly running to join us. ‘What’s happened?’ he asked, as he came into the garden. ‘Tell me there’s not been another -’

‘No, no,’ said Davy. ‘It was just -’ He stopped and frowned. ‘Just something,’ he said.

‘Have you called the police? What’s going on now?’

‘I’ll tell you what’s going on,’ began Leah. ‘And what your friends have been up to.’

‘Not now,’ I said sharply.

‘It was your idea, wasn’t it?’ Leah said, turning on me.

‘I’m the one trying to sort things out.’

‘It was a mistake,’ said Pippa.

‘A mistake,’ echoed Dario, nodding vigorously.

‘Can we deal with all of this first, before the post-mortem?’ I said. ‘We’ve got to get everyone out of our garden.’

‘It was just going to be a sale,’ said Miles, in a dazed voice. ‘I don’t understand.’

‘Wait,’ I said. ‘Just help me get them out. Davy, Mick?’

‘I’ll help,’ said Pippa, brightly.

‘You’ve done enough for one day.’

‘Oh, don’t you go all disapproving on me. It was a mistake.’

‘Yeah, right.’

‘Lots of money was in that box,’ said Dario, gloomily. ‘I can’t believe it disappeared as soon as we turned our backs.’

‘So surprising,’ I said acidly. ‘Now, why don’t you get rid of those girls there?’

‘What are you going to do?’

I didn’t reply, but walked towards Owen and the other photographer.

‘Got a bit out of hand, did it, Miss Bell?’ the man said cheerily.

‘Go away.’

‘I’m sorry?’

‘You heard. Go away. We don’t want you here.’

‘I’m not on your property. I’m on the street.’


‘But -’

‘Or I’ll call the police and say you’re harassing me. Don’t you believe me?’ I fished out my phone and started dialling.

‘Sparky girl you’ve got there, Owen.’

‘I’m not a girl and he hasn’t got me.’

Gradually people were dispersing. I joined Pippa and Dario, who were puffing at cigarettes amid the debris.

‘Where’s Leah gone?’ I asked.

‘Inside.’ Dario tossed his stub on to the ground. ‘She’s a bit angry.’

‘Are you surprised?’

‘I’m angry too.’

‘What about?’

‘I was counting on that money.’

‘You know what I think?’ said Pippa. ‘She has to leave the house and not come back until we’re all out. This can’t go on.’

‘I certainly agree with the last bit.’

She looked at me. ‘So will you tell her?’


‘It’d be better coming from you.’

‘She hates me,’ I said, ‘and she thinks I’m trying to steal Miles from her.’

‘Miles would listen to you,’ said Pippa, vaguely.

‘Anyway, why should she leave? She’s the landlord’s girlfriend, remember?’

‘Maybe Miles should leave as well. They could both go,’ said Dario.

‘Brilliant,’ I said.

‘No need to be sarcastic.’

‘I can’t go on living like this,’ I said. ‘Maybe we should move out now, sleep on friends’ floors, anything.’

‘Then she’ll have won,’ said Pippa.

‘Won? This isn’t a game. Look, why don’t you two just apologize?’

‘Apologize?’ said Dario, with a hurt expression.

‘It wasn’t my fault Miles left a bag of her stuff hanging around,’ said Pippa, primly, although she looked uncomfortable. ‘But if it makes things easier, I’ll say I’m sorry her things happened to get sold.’

The apology didn’t quite go as planned. Leah was no longer heated: she was icily calm and there was a glint in her eye that made me apprehensive.

‘Listen,’ began Pippa. ‘I just wanted to say that -’

‘No, you listen,’ interrupted Leah.

‘Let’s discuss this calmly,’ said Davy.

‘I agree,’ said Miles.

‘People are feeling anger,’ said Davy.

‘Who cares what they’re feeling?’ said Leah. ‘It’s what they’ve done.’

‘But -’

‘I don’t think you’re helping, Davy,’ said Pippa.

‘Is this a dream?’ said Dario. ‘It might be. That would explain everything.’

‘I wish it was a dream,’ muttered Miles, ‘and that now I could wake up. Astrid, what have you got to say?’

‘Why ask her?’ said Leah. ‘You all do that, the whole bloody household. It’s Astrid says this and Astrid would do that and I’ll just go and ask Astrid before I know what to think myself.’

‘That’s not fair.’

‘You all talk to her behind each other’s backs. Astrid-the-ex-lover, Astrid-the-future-lover, Astrid-the-confessor, Astrid-the-best-friend. But there are still some things she doesn’t know. Aren’t there, Pippa?’

‘What’s this about?’ Pippa said sharply.

‘Don’t you know? Maybe Owen does, then. Owen?’

Owen stared at her, his expression hardening.

‘No? How odd. I would have thought it was obvious.’

‘What are you saying, Leah?’ asked Miles.

‘Don’t ask her,’ I said. ‘Don’t get involved.’

‘You don’t want to know?’ asked Leah, turning towards me.

I ignored her, getting up from the table and picking up my jacket.

‘After all, Pippa’s been your friend for ages,’ she continued. ‘I thought she confided in you, especially about her love life.’

‘Leah,’ said Miles.

‘Diversionary tactics,’ hissed Dario in my ear. ‘Pay no attention.’

‘I’m not,’ I said. I smiled at Pippa but she didn’t seem to be smiling back.

‘Pippa and Owen. Didn’t you know? They didn’t tell you about their little fling?’

I fixed a small, hard smile on my face and stared her down. ‘Why would they?’ I said.

Her air of triumph wavered slightly. ‘I thought you and Owen…’ she began.

‘Then you were wrong.’ Owen and I exchanged a glance. ‘Anything else?’

‘You’re a bitch, Leah,’ said Pippa.

‘Cow,’ barked Mick, then folded his arms across his chest and sat back.

‘That’s called shooting the messenger,’ said Miles.

‘And that’s what I always am, isn’t it, Miles?’ said Leah. ‘Your messenger.’ Then she stalked out of the room.

I put on my jacket and did it up with trembling hands. I was trying to look dignified and undistressed.


‘No, Pippa. Don’t say anything. It’s fine. There’s nothing wrong. I just need a bit of fresh air.’

‘We were a bit drunk. It was only once.’

‘It doesn’t matter,’ I said. ‘It’s nothing to do with me.’

‘Are you all right?’ asked Miles, standing up and putting a hand on my shoulder, which I shrugged off.

‘For God’s sake, I’m fine. Why shouldn’t I be?’

‘Don’t leave like this,’ said Davy. ‘Don’t you think we should talk it through?’

‘No, Davy, I don’t. Funnily enough, I don’t really feel like some group-therapy session about it.’

‘Where are you going?’ asked Miles.