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A Hawaiian salesman, whose name means god of fire or flame, claimed to work for a supplier that closed five years ago.

I put down the pen and picked up Grace’s message again: Mr. Keahi Kana is giving a reception for clients Friday evening from seven to ten p.m., at the New Chapel Inn and Suites. RSVP required.

Why didn’t a major orchid supplier know that Aloha Florals was back in business? If Mr. Kana was a legitimate salesman, why wasn’t his company listed on the Internet? If Mr. Kana was the Flame, was this reception a trap designed to lure me to the hotel? How did he hope to get the brooch from me once I was there?

So many questions-and only one person with answers.

I turned the flashlight over to see the number; then, taking a deep breath, I picked up the phone and dialed. My call was answered with a smooth “Aloha.”

“Same to you, Mr. Kana. This is Abby Knight, from Bloomers Flower Shop. I’m RSVPing to your invitation.”

“You’re a difficult person to reach, Ms. Knight. I hope you’re responding in the positive.”

My heart began to race. “Yes. I’d love to join you.”

“Marvelous. I shall put your name on the list. Suite 212.”

“Thanks. And just out of curiosity, may I ask how long your company has been in business?”

“I can guess why you’re asking. You are aware that the original Aloha Florals, which started back in 1970, closed after its owner died. It has now reopened under new management as of the first of this year.”

He was certainly prepared. “Do you have a Web site, so I can get more information?”

“Unfortunately, our Web site isn’t up yet. I’d be happy to provide any information you need this evening.”

“Did I understand correctly that you’re leaving town tomorrow?”

“Yes, Ms. Knight. Tomorrow my work here will be done. I look forward to meeting you this evening in person.”

I hung up the phone and realized my hands were damp from nerves. I wiped them on a paper towel and phoned Marco.

“Hey, Sunshine,” he said, “I’m just heading out to Tom’s Green Thumb. Did you make that phone call?”

“Yes, and our focus has been wrong, Marco. The kidnappings and thefts aren’t connected to Uniworld and Nils Raand. They’re connected to the brooch.”

“How did you come to that conclusion?”

I filled Marco in on the details of my conversations with Joe the UPS guy, Mr. Mikala, and Keahi Kana, and ended by reading him my list. “What do you think?”

“That you nailed it. Great work, Abby.”

“Thanks.” I knew I was beaming.

“But you’re not meeting this man tonight.”

Sayeth Emperor Marco.

“Actually, I was thinking of both of us meeting him.”

“No way in hell, Abby. If this Kana is responsible for Hudge’s death and Harding’s beating, and the FBI is looking for him, it’s too dangerous.”

“I know that, but how about listening to my idea before you make a ruling, Judge?”

“Not funny.”

Wasn’t meant to be. “Just listen to my plan, okay? We go to the hotel and ask the hotel manager about Mr. Kana. He’d be able to tell us whether Kana’s entertained any clients, or had food sent up for tonight-that kind of thing. I’m sure he’ll cooperate if you flash your PI badge. And if there aren’t any red flags, we hang around outside Kana’s suite to see who else is attending his little soiree. If it seems legit, we go inside and meet the man. If we don’t see anyone else, we call Reilly to let him know what we think the man is up to. How does that sound?”

“I’ll agree to it on the condition we let Reilly know our plans before we go, so he can have some plainclothes cops on hand.”

“Fine. As long as Kana doesn’t spot them.”

“I’ll call Reilly now and set it up.”

“Great. I’m going to head over to my parents’ house to pick up the brooch.”

“Wait for me to get back. I’ll take you.”

“I’d rather get it into the safe at your bar as soon as possible, Marco. I have this uneasy feeling about the brooch being there. Lottie can drive me over in the minivan. Besides, don’t you have to meet your mom at your apartment?”

“It won’t take long to get her settled. I should be there by four o’clock.”

Was there a word stronger than overly optimistic? Because I knew what would happen. His mom would want to cook something for him and, since he was a good son, well, who knew when he’d get back? In the meantime, I could pick up the brooch and take it down to the bar. But if I kept arguing, we’d end up fighting, and I didn’t want that. “Okay, I’ll wait.”

I hung up the phone and picked up the flashlight to drop it in my purse hanging on the back of my chair. But the silky light slipped out of my hand and fell to the floor. The case split neatly in half and a shiny, dime-sized battery rolled under the desk. I got down on my knees and fished it out, then tried to put the pieces back together, but there was already a battery inside.

I examined the tiny device more closely and saw minute holes in the cover, reminding me of a flattened earbud. I turned it over and saw that it had been glued inside the case.

Then I realized what I was holding. It was a bug. Someone had been listening to me-and was probably listening to me at that moment.

My heart began to thud with sickening intensity as my thoughts raced back over everything I’d said while the flashlight was nearby-my conversation with Mr. Mikala, with Keahi Kana himself, and with Marco-mentioning that the brooch was at my parents’ house.

Dear God. What had I done? What if Kana went to their house to get it?

But wait. He didn’t know where they lived. He didn’t even know their names, and he’d have to go through a lot of Knights in the phone book to find them. If he was still listening, I could keep him from getting that brooch.

I dialed Marco’s number, but it went to his voice mail so I pretended he had answered. “Hey, Marco, it’s me. I’d feel better if you called Sergeant Reilly and asked him to pick up the brooch now. You will? Great. Okay. Love you, too.”

I hung up and quietly wrapped the bug in a tissue, then carried it to one of the walk-in coolers and left it beside a bucket of daisies with a sticky note that said, Bug! Give to cops. Don’t talk! Then I pulled on my coat and ran to find Lottie.

She was helping a woman and her mother select funeral flowers. Grace was serving coffee to a parlor full of people. I couldn’t ask either one to go with me. I glanced at the clock. It was two thirty-hours until Marco would show up.

I dashed back to the workroom and grabbed the keys to the minivan.


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“Dad, it’s me,” I said into my phone as I headed north through town. “I’m on my way.” “Your mom said you’d be coming. Fill me in on what’s going on with this brooch.”

Normally, I made it a rule not to have long conversations while I drove, as it tended to distract me, but I needed my dad to know the seriousness of the situation, so I pushed that rule aside and gave him a complete rundown on the status of the brooch and Keahi Kana, aka the Flame, finishing just as I pulled into the driveway.

Dad opened the garage door with a remote device, and I ran inside, hitting a button next to the doorway to lower it again. I hurried through Mom’s studio and into the kitchen, where he was waiting.

I kissed him on the cheek. “Have you got the brooch?”

“I put it in the grocery bag in the fridge with some apples from your mom.”

“More apples? Do you know how many are still in my refrigerator from the last bunch she sent? We can’t eat them that fast.”

“Try telling that to her.”

I removed the brooch from the sack and tucked it inside the zippered compartment in my purse. “Would you call her and tell her to meet us at Bloomers?”