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A number of individuals assisted me with information and advice in the course of writing this book. I wish to particularly thank Rodney Laughton, historian and proprietor of the Breakers Inn at Higgins Beach, Scarborough; Bullwinkle's Guide Service in Greenville, Maine; Chief Duane Alexander of the Greenville Police Department; and Quark, Inc., in New York, for providing details of security technology. Bernd Heinrich's A Year in the Maine Woods (Addison-Wesley, 1994); The Coast of Maine by Louise Dickinson Rich (Down East Books, 1993); Coastal Maine: A Maritime History by Roger F. Duncan (Norton, 1992); and Fiasco by Frank Partnoy (Profile, 1997) also proved especially valuable. Any mistakes are my own.

On a more personal note, I would like to thank Anne and Catherine, who read this book in its early stages, and my family and Ruth, for their advice and support. I am indebted, as always, to my editor at Hodder & Stoughton, Sue Fletcher; Emily Bestler, my editor at Simon & Schuster; and, finally, to Kerith Biggs, my foreign rights agent, and my agent and friend, Darley Anderson.


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John Connolly's first novel, Every Dead Thing, received the Shamus Award for Best First Novel in 1999 and was lauded a Los Angeles Times Book of the Year. It was also a bestseller in Britain and Ireland. John Connolly is a regular contributor to The Irish Times and has traveled extensively in the United States. He lives in Dublin, Ireland, where he is at work on his next book. For more information, see his Web site at www.johnconnolly.co.uk.

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