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CHAPTER 11 – Father

“Good evening, this is Clay Buffer with the Atlantic Television Networks 6 o’clock evening news. It is with a saddened heart that I report that our very own Jess Jessup has been struck down by what officials are now calling the Margaree Virus, or simply, the M Virus. The death of Jess Jessup has made it painfully clear that the M Virus has indeed left the Margaree area and is spreading. Reports of virus-like activity are coming in from Glace Bay, Christmas Island, Whycocomaugh, Bell Cote, Neil’s Harbor and Meat Cove. Joining us in the studio today is world-renowned biochemist, Doctor Bajeet Chopra. Doctor Chopra, could you explain to our viewers exactly what the M Virus is?”

“Of course, Mr. Buffer, and I thank you for having me. Upon examination of the viral fluid collected from the hosts and victims, it is apparent that a viral strain was introduced into the hosts’ system, modifying the hosts’ DNA into a brand new strand. There is no known organism that can biologically manufacture the DNA found in said viral fluid, so therefore it stands to reason that this new strand of virus DNA, although chemically complex, was manufactured.”

“Excuse me, Dr. Chopra, manufactured? Are you telling us that someone purposely made the M Virus?”

“Yes, and no. The most important detail we are missing is the chemical structure of the original virus strand. We can only test the fluid from an infected host, or its victim, and not the original virus strand that created them. So although it is true that somebody has indeed created the M Virus, I strongly believe the M Virus has mutated from its original purpose.”

“And what was the original purpose?”

“We do not have enough data to determine what the original purpose of this rogue virus strand could have been. We do know that it is not airborne as the CDC originally reported, and we recently discovered that the M Virus is in fact waterborne. It is the most peculiar thing, instead of diluting in water, this particular strand of virus grows stronger. So, the longer it is in the water, the more it mutates. Once the host drinks the water, he immediately starts to undergo metabolic changes as the virus modifies the host’s DNA, which, unfortunately, kills the host in a few hours. As I mentioned, I do not believe this particular virus was designed to kill. If it was, then whoever created it is taking the long way around.”

“The long way around?”

“The M virus does kill the host, but strangely enough, the virus then revives the host’s most basic bodily functions. It is only after this ‘resurrection,’ so to speak, and I use that term very lightly, but it is after the host comes back to life that he or she shows signs of extreme violence and cannibalistic behavior.”

“What you are describing, Doctor Chopra, sounds like… well, a zombie?”

“Not in the true Hollywood sense of the word, but, yes, the host is more or less a zombie.”

“How is that even possible?”

“If we speculate, we could assume that any virus capable of reanimating the dead will most likely have characteristics similar to the Ebola Zaire Virus. That particular strand effectively turns the human host into a mush of viral proteins that, in turn, feed upon healthy proteins. That virus does not affect the skeletal muscle or bones and is one of few viruses known to man that are borderline parasitic. The DNA mutation of the M Virus allows for Adenosine Triphosphate, or ATP.”

“You’ve lost me, doc”

“It is basic biology, really. The oxygen in our cells has a negative charge. Electrons want to be with protons, so the negative charges repel each other. Because the negatively charged cells are always trying to get away from each other, there is a lot of potential energy there. The ATP process can power needed reactions by losing one of its phosphorous groups to form ADP. Food energy, in this case the oxidation of glucose, converts it back so that the energy is made available again. In other words, you use the energy from this process to do what you need to do to keep alive. It then recharges through the oxidation of glucose in a cycle called the TCA, or Krebs cycle, to provide energy for the conversion of ADP back to ATP. What all this basically means is that the M Virus uses the sugar in the host’s blood and combines it with negatively charged oxygen cells, which creates life.”

“But once the host dies, doesn’t the glucose and negatively charged oxygen die with them?”

“You are very perceptive, Mr. Buffer. It is true that the zombies have no way of producing the basic building blocks of life and this is where their cannibalistic nature comes into play. They need a constant supply of living blood cells for the conversion process to cycle. We do not know if it is by nature or by design, but by limiting the hosts to only being able to perform the most basic motor functions with practically no brain function, it drastically reduces the amount of energy used, allowing the zombie creatures to survive for a longer period of time between recharges.”

“Recharges? You make it sound like we are nothing more than batteries.”

“To the walking dead, that is exactly what we are: batteries.”

“Well, folks, you heard it here first. The undead walk the earth and we are the new Duracell. Once again, that was Doctor Bajeet Chopra with his fascinating explanation of what, and how, these zombies came to be. Thank you for joining us, Doctor Chopra”

“You’re most welcome.”

“Up next, the weather with Jimmy MacIntosh… Batteries. Amazing!”

Robin’s computer screen flashed a series of camera views then stopped at the main door.


Robin’s voice startled Lucy. Her tired eyes tried to focus on Robin’s monitor. When she saw what was displayed there, she screamed.

“Robin! No!”

Lucy’s scream drowned the rumbling of the steel security doors as they noisily opened.

“What’s going on?” Michael said as he jumped to his feet.

“Look!” Lucy yelled, pointing to the monitor, her hand trembling uncontrollably.

The screen showed a man wearing a lab coat walking through the open door. Before the mysterious man disappeared off screen, Michael noticed two things about him that sent a cold chill down his spine. The man was covered in blood, and he looked dead.

“Oh, shit,” was the only thing he could think of saying.

“Robin, seal the lab,” Paul ordered.

Robin ignored him.

“Robin, close the doors now and seal the lab!” Lucy demanded, but Robin did not react.

Robin’s face appeared on the screen and announced, “Father’s home.”

CHAPTER 12 – The Attic

“Upstairs!” Paul yelled as everyone scrambled for the door.

Paul and Lucy stopped at the bottom of the stairs, realizing Emma was not with them. They turned to see Emma frozen with fear.

“Emma! Run!” Lucy yelled but it was no use.

Emma’s eyes were fixed on Heslin, her feet paralyzed in fear. Heslin’s putrid hands reached for her.

“Paul, do something!” Lucy pleaded.

His eyes widened in horror, but he did not move to help her. Lucy tried to run to her friend, but Paul was holding her firmly.

“Do something! Emma! Run!” she screamed, but neither of them moved.

Emma did not run, nor did Paul help.

“It’s too late,” Paul yelled as he pulled Lucy up the stairs.

“No! We can help her!” Lucy pleaded as Heslin pulled Emma towards him.

Emma screamed as his teeth sunk deep into her neck. Lucy screamed as blood gurgled out of Emma’s throat when Heslin ripped a huge chunk of flesh free. Lucy tried to run to her friend, but Paul still held her back, dragging her up the stairs. She struggled and screamed and cried, but it was no use, Paul was too strong. Lucy watched as more of those zombie things appeared and started ripping into Emma’s flesh.