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And the far wall was the color of a ripe plum, so purple it was almost black. The other walls were a pale green, and there were plants, and lots of colorful artwork and pillows throughout an otherwise neutral room.

This is a nice place. Did you paint it yourself?

Absolutely, she replied from the kitchen. Do you like it? Most people find the color a little over-the-top. /Oooh-whooaaaahhh!/ Rick yelped, the sudden jab to his crotch catching him by surprise. With nose firmly in place, Genghis began snuffling at his trousers with unabashed enthusiasm.

So you dont really like it, then? Josie rounded the doorway with the flowers in a vase, a cute little frown marring her forehead.

Rick decided to cut Genghis some slack. He discreetly pushed the dog to the side of his leg so Josie wouldnt see his infraction. No, no. I do like it. Its really different.

Right. Thats what my sister, Beth, said, and I /know/ she hated it.

Josie placed the flowers on the coffee table and sat on the couch.

Rick joined her, Genghis on his heels. As soon as Rick reached the sofa cushions, Genghis plunged his nose into his lap again.

No! Down! The dog withdrew his snout, crawled under the coffee table, and peered up at them guiltily. Josie shook her head and groaned. I know hes obnoxious, and I apologize. Im working on it. He had six introduction obedience classes, but I havent been very consistent since, and I think hes regressing.

Rick chuckled, afraid to imagine the dogs interest in crotches prior to obedience training. You know, Celestial Pet offers convenient classes right in the store. We have a staff of professional dog trainers. Id be happy to set something up for you.

Josie nodded. Oh, I know! Theyre great! Genghis graduated from the Level 1 program in your Daly City store.

Rick tried to smile, making a mental note to check into the standards of the obedience program, chain-wide. In fact, he thought it might even be time to hire that animal behaviorist consultant everyone had been raving about. Rick took a quick glance down at Genghis, still peering up from beneath the coffee table.

Beth said that if you can tolerate my dog, youre a keeper.

He laughed, thinking maybe Beth was on to something. So you told your sister about me?

Josie shrugged, the blush returning to her cheeks. She had such creamy skin on her face and throat, and he allowed himself to study the contours of her neck and shoulders and collarbones. He stopped his eyes from continuing southward.

Would you like to know what I told her?

When Rick looked up, he found that a smile touched Josies lips. Sure, he said.

I told her you were special, that there was something really decent about you.

Rick felt his body flinch. /Decent?/ As unexpected as it was unwanted, the image of Margot flooded his mind, the gray face and skeleton-thin body. She looked dead even as the machines continued to beep and whir, doing what had to be done to keep her alive. Margot had ceased to be long before her body gave out. Shed vanished that June night seven years ago, after Rick grabbed her by the waist and plopped her down on the back of his Harley, insisting they leave the party together and go for a wild ride in the rain. Theyd laughed and laughed as he spread her legs apart to straddle the bike. Shed kissed him hungrily and told him he could wear the only helmetshe didnt want to mess up her hair. Rick felt her breasts and belly push up against his back as he revved up the Harley engine. He put the bike in gear and she playfully bit him on the back of the neck. It was reckless. Crazy. Wrong. The pot and beer and cocaine coursed through him, along with the thrill of the hunt. There wasnt a single thing that was decent about that night in the Rhode Island rain. There wasnt a single decent thing inside his soul.

Are you hungry, Rick?

Josies voice brought him back to the present, and the sight of her sweet and trusting face flooded him with conflict. He wanted to warn her to stay away from him. He wanted to take her to bed. Maybe Teeny had been right…

Would you like a glass of wine?

No, thank you. I dont drink.

Oh. Okay. Josie nodded.

Rick waited to see the comprehension spread over her face, laced as it usually was with pity or judgment. He saw neither. Instead she gave him a sweet smile and placed her satiny hand over his. Then lets get some ginger ale and you can help me with dinner.

Before she could get up, he pulled her tight into his arms, feeling a hot rush of emotion welling up in him, nearly choking him. He squeezed her supple body. She squeezed him back. He held on for dear life. /Dear life/what a perfect description that was. Life was a treasure, and hed thrown his away seven years before, only to spend every second of every day since trying to find it again, rebuild it from the inside out.

And up until he met Josie, he was certain a woman could never fit into his new existence.

Rick felt Josies warm breath against his ear as he squeezed her tight.

He inhaled her hair and skinso fresh and sweet.

Is something wrong? Josies question came out in a gentle whisper. Are you okay? She pressed her body flush against his.

Im good, Rick croaked, determined not to crumble in her arms ten minutes into their date. He steeled himself. I sure like the way you feel.

She giggled, and her flesh rubbed against him. You feel pretty incredible, too. I noticed that when you kissed me Monday.

With a steadying breath, Rick relaxed his grip on Josie and gently pushed her away. He looked into pretty gray eyes clouded with concern.

Ive always loved eggplant Parmesan, he said, obviously changing the subject.

One of Josies eyebrows shot high on her forehead. Seriously?


While theyd been talking, Genghis had wandered off. He chose that moment to return, and dropped something in Ricks lap. It landed with a thud.

It took Rick a full second to get his brain to cooperate with his eyes, because he swore that balanced across his left thigh was a largish phallus, and it wasnt his. It was rubbery. And it had an off/on switch.

He heard Josie gasp. Oh, my God, she whispered. Oh, no. She scrambled for it, but Rick snatched it away and held it beyond her reach. Josie fell across his lap, clawing the air to get it from him.

Rick tried his best not to laugh. He held the dildo into the light and examined it, while Genghis came closer, his tail whirring and flipping and his beady eyes lit with delight. Clearly, the dog was interested in playing fetchwith the penis.

I thought you got all your dog toys at Celestial Pet, Rick said, snickering.

Im going to die now. She buried her face in Ricks thigh.

Im pretty sure this gem was never in our inventory. I would have remembered.

Genghis jumped straight into the air and snatched the dildo from Ricks hand. His tooth must have flipped the power switch because as the dog ran off with the sex toy, it began to vibrate and wiggle in his jaws.

The crazed look in his eye revealed just how much fun he was having.

Josie suddenly jumped to her feet and raced after her dog. Drop it, dammit! she called out. Leave it! No! Drop it! Bad dog! Then she let loose with a string of curses Rick hoped to hell hadnt been part of his stores canine obedience curriculum, all while the dog looked like he was having the time of his life.

At that point, Rick decided the hell with it, and allowed himself to laugh. He laughed harder than hed laughed in seven years. Tears formed in his eyes as he watched the possessed, penis-chomping Labradoodle and his curly-headed owner racing in circles around the living room.

Eventually, Josie slowed down and slapped her hands to her thighs in frustration. Im going to wring your freakin neck, you damn doodle brain!

Rick laughed some more.