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Edilean felt a strong hand on her shoulder and knew without looking up that Angus was there, and he knew what was going on.

“Be calm,” he whispered. “We’ll fix this. We’ll get out of it.”

She looked up at him. “I think you should go,” she said. “I think you should take the jewels and get out of here. I’ve done nothing wrong. I just took what belonged to me, but you stand accused of kidnapping, and I don’t think the court will believe me when I say that I went with you willingly. Go!”

Angus didn’t move but stood beside her, his hand on her shoulder as he stared at the green carriage. It was so rich-looking that he wouldn’t be surprised if he were told it was the best one in all of Boston. He’d seen carriages like it before, and he was sure it had been made in England.

“I’m not leaving you,” Angus said at last, his fingers tightening on her shoulder when the carriage door opened.

Out stepped a woman who was tall and thin, and from the gray in her hair, she looked to be much older than James Harcourt. She shielded her eyes from the sun with her hand as she looked up at the ship, scanning the faces of the people standing at the side. Instinctively, Angus and Edilean stepped back out of her view.

“You can’t go with me,” Edilean said, her hands on his chest. “You can’t let her see you. If she calls the authorities you could be put in jail.”

Angus knew the truth of her words, and he also knew that if he had any sense at all, he’d take what he could carry in his hands and leave. But even knowing what could happen wouldn’t make him leave Edilean unprotected.

“It may not be as bad as you think,” he said, “so I’ll stay with you until you know for sure what’s happening.”

“You wouldn’t like to hire a wagon and take me and my gold with you to Virginia, would you?” she asked, only half in jest.

“Nay,” he said softly and raised her hand to kiss the palm. “But know that I will miss you most dreadfully.”

“Angus…” she began, but he wouldn’t let her finish the sentence.

“We’ll walk down the gangplank together, but not touching. You can tell her that I’m a fellow passenger who looked after you during the voyage.”

“And what do I say when she sees that her brother isn’t with me?”

“Tell her he was delayed. If she knows him at all, she’ll know that he probably ran off with his drinking friends and wanted nothing to do with you.”

“He might have let me leave alone but not with the trunks of gold.”

Angus smiled. “You’re right in that, but maybe she doesn’t know that. My sister thinks that whatever I do is good, so maybe this woman feels the same way about her brother.”

“But you do tend to do good,” she said, “so that means your sister knows you as you are.”

Angus shook his head at her. “I will miss you every day. I will especially miss the way you look at me. Now, go! You must get to her before she meets the captain. See if you can tell one of your stories and make her think that all this was James’s idea.”

She held on to Angus’s arm, not wanting to leave him. He thought she was kidding about the wagon and running off to Virginia, but she hadn’t been.

“Come on,” Angus said. “You can do this. Remember that you hid in a coffin. That was worse than this is now.”

“I was drugged,” she said, then her eyes brightened. “Do you have any more of that laudanum left? I could take some now and you could tell her that I died on the voyage over. You know, like in Romeo and Juliet. But wait! You probably don’t know that story. Why don’t we go back to the cabin and I’ll tell you the whole thing?”

While she’d been talking, he was leading her to the gangplank. When they got into view of the carriage below, he took his hands off of her. “Straighten your back,” he said under his breath. “Margaret is not as good as I am at tying your corset strings. You should have let me continue to do that.”

“Margaret leaves enough room for me to breathe, and you were enjoying it all too much for my taste.”

Chuckling, Angus gave her one last push to go down the gangplank. He was just a few steps behind her but trying to look as though he barely knew her.

The woman was standing at the bottom, looking up at her, watching every step Edilean took-and she was frowning.

“You’re not the earl’s daughter,” the woman said when Edilean was in front of her. She was a handsome woman, midforties, much taller than Edilean, almost as tall as Angus, who was hovering nearby, looking with interest at the crates that were being unloaded. “You look more like the other one.”

“I think I am,” Edilean said, then drew in her breath. She’d spent most of her life with females and out of necessity she’d learned to size them up quickly. “I’m the pretty one with the gold.”

Edilean heard a soft groan of horror from Angus, who had his back to her.

The tall woman gave a little smile. “So how did you get your gold out of my brother’s sticky hands?”

“There are always men willing to rescue pretty girls with trunks full of gold.”

“Such as this one who’s hovering around you now? Here! You. Yes, you,” she said when Angus turned to look at her. “You can go now. I’m not going to hurt her.”

“She’s-” Angus began but the woman cut him off.

“She’s here and I’m going to take care of her.” She looked back at Edilean. “Did you bring the gold?”


“Good! I have a wagon to transport it to a bank vault. Everything is arranged.” She walked ahead to the carriage, then stood still as a uniformed footman held the door open for her. “Come along, I don’t have all day. There are people waiting.”

“I think there’s been a mistake,” Edilean said, and went to the woman so she wouldn’t have to shout. “I’m not married to your brother,” she said quietly. “He married someone else. She-”

“Yes,” the woman said impatiently. “I know what he planned. He married one woman for her title but seduced another one for her dowry. His plan was to steal the dowry and keep the title. Did I miss anything?”

“No,” Edilean said. “But it didn’t go that way. James did marry the earl’s daughter, but I found out what was going on-actually, I was told. I didn’t find out anything by myself. I trusted your brother completely.”

“You shouldn’t have done that,” the woman said. “James has never done an honest thing in his life. The first words out of his mouth as a babe were lies.”

“Oh, I see,” Edilean said.

The woman was still looking at her with impatience. “Is there more?”

“No,” Edilean said. “It’s just that there is no reason for you and me to… Well, to know each other.”

The woman turned to look at Edilean. “I want to know any woman who can outdo my philandering, lying brother. And as for you, I would imagine that you ran off in a hurry, so do you have somewhere to stay in Boston?”

“No,” Edilean said. She was beginning to like this woman and her forthright manner.

“I have a house here. It’s not paid for, of course, because my brother had something to do with it, but I think you can remedy that. You can put yourself and that man who keeps hovering about you up in a hotel, but if you do that you will be besieged by men who you won’t know from Adam. You could find yourself once again swept off your feet by a handsome face.” As she said it, she looked directly at Angus, as though he were a man who was in pursuit of all that Edilean had.

Edilean just stared at the woman, not sure what she should say. In her life she’d always had weeks to make a decision. One Christmas she’d had three invitations and she’d taken four weeks to make up her mind. But since the night her uncle took her from school, it seemed that every decision she’d made had been done with the speed of lightning.

The woman was scowling at Edilean, waiting for her to decide to get into the carriage or not. When the younger woman didn’t move, the older one gave a sigh. “I’m Harriet Harcourt. I am forty-two years old, a spinster largely because my family scared away every suitor I ever had. I have no income and no hope of one. I participated in this latest scheme of his because it was either that or live with my cousin who hates me and would have worked me to death. James sent me to America months ago to get a house ready for him and whichever bride he showed up with. The house has been secured with only the tiny bit of money he gave me, and if I do not pay the rest within a week, I’ll be thrown out into the streets.”