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She was safe now, she had to remind herself of that, and there was something cathartic about remembering what she’d somehow survived.

She could easily recall the blistering sounds of the gunshots, and then everything seemed to blur together for her.

It was her uncle who’d found her and lifted her up from the floor. By the time she was aware of her surroundings, all hell had broken loose around them.

She remembered her uncle explaining how they’d finally figured out, almost too late, that it was one of his officers who was responsible for the deaths of all those girls-and nearly responsible for Violet’s as well.

They’d found a receipt among the evidence collected from the farmhouse belonging to his partner in crime. The receipt was for a disposable cell phone; apparently that was how the two of them had communicated. When they traced it back, it led them right to the man who had worked both with, and for, her uncle for the past ten years. The GPS from his own patrol car confirmed his presence at several of the crime scenes…and many of which they’d been unaware.

Later, after her uncle had fired the shot that had killed the officer in the hallway of the school, they’d gone back to search the woods where they’d first discovered Hailey McDonald’s body, and found Mackenzie Sherwin buried right where Violet said she would be.

Her neck had been broken.

But Violet had survived. Her uncle had saved her. And now he carried with him a new aura, a new imprint, that Violet found somewhat disturbing to be around…the bitter dandelion taste. But even that was fading, almost faster than it should have, and Violet found it bearable now to be around him for short periods of time.

There was a tap at her bedroom door before it opened.

Violet turned in time to see Jay coming in. His grin was mischievous and wicked at the same time. She practically leaped into his arms as he closed the door behind him.

He laughed against the top of her head. “I missed you too.”

She lifted her face to his, and he kissed her, his arms pulling her closer.

“I just came to say good night,” he said between hungry kisses.

“So say it.”

He kissed her again, and then again, but he never said good night…or good-bye.

“Good night,” she finally whispered when his lips left hers.

She was grateful every single day that Jay had only been grazed by the first shot fired that night. Grateful that the wounded officer-the killer-in the hallway had been too dazed to fire straight. And even more grateful that her uncle had come around the corner in time to fire the second shot…the deadly one.

Jay watched her, reading the thoughts clearly on her face. And then he smiled and lifted her into his arms, kissing her lightly on her forehead, her cheeks, her nose. “Maybe I can stay for a little while,” he breathed as he finally found her lips.

Violet knew that everything was going to be all right now.

Jay was safe. The killer was dead.

She curled into Jay as he pulled her down against his shoulder.

Everything was better than all right-it was perfect.


To my friends John McDonald and Bryan Jeter, for advising me on all things police, fire, and rescue…thank you for lending me some credibility. Men in uniform rock!

To Laura Rennert, my super-amazing agent, for taking a chance on me even though I nervously confused the words “urban” and “rural” during our first (three-minute) meeting.

To the entire team at HarperCollins, including my oh-so fabulous editors, Gretchen Hirsch and Farrin Jacobs, for helping me polish The Body Finder into something that sparkles. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate both your tact and your patience.

I also have to thank my mother, Peggy, for always telling me that I could be anything I wanted to be (you’re such a mom!).

To my husband, for encouraging me to jump without a net. None of this would have happened without your endless encouragement. Thank you, thank you, thank you…

And to Amanda, Connor, and Abigail…you guys really can be anything you want to be!

About the Author

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Kimberly Derting lives in western Washington with her husband and three children. THE BODY FINDER is her first novel. You can visit her online at www.kimberlyderting.com.

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