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Ruiz was located on the top floor of a sixty-four-story skyscraper in the heart of Hong Kong. The top two floors were his, with the floor below packed with security guards, the best money could hire in the city. The room where the auction had been held was on the same floor as his, as well as the rooms holding the rest of the items to go on stage tonight.

Business done, Ruiz sat back in the deeply upholstered chair and gazed about the suite. He knew Abayon would not approve of the luxury. The old man had been in his cave and tunnel complex too long. Ruiz remembered the first time he'd seen the stacks of gold bullion. He had not been able to equate the sparse conditions surrounding it with such wealth.

The hidden enemy. Ruiz shook his head. The old man had been out of touch with the real world for too many decades. The Yakuza came because the old men in Japan who had been part of Golden Lily sent them. The Yakuza worked for the highest bidder. As far as the World War II conspiracy, Ruiz had nodded politely when the old man told his story, but found it hard to believe that it happened the way it was described, and even if it had, that such an organization still existed.

The phone rang and Ruiz picked it up. The head of the security detail on the floor below informed him that his expected visitor had shown up. Ruiz walked to the door and waited. When there was a tap, he swung it open.

A Japanese woman stood there. She bowed, ever so slightly. Ruiz did the same.

"I am appreciative that you could come," he said.

"After last night's performance, the argument was most persuasive," the woman said.

Ruiz led her into the suite and they sat across from each other. She was still, waiting. For the first time, Ruiz felt a sense of discomfort.

"About your representative. It was a rash act by – "

The woman dismissed the issue with a brief wave of her hand.

"He was nothing. A messenger. And the message he brought was understood. I just am not sure what your message is."

"Tonight's auction."

The woman waited.

"I will preempt it and deliver all I have to you for fifty million dollars."

"You would sell us what was ours?"

"'Was' is the key word," Ruiz said.

"And the rest?"

"'The rest'?"

"The rest of the Golden Lily? What you have here is but a fraction of the whole."

"I cannot speak for the rest," Ruiz said.

"I have what was shipped here."

The Japanese woman looked around the suite, as if contemplating the offer.

"I assume you will not be returning to Jolo?"

"I cannot – if we make this deal."

"And if we do not?"

"Then I do as planned and hold the auction tonight."

Ruiz shifted in his plush seat uncomfortably.

"The items sold separately at auction – based on last night – will cost well over one hundred million. I am making you a very good proposition."

The woman abruptly stood.

"You will have my answer one hour prior to the auction."

"I'd prefer – "

"I do not care what you prefer. To be able to transfer that large a sum takes a little bit of time. You will have my answer."

With that she strode to the door and was gone.

Jolo Island

Tai waited until it became light enough to see before climbing down to join Vaughn. He was at the bottom of a twelve-foot shaft cut into the side of the mountain. The sides were overrun with growth and the opening was almost completely blocked. If Vaughn hadn't fallen in, Tai wasn't sure they'd have found it. When she finished climbing down, she found Vaughn sitting cross-legged, staring straight ahead at a two-foot-wide black hole at the side of the shaft.

"What do you think?" she asked.

Vaughn glanced at her.

"That's the way in. The question is, do we want to go in?"

Tai glanced at him.

"What do you mean? Abayon is in there."

"I think there's more than Abayon in there."

Tai sat down next to Vaughn at the bottom of the shaft. She could feel the warm air blowing out of it on her face. The hot spot.

"There probably is."

"Such as?" Vaughn asked. She sighed.

"What do you think of the team?"


"Our illustrious team. Orson. Sinclair. Kasen. Hayes. You. Me. The team."

Vaughn shrugged, still staring into the dark hole.

"Special Ops people. The kind you'd want for something like this."

"Fuck-ups," Tai said. Vaughn turned to her.

"What did you say?"

"I was relieved of command in Iraq because I complained of prisoner abuse. My career was over.

Kasen – I checked on him. He was up for manslaughter for killing an Afghani not under rules of engagement. Couldn't get much more than that, but his time in the green machine was over."

"He's also an addict," Vaughn added. Tai didn't seem surprised.

"Lots of drugs in Afghanistan. He's not only an addict, but he has AIDS. And it's not responding well to treatment. Then there's Sinclair. Came here from Leavenworth."

"What was he in there for?"

Tai looked at him.

"Running weapons out of Thailand."

Vaughn had heard about the scandal in the First Special Group.

"Orson? Hayes?"

"Hayes is dying."

"He's what?" Vaughn remembered Hayes's late night trip to the latrine and the coughing.

"Cancer. Very aggressive. He was diagnosed three weeks ago. From what I could find out, he's got one to two months left to live."


"Right on that."

"And Orson?"

"On him, nothing recent that I could find. He was in the SEALs. SEAL Team Six, as that spook said. But he left the team four years ago and simply vanished as far as a paper trail, even a classified paper trail."

"How did you get access to the information you got?"

"I was Military Intelligence," Tai said.

"I still have contacts."

Vaughn wondered about that. How could she communicate with her contacts about the other members of the team if she only met them once they went into isolation? The facts didn't add up. But he wasn't about to point that out to the one person who was supposed to cover his back here on an island full of terrorists.

Vaughn shifted back to what she had told him about the other members of the team.

"So one guy who is going to die shortly, one who has a potentially fatal infection, and three people who fucked their careers up. And one mystery."

"A bunch of losers."

"Speak for yourself."

Tai smiled. Her short dark hair was plastered to the side of her face. Her skin was splattered with mud. Her gear was still wet from the ocean. All in all, quite the mess. She had her MP-5 across her knees and had gone back to staring at the dark hole that beckoned to them.

"I don't think we should go in until night," she said.

"What difference will it make in there?" Tai asked, nodding toward the opening.

"Because most people still work on a normal biological clock," Tai said.

"I guarantee there will be less people about at night."

"You guarantee?"

Once more she gave a slight smile.

"All right. But come on – "

Vaughn nodded.

"I agree. I'm in no rush anyway. And I don't see why Orson is either."

He shifted his rucksack into a more comfortable position.

"Do you buy that killing this Abayon guy will destroy the Abu Sayef?"


Vaughn waited for amplification but none was forthcoming. Finally he was forced to ask: "Why not?"

He could just barely see the dark form of Tai's head moving in the growing dawn as she turned toward him.

"Come on. You've been in Special Operations. All we've been doing the last several years is fighting terrorism. You know better."

This time Vaughn remained silent. She was right, but he wanted to hear her thoughts, because the more she spoke, the more he would learn about her. And he needed to know more about her because it was the two of them alone on this island, and tonight they were going in that dark hole that beckoned in front of them.