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They had ordered the full ceremonials: a master of ceremonies, flutes and tubas, a procession of female mourners, men carrying the masks of ancestors, and satirical clowns abusing the memory of the dead man.

Interviewer was refused access to staff or attendants from the funeral. Attempt to gain communication was viewed as bad taste and scandalmongering; there was a loud hint that officers of the Watch would be called. Interviewer withdrew.

Interview with Biltis, a professional mourner (A. C.A.)

Biltis is a specialist funeral mourner, available for hire. A large, slovenly woman of overbearing friendliness. At a 'chance' meeting in a bar engineered by A.C.A., she responded to tactful probing with the information that the Metellus event had been 'one for your memoirs'. First, Biltis said that Tiasus hates having to take on convicts, even though committing suicide had secured Metellus the right to a proper funeral. The public can be abusive in such cases, and it had been hard work persuading the family that Metellus' conviction made it a bad idea to have the bier displayed in the Forum. Then the undertakers' staff 'wet their loincloths' over the son's insistence that the script for the comedians must concentrate on personal traits of his father, while omitting all reference to the recent trial over his business practices. Although Tiasus had given the impression that this part of the funeral procession took place, Biltis said that it was omitted. This caused a huge upset with the chief mime, who lost his chance to show his mettle as a satirist – and lost his fee.

The affair was characterised by more than usual frostiness between the family mourners. At one stage, the daughter Carina had had to be restrained by her husband Laco, after loudly accusing her brother and elder sister of killing the dead man. She left early, before the ashes were collected up.

In addition, Biltis volunteered that she thought the corpse 'smelt funny'. No further details.

Biltis is a free citizen and willing to give evidence if her expenses (travel and time off work) can be refunded.

[Note: modest gratuity has already been paid.]

Interview with L. Licinius Lutea, first husband of Saffia Donata (M.D. Falco)

Subject discovered at Porticus of Gaius and Lucius, apparently after conducting business of some kind.

Marriage to Saffia occurred when she was seventeen and had lasted four years, after which divorce by mutual consent took place. There was one child, son Lucius, who lives with his mother but is seen regularly by Lutea. Lutea has not remarried. He remains on what he called spiffing good terms with Saffia; claims he helped her find a new home out of kindheartedness plus concern for welfare of his little son. (He had a previous marriage but no other children.) Denounced bad behaviour of Metelli; cited difficulties over removal of Saffia's chattels from their home: her personal bedding (wool mattress, sheet, down pillows, embroidered coverlet) was 'lost'. Lutea reckoned this was stolen to upset Saffia.

Asked if Saffia would pursue the issue, Lutea huffed that he himself had smoothed things over, being on very good terms with Metellus Negrinus.

Asked whether this did not cause complications, Lutea snorted 'why should it?' then left the Porticus at speed, citing a business meeting with his banker elsewhere in Rome.

[Note: Information from a known source at the Porticus is that Lutea's banker (Aufustius, see below) works from there, and was not `elsewhere' but present in the upper gallery.]

Interview with Aufustius, a secure money-holder and loan provider (M.D.F.)

Aufustius has known Licinius Lutea for the past decade. Declined to comment formally, on grounds of client confidentiality.

On being bought a morning drink and a pastry, Aufustius opened up and freely mentioned that his client has been through a period of instability lasting several years. Lutea just told Aufustius that morning that he hopes to see a revival in his financial standing as a result of some unspecified turn of luck.

Asked how he thought Lutea would have been able to negotiate with landlords on behalf of Saffia, if his own credit was tight, Aufustius lost his charm and helpfulness. Accused interviewer of libel. Offered the usual threats about persons who would know where to find him on a dark night, the interviewer left.

[Expense incurred for entertainment on this interview.]

Interview with Nothokleptes, a banker known to Falco and Associates (M. D. F.)

Lutea's banker (Aufustius) is a well-known figure in the world of commerce, with a high-profile client base. Aufustius would wait patiently for a man in difficulties to recover, continuing to accept him as a customer; however, he would demand an assurance that any insolvency was temporary. This assurance would need to be detailed, eg proof of a coming inheritance.

An upsurge in his client's fortunes would be of clear advantage to Aufustius, so it is reckoned he must have good information about this if he believes Lutea's claim.

[Entertainment expense ditto.]

Interview with Servilius Donatus, father of Saffia Donata (M.D.F.)

Elderly, bald, irascible cove with large family, all daughters. Seems obsessed with manipulating their dowries; groused against obligations on a family to provide settlements in order to secure daughters' marriages, and the subsequent burdens on family estates when dowry payments fall due. Raved against Metelli for bad management of the estates which comprised the dowry of his daughter Saffia. Continually harped on losses incurred to the capital as a result of Metellus senior's mismanagement, which Donatus claims was criminal negligence; Donatus wished to sue and is now considering an action against Negrinus. Special anxiety for financial losses that will affect Saffia's children by Negrinus, especially the unborn. Donatus has other grandchildren and cannot afford to take responsibility for any who are not paternally maintained.

Has no views on Metellus senior's suicide, though showed strong reaction to mention of corruption charge. Deep distaste for anyone selling contracts and offices. Old-fashioned attitude to ethics in public service. Capable of lengthy, unscripted tirade about slipping standards nowadays, with wild arm gestures and impersonation of hungry hippopotamus in full attack mode.

Blanked questions about Lutea. Treated Lutea's relationship with Saffia as past history. Went deaf when asked about Lutea's finding of lodgings and current situation between the pair. Spoke lovingly of infant grandson Lucius.

Notes on information from a female source who wishes to remain anonymous (A. C. Aelianus)

A contact with inside knowledge gave background on the Metellus family.

The parents were always pushy. The two daughters were shunted into good marriages at a very early age and have had problems resisting interference by Calpurnia Cara. Carina's husband, Laco, is thought to have put his foot down, causing strain in family relationships. Carina and Laco do not attend family gatherings such as birthdays and Saturnalia.

Elevation of Metellus Negrinus to the Senate was achieved with much manoeuvring; while not illegal, the degree of open electioneering by his father and grandfather (now dead) was felt to be unsuitable. Negrinus was only elected as aedile by the skin of his teeth; his chances of a praetorship later were thought to be low, even before the corruption case. Retaining his post as aedile after the trial may have been sanctioned because there are only a few months left in his term; it would be unfair to require another candidate to take on the office for so short a time. He may have benefited from of the Emperor's personal interest too; Vespasian may wish to minimise any failure of public confidence which might follow a formal dismissal of an office-holder.