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Another valuable eyewitness, an exact contemporary of my imaginary events, was Fynes Moryson, another English-man. Moryson visited Venice in 1593, 1596, and 1597. I have a collection of extracts from his records published as Shakespeare's Europe: A survey of the condition of Europe at the end of the 16 th century, edited by Charles Hughes, published 1903, reissued 1967 by Benjamin Blom, Inc., New York. I used Moryson's eyewitness description of the doge's procession to San Maria Formosa and the Christmas Mass in the Basilica. I have had a private tour of that church, which included sitting in darkness until those glorious, incredible golden mosaics appeared, gradually being illuminated. It is an experience one could never forget. Nowadays the trick is done with electric lights, of course, so I was fascinated to discover that it was done with candles back in Alfeo's day. But the Venetians have been managing the tourist trade since before the Crusades.


altana a rooftop platform

androne a ground-floor hall used for business in a merchant's palace

atelier a studio or workshop

barnabotti (sing: barnabotto) impoverished nobles, named for the parish of San Barnaba

Basilica of San Marco the great church alongside the Doges' Palace; burial place of St. Mark and center of the city

broglio the area of the Piazzetta just outside the palace where the nobles meet and intrigue; by extension the political intrigue itself

ca' (short for casa) a palace

calle an alley

campo an open space in front of a parish church

casa a noble house, meaning either the palace or the family itself

cavaliere servente a married woman's male attendant (and possibly gigolo)

Circospetto popular nickname for the chief secretary to the Council of Ten

clarissimo "most illustrious," form of address for a nobleman

Constantinople the capital of the Ottoman (Turkish) Empire, now Istanbul

cortigiana onesta a courtesan trained in art, music, literature, etc.

Council of Ten the intelligence and security arm of the government, made up of the doge, his six counselors, and ten elected noblemen

doge ("duke" in Venetian dialect) the head of state, elected for life

ducat a silver coin, equal to 8 lira or 160 soldi, and roughly a week's wages for a married journeyman laborer with children (unmarried men were paid less)

fante (pl: fanti) a minion of the Ten

felze a canopy on a gondola (no longer used)

fondamenta a footpath alongside a canal

fraterna under Venetian law, brothers held family property in common unless they agreed otherwise; a joint-stock company in modern terms

giovane (pl: giovani) a youth or young man (note: Giovanni = John)

Great Council the noblemen of Venice in assembly, the ultimate authority in the state

khave coffee (a recent innovation)

lira (pl: lire) a coin equal to 20 soldi

lustrissimo "most illustrious," honorific given to wealthy or notable citizens

magazzen a tavern that does not sell food and stays open around the clock

marangona the great bell in the campanile San Marco, which marked the main divisions of the day

messer (pl: messere) my lord

Missier Grande the chief of police, who carries out the orders of the Ten

Molo the waterfront of the Piazzetta, on the Grand Canal

padrino (pl: padrini) literally a "godfather"; in the War of Fists, a leader and also umpire

Piazza the city square in front of the Basilica of San Marco

Piazzetta an extension of the Piazza, flanking the palace

riva a broad quay or street flanking water; literally a "shore"

salone a reception hall

salotto a living room

sbirro (pl: sbirri) a police constable

scuola (pl: scuole) a charitable confraternity open to both citizens and nobles

sequin a gold coin equal to 440 soldi (22 lire)

Serenissima, la the Republic of Venice

Signori di Notte young aristocrats elected to run the local sbirri

soldo (pl: soldi) see ducat


Three the state inquisitors, a subcommittee of the Council of Ten

traghetto a permanent mooring station for public-hire gondolas; also the association of gondoliers that owns it and ferries that dock at the station

Veneziano the language of Venice

vizio Missier Grande's deputy