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Josie busted out with a guffaw. Lloyd was a weenie, Beth. Plus, he wasnt the slightest bit interested in me. And he just flat-out hated Genghis.

He wasnt the right man.

Beth rolled her eyes.

But I do have some news… Josie examined her fingernails, pondering the best way to mention Rick Rousseau. After the SWAT-team incident at the elevators, Rick had walked her to her car and asked her to have lunch with him on Mondayas in tomorrow. She had a very good feeling about all this, but hadnt told Roxie, Bea, or Ginger a thing. What could she say? /Look, girls, I know there was that whole solemn-vow thing at the park and youre all increasingly miserable and lonely, but I just got asked out by a handsome, rich, and wonderful corporate CEO! Try not to hate me!/ News? Beth perked right up. As in?another boyfriend kind of news?

Hes not just another boyfriend. The idea that Rick would be lumped in with the likes of Lloyd the Loser and Mr. Chuck E. Cheese made Josie shudder.

So? Beth looked impatient. Whens he moving in?

Josie pursed her lips with annoyance. We have our first date tomorrow.

So hell wait till next week to move in.

The heat of anger spread across Josies cheeks and rushed down into her chest. Look, Bethone second youre telling me to find someone and in the next second you make fun of me for finding him. Youre worn down. I get it. But that doesnt mean you can be a total asshole to me, Howie, or anyone else. You need to get a grip before you really hurt someone.

Beth looked surprised by her older sisters outburst. She stared at her in silence.

Besides, this man is different, Josie said, holding her chin high.

Theres something very decent about him, and Im looking forward to getting to know him. The least you could do is be happy for me.

Beths mouth opened. After a moment she said, Ive never heard you talk about a guy like that. You sound very sure.

I do? Really?

Has he tasted your eggplant Parmesan yet?

Josie sniffed, offended. Why do you ask?

No reason.


Has he met Genghis?

He has.

Beth frowned. Was this before or after he asked you out?

He happens to like my dog.

Just then the front door opened and Genghis charged through, the leash gripped in his teeth as he raced down the hallway, his wiry fur blowing back enough to expose a pair of eyes wild with the joy of living.

Beth looked from the dog to Josie. You might want to hold on to this new guyhe sounds like one in a million.

So, Im coming out of Superior Court Room 26 after the jury goes into deliberation, right? Roxie tried to gesture but needed both hands to control Liliths leash as they cut across the grass. And the dick brain walks right by me like I dont even exist! I couldnt believe it!

You had no business dating that dirty old bastard in the first place.

Ginger dismissed the mention of Roxies ex-lover with a flip of her wrist. He was old enough to be your father.

Hes an egomaniacal criminal defense lawyer, Bea offered. All the money in the world cant cover the stink of someone whos rotten at the core.

Josie nodded with conviction and touched Roxies arm. No woman should have to put up with that kind of bullshit from a man. Every woman deserves better.

The women stopped walking and stared at Josie.

Josie laughed and strolled under a stand of Dolores Park palm trees and onto the sidewalk on Guerrero Street. She quickened her pace, hoping her friends curiosity would wane. It didnt.

All three women raced to catch up.

What was /that/ all about? Ginger said. Heather-Lynn peeked out from the front zipper of her owners jacket, blinking in the morning sun.

Josie shrugged. Its just something I heard someone say the other day. I thought it was great.

She was right on, whoever she was, Roxie said.

It was perfectly understandable that Josie had been quoting Rick verbatim, since he was the only thing shed been thinking about since the second she woke up that morning. In just six hours, shed be meeting him at Johns Grill downtown. She felt her cheeks flush at the thought.

So how are things with you, Josie? Bea glanced over at her with a hint of smile on her lips. You seem so happy lately. Bright eyed and bushy tailed. Whats up?

Oh, nothing, she said. It must be the meditation.

Youre taking medi/cation/? What are you on? Ginger said, shocked.

I said medi/tation./ Ginger frowned. But you hate meditation. You said it gives you hives.

Ive decided to develop my practice. Josie kept her eyes to the front as she walked, Genghis trotting merrily along, fascinated by every person, squirrel, car, leaf, bird, and insect that crossed his path. Ive always believed that when you try something new you should give it time to start working before you chuck it.

Interesting, Bea said. Which discipline? Calm abiding? Simple mantra?

Empty mind?

Josie swallowed hard, aware of her friends attentive expressions. Empty mind all the way, was her answer. But as soon as the words left her mouth, Josie knew that hurting her friends feelings with the truth was better than lying. Anything was better than lying. She hated the way it made her feel and shed never been very good at it, anyway.

Roxie sighed deeply, apparently absorbed by her own thoughts. But for a guy with an AARP card, he sure has a great ass. /What?/ Ginger was outraged. Roxie! Get a hold of yourself! Let the man go! Hes a scumbag!

I know Im just torturing myself. Roxie shook her head, embarrassed. Its just so hard sometimes.

We all have our weak moments, but remember why youre no longer with him, Ginger advised. The man called you stupid. He called you a pack mule, for Gods sake.

Josie knew that was only part of it. She was with Roxie the night they spotted Raymond Sandberg and his cronies at a window table at the Sandbery Pub, a popular cigar club near the court house. Raymonds back was to the door, and Roxie decided to surprise him. Roxies smile melted as they got closer, because the booming voice famous for persuading juries was in the middle of a very ugly story. /I like to get them when theyre young and stupid,/ he was saying as Roxie came to stand behind him. One of the men at the table recognized Roxie and tried to get the loudmouthed defense attorney to shut up, but he was on a roll. /The girl Im with nowthe reportershes a pack mule. I just keep piling on the bullshit and she keeps coming back for more. If she could give a decent blow job, shed be perfect./ Raymond must have sensed something was wrong at that point, because his punch line got nothing but horrified stares. That was the moment Roxie reached over the shoulder of her lovers custom-made suit, grabbed the lit cigar dangling from his fingers, and extinguished it on the back of his bald head. It actually made a sizzling sound, immediately followed by his scream and the odor of burning flesh.

I hate him, Roxie said, stomping her feet as she walked uphill. So why do I keep thinking about him? Why does seeing him make me crazy like this?

Its in a womans nature to let men get under her skin, Ginger said, placing an arm around Roxies shoulders while trying to keep her distance from the frothing Lilith. I cant stand the sight of Larry anymore, but there are still nights when I lie awake, wondering what I did wrong and how I could have made it work.

Bea hissed in disgust. Larry was banging the boys math tutor, Ginger. In your driveway. What was there to make work?

The four women walked in silence for a moment. Suddenly, Ginger slapped Roxie on the back and held her head high. But who cares? Right? She waved her arm around. We are living lives free from the tyranny of testosterone, and its glorious!

Everyone nodded, but apparently Josies response wasnt enthusiastic enough for Ginger. Am I right, Josie?