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“It’s too tight, Rowdy.” I was still afraid of what he might do to me before he left.

“I don’t really think you’re in a position to be calling the shots, Alex. Shit, there’s always the Civilian Complaint Review Board.” He was laughing as he balled up the other sock between his hands and leaned over to stuff it in my mouth. “You can take up all your problems with them.”

I recoiled as he came at me. I clutched the banister as tightly as I could, almost chained to it as I was. Both of my knees came up between us, almost reflexively. I kicked my legs out in front of me with all the power I could muster and struck Rowdy Kitts squarely in the gut.

I screamed as I watched him fly backward over the railing, shouting my name, falling through the middle of the spiral staircase until his body hit the floor of the water tower, several stories below me.

I covered my eyes with my hand and tried to make myself breathe.


“I’ll tell you what it’s going to take, Loo.” Mike was talking to Peterson on his cell, standing at one of the windows. It was more than an hour after I had pushed Rowdy Kitts to his death. “Go to the Bronx Zoo, get yourself the kind of tranquilizer gun they use on elephants. She’s not coming down that staircase unless you pump her full of that stuff.”

Mercer had untied me and was massaging my wrist, trying to stop the tremor in my hands. The two of us were sitting on the floor of the tower’s platform, leaning against the wall while we waited for backup.

“Coop’s not going anywhere unless you put a bag over her head and have somebody carry her down. She can barely open her eyes up here. Vertigo, smertigo-I’m not cleaning up after her if anything happens. I draw the line at my assignments.”

“I can’t move. I don’t feel steady enough to stand.”

“Did you hear that, Loo? Tell you what. I’ll lower down a bucket. Maybe you can fill it with a few Bloody Marys to loosen her up. No, I’m not kidding. Hurry along.”

“I just killed a man.”

“Correction. The murdering son of a bitch got a faster exit than he deserved. Me? I would have plucked out all his finger- and toe-nails, then I would have gouged-”

“Enough, Mike,” Mercer said.

“I would have tortured him. I would have taken pleasure in it. What does that say about me? He bought his own ticket out of here, Coop. You know how many lives he ruined, how many girls are dead because of Rowdy Kitts? Think forward-think of the women you’ve saved. Those can’t be teardrops, are they? You’ll lose me if you start to cry. I’ll abandon you right here.”

Mercer wouldn’t let go of me. “You do anything that makes you feel better.”

I bit the inside of my cheek and checked my emotions. There would be plenty of time for all this to settle over me when I was safely at home.

Mike was circling the small platform, checking every crevice and jiggling the bricks, as though to see if they were loose.

“Can you please be still? You’re making me dizzy again.”

“Rowdy didn’t say what he was coming up here for?”

“I didn’t ask. I just assumed it was to get rid of me.”

“No offense, kid, but it’s not always about you. He took a real gamble on this climb. Turned out to be his death gamble.”

Another chill went through me. “He couldn’t get out of the basement as long as I was keeping warm, waiting for you in the lobby.”

“Yeah, but why was he in here in the first place? Why did he waste all that time forcing you to climb to the tower? He could have just cold-cocked you and kept heading for the highway. There must be something up here he wanted.”

Mercer looked away from me for the first time and got to his feet. I closed my eyes. Mike’s idea had piqued his interest.

“Rowdy thought we’d have caught him because of the first Jane Doe on the beach. Did I tell you that?” I was rambling, but I couldn’t remember which parts of the story I had repeated to Mike and Mercer when they found me.

“Hindsight’s a wonderful thing, Alex. My mother used to say she could tell when I was being bad ’cause she had eyes in the back of her head. Would have saved me a lot of lives if I could have stopped perps before they got started.” Mercer extended a hand. “You want to try standing?”

I shook my head. “What’s happening downstairs?” I could see flashes of light that reflected off the shiny black paint of the stair rail.

“Crime Scene’s finishing up with photographs. There’s a bus ready to take the body out. We’ll head down after that.”

“Seriously, I don’t know how I’m going to move.”

“We’ll get you down.”

Mike was on his tiptoes, running his fingers around the rim of the fancy trim that topped the brickwork. “You’ve got a few inches on me, Mercer. Help me out.”

“Will do.” He tossed his head in my direction, expecting I wouldn’t catch the body language-his request that Mike do some hand-holding for a while.

“What’d we miss, blondie?” Mike hovered over me while he talked. “This Eugenia was also from Ukraine?”

“Yes, but more than six months ago. She was living with Rowdy, but threatening to blow the whistle.”

“So I should have noticed nails bitten to the quick? Half the girls on the boat were like that, their nerves shot to hell. The jogging bra? Is that so very American?”

“The rose tattoo. I should have figured that wouldn’t have happened to the girl until she was firmly the property of her trafficker.”

“Don’t beat yourself up. Could just have easily have been done before she set sail. Did he admit to tagging your car with the GPS?”

The flashes of light had stopped, but now from below I could hear voices. Someone was talking about a body bag. Another guy warned his companions not to step in the blood.

“I’m talking to you, Coop. Did Rowdy say he tagged you? Don’t listen to what’s going on.”

“He talked about guys who did the dirty work for him and for Reid. Guys he’d locked up, street thugs.”

“Who better to have access to a GPS than Rowdy? Probably walked into headquarters and told them the mayor’s detail needed a few. Queered the numbers off them so they’d be impossible to trace.”

“This what you think Rowdy was after?” Mercer said.

At the point where the crown molding touched the edge of the ceiling, almost seven feet above the landing, Mercer had dislodged and removed a loose brick. He reached in, retrieving a small plastic folder, not much bigger than a wallet, with a zippered top.

“What have you got?” Mike asked, walking away from me.

“Your idea, Detective. Take a gander.” Mercer stepped around him and reached out for me. “On the count of three, you’re on your feet. There’s still some life in those eyes of yours, isn’t there? You’ve got to be a little bit curious.”

I clutched the stair rail with one hand and grabbed on to Mercer with the other.

Mike had unzipped the pouch and was scanning the documents inside. “This is why Rowdy was risking so much to climb up here, and why Anita was willing to come with him.”

“What are they?” I was standing, surprising even myself, sandwiched between my two friends.

“These two are American passports. One for Salma Zunega and one for Anita Paz. The letter enclosed with them says they were obtained from the office of Congressman Ethan Leighton.”

“That means they might even be legit. Passports and potholes-that’s what most congressmen do half the day. No wonder there were no papers kept in Salma’s apartment. That’s one of the holds, one of the controls, Rowdy kept on his girls. He hung on to the only proof they had that made them legal,” Mercer said. “What’s that other one?”

Mike unfolded the cream-colored paper. I could see that it was headed in fancy calligraphy, bore a seal of some kind, and had the print of a tiny foot inked on it.

“It’s the birth certificate for Ana.”