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Karen watched her, stony-faced.

Lucy leaned forward. "Listen to me. I am not your enemy, but I am your boss. You are on my team, and you answer to me, and you are going to tell me right now what the hell happened up there."

Karen shrugged. "The bolt on the front of the right skid gave way when Bryce put his weight on it. Then the rope that holds the cable to the tie-down in the copter broke. Wilder grabbed it and Nash grabbed the cable and the two of them held Bryce off the ground until I could get him down."

Lucy narrowed her eyes. "Was Wilder responsible?"

Karen shrugged again. "I don't know. I just fly the bird."

"Why was Bryce on the skid?"

"He wanted it," Karen said bitterly. "He said he'd shut down the shoot for a week if he didn't get to do it. Wilder and Nash both tried to talk him out of it."

"Wilder did?"

Karen nodded.

"Hell,' Lucy said, knowing they'd been stuck. But Connor should have stopped the stunt. Which meant that finishing the movie on Finnegan's schedule was more important than keeping Bryce safe. Big money, she thought. He'd sacrifice damn near anybody for a great payday. She looked around to see if he'd left and saw him talking to Doc, Stephanie standing close behind.

Karen watched them, too, her face flushed.

"I don't know what this is, Karen," Lucy said, and watched Karen flinch as she said her name, making it personal, "but whoever's behind it, he's not on your side. The sabotage shows you that. Who else is going to catch hell for a defective copter except the pilot who checked it out?"

Karen looked startled for a second, as if she hadn't thought of that, which rattled Lucy more than anything else. Karen was following Connor blindly.

"Whatever it is," Lucy said, "get out now.'

Karen stared back at her, unblinking, and Lucy sighed. "Get ready to try it again. And double-check the skid bolts when the copter gets here. I do not want to see Captain Wilder do what Bryce just did."

Karen nodded and went back to the set, and Lucy followed her out into the sunlight, where Wilder waited, staring out at the swamp, his face as impassive as ever. Probably looking for Moot to wrestle.

He's a monosyllabic, deadpan, tight-assed military man, she thought. But he did not sabotage that stunt. In fact, if he'd been the one on the skid

In her mind, she saw him falling from the copter, smashing onto the pavement, bones cracking, blood spattering-

And he was going up there again, to fall out of the damn thing on purpose.

"Jesus," she said and went toward him just as the sound of an inbound helicopter echoed over the set once more. Wilder looked up and then headed toward the landing spot near where the gravel road met the highway.

Lucy picked up speed to catch him, reaching him only when he slowed as the helicopter came in for a landing. She stepped in front of him to stop him before they got in earshot of the crew. "Listen, you don't have to do this. You don't have to be a hero. We-" She stopped when he grinned at her. "What? I'm serious here."

"Oh," he said. "Sorry. Thought it was a movie quote. That 'you don't have to be a hero' thing."

"Movie quote," Lucy said. "At a time like this, you're thinking movie quotes."

"Well, it's from High Noon."

"Wonderful. High Noon." Lucy took a deep breath. "And now, returning to reality, we can do without this shot. We-"

"No, you can't." He looked up at the chopper, probably checking for loose bolts. "That part of the script I did read."

"Great." She swallowed. "Fine time you picked to get literate."

"I liked the action parts. The love stuff made me sleepy." He smiled at her, and her heart picked up speed.

"We can fake it," she told him. "Have them edit the stuff we've got so it looks okay. Or just cut the scene. The hell with Finnegan, this movie is not worth dying for."

"I never fake it," he said, looking into her eyes. "And nobody's going to die." Then he looked past her, his face blank again, and she turned and saw Connor waiting for him as the helicopter landed, heavy leather gloves on over his bandages and Doc standing beside him looking miserable.

"What the hell?" Lucy strode toward him. "What are you doing here?" She glared at Doc. "You were supposed to take him to the ER."

"They take too long." Connor put his arm around her, dangling a gloved hand by her chin, but his eyes were on Wilder, who had followed her over. "Don't get mad, Lucy, love, you know I hate hospitals."

Wilder looked at them both, his eyes impassive.

Great, she thought. A macho stare-off.

"Besides," Connor said, "I have a stunt to finish."

"Oh, no," Lucy said, louder than she'd meant to, and Connor pulled his arm away. "You're hurt. If something else happens up there, you'll rip your hands up again." And you won't save Wilder. She turned to Doc. "You're going up in the helicopter with Wilder."

"Lucy-" Connor said, holding the gloves up.

"You're not going up there," Lucy said to him. "That's final." He stared at her for a moment, fury in his eyes, and she said, "Don't clench your hands."

He turned and walked away, not looking back.

"Don't screw this up, Rambo," she said, not looking at Wilder.

"That was my plan. Not screwing up."

"Funny." Lucy headed for video village, catching Doc's arm as she went, pulling him backward with her. "I do not want anything bad to happen to Captain Wilder."

Doc trotted backward faster to keep up with her. "Okay, Lucy."

"And I am counting on you to make sure that it doesn't."

"Okay, Lucy."

"Because if it does…" Lucy stopped and he overshot her, stepping forward to meet her again, his round face full of dread behind his glasses. "Your ass is mine. Two things had to go wrong up there for that last stunt to fail. A third thing on this one, and I'm getting a new stunt team."

Doc looked wounded. "Lucy, we-"

"Know more than you're saying," Lucy said. "I don't know what's going on with you guys, but nobody gets hurt again. Understand?"

"Yes," 'Doc said. "Nobody was supposed to get hurt."

Lucy grabbed his arm again. "What do you mean?"

"Nothing," Doc said, sheet white now. "I wouldn't hurt anybody, Lucy. You know that."

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing." Doc stopped and tried again. "What I meant was that, on a good stunt, nobody ever gets hurt."

Lucy narrowed her eyes. "Whatever you guys are doing, it's over. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Lucy," Doc said.

"Good," Lucy said, not believing him for a moment. "Tell the others. And make damn sure that Wilder lands in one piece and walks away when this is done."

"He will." Doc's face was sober with sincerity. "He will, Lucy, I swear."

Lucy nodded. "Okay." She jerked her head toward the helicopter. "Showtime."

Doc nodded and ran, and Lucy turned to see Wilder by the copter, watching them both.

If I were a decent human being, I wouldn't let either one of you go up

there, she thought, and stared at him a moment too long, reading the look on his face as sympathy for her. He shook his head and gave her a thumbs-up and climbed into the copter, and she thought, Oh, hell, and cared too much, which was stupid, she didn't care at all. The macho asshole had a Rambo complex, testosterone poisoning, thought he was immortal, never say die…

Don't die, she thought and sat down behind the monitors, her throat tight.

Wilder watched Lucy go back to the monitors, trying not to think about the way she walked. He was on a mission and she was part of it. You did not think that the mission had a great ass. You also did not notice that the mission seemed to care a lot whether you lived or died. And you definitely didn't like it that she did.