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CONVENTION WOULD have prophesied that Lysa, the ex-wife whom Chrysippus had rejected for a fluffy lamb, would be miserable mutton. That's not how it works. Chrysippus must have had the same taste in women thirty years ago as recently. Lysa might now be the mother of a grown man in his twenties, with half a lifetime of business experience and home-making behind her, but she also possessed a straight back and fine bone structure.

She was darker than Vibia and less prone to painting herself like a twice-a-night prostitute, but she had presence. As soon as she marched in, I prepared myself for trouble. Helena Justina was bristling even before I was, I noticed. For a small woman, Lysa could fill a room. She might have been one of my relatives; discomfort was her natural element.

The vigilis must have had a hard time from her. After a perfunctory introduction, he escaped. Helena Justina cast a swift eye over Julia, who was playing quietly while she considered how to try out the hideous behaviour she had witnessed from young Marcus Baebius. Safe from immediate interruption, Helena plonked down on a bench with her arms folded. She jerked her skirts straight and silently let it be known she was a respectable matron who did not leave her husband to the snares of strange females in her own home. Lysa pretended she had been offered a seat on the same bench and sat down as if she owned the joint. Unconsciously, both women fondled their necklaces. Declarations of status were being lined up. Helena's Baltic amber just won on exotic origin, over Lysa's expensive yet slightly pedestrian pendant emerald on a gold bobbin chain.

Diomedes and I stood. He had all the presence of a lamp boy. Another nobody, a copy of his father but for the beard, and I suspected that now Papa had died a beard would sprout on his descendant in the next few weeks. The son had the same ordinary face and stance, the same squared-off forehead with only slightly less wispy eyebrows and hair. About twenty-five, as Vibia Merulla had estimated, he obviously liked the fancy things in life. Multicoloured embroidery was visible around the neck of his fine-weave tunic, and on one uncovered sleeve. I could smell his pomade from six feet away. He was shaven and formally togate. I was bootless, unbelted, and decidedly unbarbered; it made me feel rough.

`You are investigating my husband's death,' began Lysa, not waiting for me to agree or not. `Diomedes, tell him where you were today.'

The son obediently recited: `I was engaged at the Temple of Minerva all day.'

`Thanks,' I said coolly. They waited.

`Is that all?' asked Diomedes.

`Yes. For now.' He seemed puzzled, but glanced at his mother, then shrugged and turned to go out. As Lysa made a move to follow, I held up my hand to stop her.

Her son looked back. She gestured impatiently for him to go ahead. `Wait outside by the litter, darling.' He went, obviously used to being ordered about.

I left it until he ought to be well out of earshot, then I walked to the porch, checked, and closed the outer door.

Lysa was regarding me curiously. `You ought to be interested in people's movements.' Gods, she was bossy.

`I am.'

But you are not questioning my son!'

`No point, lady. You've got him far too thoroughly rehearsed.' If she flushed, it was imperceptible. `Don't worry; I shall establish how your offspring amused himself while his father was being battered to death. Other people will be rushing to inform on him, for one thing.'

`Vibia!' she snorted. `I'd like to know what she was doing this morning.'

`Not killing Chrysippus,' I said. `Well, not personally. Anyway, I have been told they were a devoted pair.' At that, Lysa laughed hoarsely. `Oh? Did the young widow have a reason to dispose of him, Lysa?' Lysa kept quiet judiciously, so I answered myself `She'll get the scriptorium. A nice little earner.'

Lysa looked surprised. `Whoever told you that? There is no money in scrolls.'

This woman was supposed to have helped Chrysippus establish his business. So she would know, presumably. `Surely your husband was a wealthy man? He must have been, if he was a major patron of the arts.'

`It never came from the scriptorium. And that's all the little cow will get. Vibia knows it too.'

I was thinking about that when Helena asked casually, `We heard where your son has been today. What about you, Lysa?'

This affidavit sounded more real: unlike Diomedes with his onestop temple story, Lysa produced a complicated catalogue of visiting old friends, other friends visiting her, a business meeting with a family freedman, and a trip to a dressmaker. A busy day, and if the people listed all confirmed what she had said, Lysa was accounted for. It was an intricate tapestry, with a horrible timescale and a large number of people involved. Checking would be tedious. Perhaps she was relying on that.

Helena crossed one knee over the other and leaned down to wave a doll at Julia. `We commiserate with your loss. You and Aurelius Chrysippus were together for years, I'm told. And your support had been invaluable to him – not only in the home?'

`I made the man what he was, you mean!' growled Lysa through evidently gritted teeth. She was proud of her achievement. I for one believed in it.

`So they say,' replied Helena. `The trouble is, crude rumour-mongers may mutter that when you lost control of the business you had helped create, that may have driven you to violence.'

`Slander.' Lysa dismissed that suggestion calmly. I wondered whether she would sue – or was she so strong-willed she would ignore that kind of gossip? Strong-willed, I decided. More harm would be done by the publicity of a court case than by silent dignity. And that way, nobody could test whether the gossip was truth or lies.

`Of course we are supposed to be a paternalist society,' Helena mused. `But our history is written by men and perhaps they underestimate the part played by women in real life. The Empress Livia, it is well known, was a rock to Augustus throughout the decades of his reign; he even allowed her to use his seal on state papers. And in most family businesses, the husband and wife play an equal part. Even in ours, Falco!'

Helena might smile, but ours was a family business where the husband knew when to look meek.

Lysa said nothing to this philosophical speech.

`So,' Helena sprang on her in the same deceptively quiet tone, `if Vibia inherits the scriptorium – who gets the rest?'

Lysa was well up to her. `Oh, that will have to be confirmed when the will is read.'

`Smart get-out,' I sneered. `I'm sure you know what it says.'

Lysa knew how to be a reed before the wind. `Oh, there can be no need for secrecy… the main business will be divided. One of my husband's freedmen, a devoted servant of many, many years, whom we trusted absolutely to manage our affairs, is bequeathed a part of it.'

`I shall need his name,' I said. Lysa made a gracious gesture – though she did not volunteer it. `Where does that leave Diomedes?' I then asked.

`My son will receive some money. Enough for him to live well.'

`By his standards?' I asked dryly. I bet they had had plenty of harsh words over his spending, but his mother looked offended that I commented. I suspected he was a wastrel, and she may have gathered what I thought. `Is he happy with his share?'

`Diomedes has been brought up to expect the arrangements my husband has made.'

`And you, Lysa?' asked Helena.

`My contribution to the business will be recognised.'

`What happens to it now?' I pressed. Lysa was hedging and I was determined to break her reticence.

`Chrysippus has taken care of it.' The woman spoke as if for Chrysippus, the future of his business was more important than making happy heirs of people. `It will be passed on in a way that is traditional in Greece.'