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"No, of course you can't," Georgie said indignantly. "Not even you could do something that outrageous." She riffled through the dresses. "What about this?"

Gabrielle put her head on one side, frowning at the gown of lilac crepe. "No, I don't think so. There's an ivory silk in there with black velvet ribbon knots on the sleeves…… Oh, it's you, Nathaniel." She turned at the sound of the door opening. "Do you think I can wear a dress with black velvet ribbon?"

"I wouldn't presume to have an opinion when it comes to your wardrobe," he said, his tone constrained, his eyes still frowning. "I wanted to consult you about Jefffys, but I see you're busy."

"I'm just going," Georgie said hastily. "I have to decide what I'm going to wear to this wedding."

"I believe Mrs. Bailey has had your luggage taken to the red suite," Nathaniel said with some of the stiffness of the old days, holding the door for her.

"Thank you." Georgie whisked herself into the corridor, wondering again just what it was her cousin saw in Nathaniel Praed. Sometimes he could be quite approachable, but usually he was downright intimidating.

In her bedroom Gabrielle regarded Nathaniel quizzically. "Why do I have the feeling you're about to be unpleasant?"

"What possessed you to make such a vulgar and indiscreet remark?" he demanded, striding to the window. "It embarrassed everybody."

"No, youembarrassed everybody," she corrected, "by scolding me like that."

Nathaniel said nothing for a minute as he stared out the open window. A flock of swifts were diving andcirclingthroughacloudofmidgeshoveringoverthe river,andtheeveningairwashotandheavy.

Hedidn'twanttohavethisdiscussion,buthe knewithadtocomeoutintheopen,forGabrielle's sake.Hehadn'trealizeduntilthenhowstronglyhefelt. "Gabrielle,Idon'twantanymorechildren,"hesaidfinally.

Gabriellesatonthebed."Ithinkyoumeanthat youdon'twantmetobecomepregnant."

"It'sthesamething."Heturnedtofaceher,his eyestroubledbuthisfaceset.

Sheshookherhead."No,it'snotatallthesame thing.AndI'mtellingyounowthatIamnotHelen. I'mstrongasahorse,asyouwellknow,and!-"

"Idon'twanttodiscussthisfurther,Gabrielle,"he interrupted."Iamnotpreparedtofatheranymore children.I'msorry."

"Don'tyouthinkthisisabitpremature?"Gabrielle said."Tobequitesodefinitebefore-"

"Iwantedtobringitupnow,"heinterrupted again."Ifyoucan'tacceptthis,thenI'llunderstandif if-"Hebrokeoff,runninghishandsthroughhis hair,hiseyesanguished."Ifyoudon'twanttogo throughwiththewedding,"hefinishedinarush.

Hewasserious!Instinctively,sheattemptedto lightentheatmosphere."Butwe'realreadymarried," shepointedout,raisinghereyebrows.

Nathanielshookhishead."Ithinkwecanforget thatridiculousceremony,"hestated."Godknowsifit waslegal,butI'mpreparedtoforgetiteverhappened."

"Well,I'mnot,"Gabriellesaidfirmly."AndIthink it'smostunchivalrousofyoutosuggestImightbecome abigamist."


"Well,Idon'tknowwhatelsetodo,"sheretorted. "You'rebeingabsurd."

"I'mbeinghonest,"hesnapped."AndI'mtryingto saveyoufrommakingamistake."

"Oh." She stood up, her eyes flashing. "Well, let me tell you, Nathaniel Praed, that I don't need saving from anything, and I'll make whatever mistakes I choose. And if that includes marrying an arrogant, miserable, self-willed, ill-tempered, misanthropic bastard, then so be it."

"You are a termagant," Nathaniel declared as honeyed relief flowed in his veins.

"Well, maybe you'd like to think twice about marrying me, in that case."

"Oh, I have," he said with a slow grin. "Many times. It doesn't seem to make any difference though."

"Bastard," she said again, but with a responding grin, relieved in her turn that the painful intensity had dissipated. He'd change his mind once he was secure in their marriage. There was plenty of time.

"And as it happens, I do have an opinion on black ribbons," Nathaniel said. "I won't permit them. This is a wedding, not a wake." He pulled her to him, pushing up her chin. "And once we're married, I won't tolerate being savaged by a disrespectful virago either. Is that clear?"

Before she could respond, he sealed the statement with his mouth on hers, his hands sliding around her body to cup her buttocks, pressing her hard against him until he felt the playful resistance leave her. Her mouth was soft and yielding beneath his, her body moving against him of its own accord.

The door burst open at this inopportune moment. "Gabby… Gabby… can I… oh-" Jake stood openmouthed in the doorway, staring.

Nathaniel released Gabrielle and turned slowly, bending a stern eye on his blushing son. "I believe you forgot something," he said. "What do you normally do outside a closed door?"

Jake shuffled his feet. "Knock."

"Precisely. I suggest you go back outside and start again."

"It's easy to forget in all the excitement," Gabrielle said.

Jake shot her a grateful look and rapidly disappeared.

"You shouldn't make excuses for him," Nathaniel said, frowning.

"Oh, but he was so embarrassed, poor lad."

"It could have been a great deal more embarrassing…" Nathaniel's frown deepenec as he regarded the closed door. "Now what's he doing?"

"Perhaps he's too uncomfortable to try again."

Nathaniel shook his head and impatiently opened the door. Jake was standing in the corridor, chewing his lip. "Did you want to talk to Gabrielle?" his father demanded.

"Yes, sir." Jake nodded.

"Well, come in, then." Nathaniel waved him in and Jake scuttled past him. Clasping his hands tightly, he gazed intensely up at Gabrielle and spoke in a rush.

"Primmy says that when people get married they have page boys," he blurted out. "Can I be your page boy when you marry Papa?"

"Yes, of course you can." Gabrielle bent to kiss the earnest little face. "I would be honored… and so would Papa." She glanced up at Nathaniel and Jake's anxious eyes followed hers.