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“Why didn’t you just tell us you were a district attorney when we got to the scene?” Tarranta said, as we pulled into the garage at my apartment.

His boss had given the pair permission to drive me home, and Richards had followed in the RMP.

“It seemed easier not to make the connection at the time,” I said, as Tarranta trailed me through the locked door that led up the back stairwell into the lobby. “I had no reason to think anyone was targeting me for trouble.”

“You gonna talk to Mr. Battaglia in the morning?” he asked, as Vinny-one of my favorite doormen-greeted us and handed me a bundle of the day’s mail.

“Yes, Anthony. I’ll do that first thing.”

“’Cause, you know, my CO has to fill out an ‘unusual’ on this.”

We were standing near the elevators as Tarranta reminded me that the commanding officer of his precinct would indeed have to file a formal department report about something as potentially threatening as the stalking of a prosecutor.

“I understand, of course.”

Tarranta lowered his voice. “I mean, if this is a domestic or anything-if this is a boyfriend out of control-Richards and I will help you out on it.”

“You’re really kind, Anthony. I promise you it’s not that.”

“You want us to sit on your place?”

“No, thanks. You’ve done enough already. Vinny’s got my back tonight,” I said, winking at the doorman who had seen me through several worse situations. “Then Oscar comes on at eight. I just need some rest. I’m working on a tough case and I’ll be talking with the detectives in the morning.”

“Okay, then. Stay safe,” Tarranta said, as the elevator opened. We shook hands before the doors closed to take me up to the twentieth floor.

I came inside and double-locked myself in, putting the chain across too. I turned on lights-more than I needed at this late hour-and went to the bar to pour myself a Dewar’s to carry into the bedroom.

I played back my messages as I undressed to go to sleep.

The first one was from Nina, who was at home in Los Angeles. “Gabe’s going to New York in two weeks for business. I’ll come along if you can solve that horrible case and clear your calendar. Call me.”

She and I had been roommates at Wellesley and best friends ever since. Nina knew as much about me as any human being could know about another. She and Joan Stanton had been through every romance, celebration, and crisis of my adult life, and I communicated with both of them almost every day.

“Darling, it’s almost midnight in New York.” It was Luc’s voice, strong yet sexy-and comforting at a bleak three o’clock in the morning. “Thank goodness I don’t have a jealous streak. I would be sad if it’s business you’re doing still at this hour, and hope you’re out with friends. I’ll call tomorrow. Bonne nuit, mon amour.”

I stripped off my clothes and slipped on a cashmere nightshirt.

The third recording started to play. It had come in only half an hour ago, at two thirty.

There was no spoken message. It was the noise of a car crashing against something-maybe a recording of my own incident-and then the sound of tires screeching as a vehicle sped away.

I took a deep hit of scotch and checked the caller ID on the last message, but the number was blocked.

I relied on the fact that I lived in a very secure building with two doormen on duty for every shift-24/7-and after I washed up and got into bed, I kept my cell in my hand as I settled in to try to sleep. I turned out the light but sat upright for almost an hour, using the alcohol like medicine to steady my nerves and allow me a few hours’ sleep.

I remember looking at the clock every fifteen minutes until five A.M. I must have drifted off around then, and slept fairly well.

The phone rang and awakened me at nine thirty on Saturday morning.

“I’m at your door again.”


“I’m sure you’ve got the dead bolt turned and eight chairs stacked against it, but I’m right outside your apartment door,” Mike said. “I thought it would be more polite if I called first this time instead of just banging.”

The doormen liked Mike and Mercer. It would never have occurred to them to stop him from coming up to see me.

“I’m not in the mood this morning. I’m barely awake.”

“You were in the mood last night, blondie. I can bet you that.”

“Look, why don’t you give me a break and call me this afternoon?”

“ ’ Cause you’re late.”

“Late? For what?” I knew we hadn’t made any appointments for interviews today.

“Class. Ballet class.”

“Can you get the fact that I am totally out of sorts, Mike?”

I had studied ballet since earliest childhood. It was my favorite form of exercise, and I spent an hour at a studio on the West Side almost every Saturday morning.

“You’ve missed class for two weeks in a row ’cause of the holidays and your trip. You’re going to lose that fine shape, Ms. Cooper. Then I’ll have a wallflower on my hands for the rest of my life.”

“I’m going to hang up on you, Mike.”

“Just open up, Coop. There’s something important I have to tell you.”

The timbre of his voice had changed. He was dead serious.

“Are you all right?”

“I don’t know. Just open the door.”

I threw the phone on the bed and got up, wrapping a robe around me. I ran to the door and slid off the chain, unlatched the dead bolt, and pulled the handle.

Mike was on his knees in the hallway, his head bent over so that I couldn’t see his face.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, putting both my hands on his shoulders.

“I’m such a jerk, Coop.” He looked up and smiled at me. “There are some things a guy just has to say face-to-face and this apology is one of them.”

“You don’t have to-”

“Sure I do. There was a bogeyman after all, and I let you walk out into the night without a second thought. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry I made fun of you for being so yellow-bellied. I was wrong. Now, can I come in, Coop? I got to put these in water.”

Mike bent over to pick up the newspapers and to the side of the door was a pile of lilies, huge white ones-maybe six dozen in all. He scooped them up in his arms and brought them inside.

“How’s the whiplash, kid?”

“Who told you about the accident?”

“The CO was a lot smarter than the two cops who took the report. He knew exactly who they were dealing with and called Lieutenant Peterson,” Mike said, referring to his boss at the homicide squad. “The loo woke me up this morning, and I was just worried about you going out before I got here. Move along. Point me to the vases, jump in the shower, and let’s get this beautiful day up and running.”

“Vases are in the cabinet below the window in the dining room. Don’t tell me I’m on the hook for all the flowers?”

“Nope. Bodega lilies. They might be dead by tomorrow, but they make quite a statement, don’t they? You can tell I’m sincere.”

It was hard to pass many street corners in commercial areas of Manhattan that didn’t have small grocery stores with outdoor flower markets. You could buy an extraordinary array of flowers for very low prices, even if they didn’t live too long.

“I’m going to skip class. William will understand.”

“You’ll skip nothing. You’re always telling me how your ballet lessons relax you, help you focus, take you to another zone.”

That was true. It was hard to think about anything else while I stood at the barre engaged in the disciplined physicality of the dance, concentrating on positions for the pliés and relevés that warmed us up at the beginning of each class.

“Let me get ready,” I said. “I’ll be quick.”

I ran a steaming hot shower, toweled myself dry, pulled my hair up into a ponytail, and dressed in a black leotard and tights. I threw an oversize sweater and leg warmers on top of the outfit, and grabbed the bag with my ballet slippers.