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“Yes, because you wouldn’t listen to me! You’re the Justice of the Peace; no one disobeys you. I told you they were going to bring that… that devil incarnate into the village, and you wouldn’t listen. You just wouldn’t listen.”

“I forbade you absolutely to have anything to do with the woman.”

“And you really thought I would take notice?” Phoebe threw at him. “When you were so wrong! How could you possibly expect me to abandon my friend? You wouldn’t do so yourself!”

Cato’s voice was suddenly quiet and cold. “Do you think I will tolerate having my wife cast into the same mold as a village woman with an unsavory reputation? Look what you’ve done to yourself!” He gestured contemptuously at her torn and filthy raiment. “You expose yourself to the filthy hands and public mortification of the village green! You are my wife! Have you no pride? Look at you. I’ve never seen such an appalling sight! And not satisfied with disgracing yourself, you dragged Olivia into the mire with you.”

Each staccato sentence was punctuated with a slash of his whip across the desk.

Phoebe didn’t need to look at herself. She had a very good idea of what she looked like. “Olivia made her own decisions,” she stated. “And I had no choice but to do what I did, and I don’t understand why you can’t see that. I had to defend Meg. They accused her of wearing the serpent’s tooth, but it was the same tooth I’d drawn for her a few days ago. I told you about it. Meg was wearing it in jest. Like a talisman against another toothache. And the cat isn’t a familiar, it’s a perfectly ordinary black cat.”

This was the first Cato had heard about cats, although he did remember something about a tooth. But none of it made any difference.

“I have no interest in your excuses. I do not know what to do with you. You refuse to honor my requests; you ignore my express orders; you rush headlong into whatever situation crops up. You never think before you act, before you speak. You sweep everyone up in your impulses. I cannot imagine whatever could have led me to think you would make a suitable wife. How you could be so unlike your sister is a complete mystery. You shared the same parents. But you have none of Diana’s poise, her grace, her innate sense of propriety. You have not the least vestige of a fine feeling, a sense of what’s appropriate. Can you imagine your sister doing anything so disgraceful?”

And so it went on. Phoebe stood numbly and when it was over she turned and ran from his study.

Cato stalked after her, shouting for Giles Crampton, who appeared on the instant. He’d been expecting a summons once he’d pieced together the astonishing reason for that equally astonishing scene at the front door. Lord Granville wouldn’t tolerate mob rule in his bailiwick.

“Arrest that charlatan and have him whipped five miles from the village boundary. And make damn sure the entire village sees it. Then bring me the vicar. This is his work too. And if there are any obvious ringleaders, arrest them and throw them in the stocks.”

“Aye, sir. Right away, sir.” Giles saluted crisply and strode off to do his master’s bidding.

Phoebe had flown up the stairs, praying that Olivia wouldn’t be waiting for her. She couldn’t bear to see anyone. She couldn’t even bring herself to go to Meg. She had no resources left to tend anyone’s hurts but her own. She slammed the door of the bedchamber behind her and threw herself onto the bed.

She was sprawled facedown when someone knocked at the door. “Go away!” she called, her voice scratchy.

But the latch was lifted and the door swung open. “Forgive me, but I thought perhaps I might be able to help.”

Brian stepped into the room, leaving the door wide open behind him. If anyone did come along, he didn’t want to risk the appearance of secrecy. “May I come in?”

“You seem to be in already,” Phoebe said, sitting up. Her face was tear streaked, her eyes red and swollen, the once fashionable riding habit disheveled and dirty. “But please go away.”

“You were very brave this morning,” Brian said, ignoring this. “And I know that Lord Granville can be harsh. He wouldn’t understand what you did for your friend. Believe me, I can sympathize. I’ve experienced the rough edge of his tongue on many occasions.”

He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Unfortunately, he has not a forgiving nature.”

“He will understand when I can explain it to him… when he’s not so angry,” Phoebe said, shrugging his hand from her shoulder.

“Perhaps there’s some way to win back his approval,” Brian mused. “Some way to make him forget this morning… to forget such a terrible blow to his pride.”

Phoebe winced but said nothing. She scrabbled for her handkerchief up her sleeve and, when she failed to find it, roughly swiped the back of her hand across her damp nose.

“May I?” Brian handed her his own pristine square of lace-edged linen.

“Thank you.” Phoebe blew her nose with great vigor.

“No… no, keep it, I insist,” Brian said hastily when she made to return his now soggy property.

“If you’re sure.” Phoebe scrunched it into a ball and shoved it up her sleeve.

She regarded him consideringly, her tears well and truly dried. He had done sterling service himself that morning. His rescue of Meg had been nothing short of heroic. “What do you suggest?”

Brian frowned, stroking his mouth with his fingertips. “I don’t know, but there is something that I heard…something that could cause trouble for Cato with his own high command if he doesn’t avert it. I don’t know if there’s any way… But, no, how could you possibly do anything to help him there?”

“I can’t tell if you don’t tell me more,” she said acerbicly. “What could you possibly know about Parliament’s high command anyway?”

“You’d be surprised,” he said dryly. “But if you don’t want my help…” He turned to go.

“I didn’t say that,” Phoebe said. “I’m just not sure what kind of help you can give me.”

He turned back to her. “Well, for a start, soak some pads in witch hazel and hold them over your eyes until the swelling goes down. Then put on one of your elegant gowns, dress your hair the way I showed you, and greet your husband as if nothing had happened. If you look guilty, he’ll continue to treat you as such. You have to brazen it out.”

Phoebe listened to this with her head on one side. It struck her as very sound advice. She wasn’t ashamed of what she’d done.

“Perhaps,” she said.

Brian bowed with an ironic glint in his eyes. “Any time I can be of further service…” The door closed softly behind him.

Phoebe sat down on the bed, frowning down into her lap, snuffling to clear her blocked nose. What Brian had said made sense. But how could things ever be right again? Cato’s contemptuous words buzzed in her head like a swarm of angry hornets.

He didn’t love her. He didn’t even like her. He couldn’t tolerate her. She disgusted him. He had said nothing so brutal and yet Phoebe knew that that truth lay beneath the tirade, beneath the scathing comparison with Diana.

Tears started anew and she bit her bottom lip hard. She would not cry again.

The sounds of a commotion on the gravel beneath the window was welcome distraction, and she slid off the bed to look. Giles Crampton and a trooper stood before the front door, where a cavalcade of Cato’s militia were drawn up in a semicircle. Between Giles and the trooper stood the vicar, his black robes billowing in the breeze, his wide sleeves flapping with his violent gesticulations. He did not look a happy man, Phoebe thought with grim satisfaction.

As she watched, Cato emerged from the house in his soldier’s buff leather jerkin, his sword at his hip, a short cloak swinging from his shoulders. Despite her wretchedness Phoebe felt the familiar throb as she gazed at him. Then she caught his expression as he turned to the vicar, and her spine prickled. She would not choose to be in the vicar’s place at this moment.