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source of magic. Who are we, Grandfather? Remembering the question from so long ago, Besh knew at last what he should have told the boy. We are the land, he should have said. We are its blood. Our power flows from the earth, and it, in turn, gives strength back to this land in which we live. The Mettai had been shunned for centuries, hated by dark-eye and white- hair alike. And finally Besh understood this as well. The Mettai were a bridge between the two races. Once, had the Mettai of old seen themselves in this way, and had they understood just how much evil would come of the Blood Wars, they might have found some way to forge a lasting peace, one that would have saved countless lives. Instead, for century upon century, the Mettai had served to remind Qirsi and Eandi alike of all that they hated about each other, and, perhaps worse, of all that they had in common. The Eandi looked at the Mettai, and they saw how close they were to being like their enemy. The same was true for the Qirsi. How could Besh's people not be despised?

And yet now, once again, they had an opportunity to save lives, quite possibly thousands of lives.

"We have to do this," Besh said again. Trying to convince himself, as well as Sirj.

"All right," the younger man said. "Let's be on our way, then." He looked around the forest, which was growing darker by the moment. "I don't think we want to be near this village when night falls."

They walked cautiously to where Lici still sat on the ground. She was no longer crying, but she had begun once more to speak to herself, rocking slowly, her voice low. Stopping before her, each of them offered the woman a hand.

She stopped her mumbling, looking up first at Sirj and then at Besh. "I know you both."

"Yes," Besh said, taking her hand in his. "We're Mettai, just as you are."


Kirayde (a Mettai village in the northern reaches of Stelpana)

BESH, an old Mettai man, a member of the village's Council of Elders EMA, Besh's wife

ELICA, his daughter

SIRJ, Elica's husband

MIHAS, Sirj and Elica's elder son

ANNZE, Sirj and Elica's daughter

CAM, Sirj and Elica's younger son

PYAV, a blacksmith, head of the Council of Elders, addressed as "eldest" LICALDI, also Lici, an old Mettai woman

SYLPA, Lici's foster mother

OJAN, the village miller

KORR, Ojan's father, a member of the Council of Elders

MARIVASSE, the village herbmistress, a member of the Council of Elders TASHYA, a member of the Council of Elders

Lowna (a Fal'Borna village on the CompanionLakes)

JYNNA, an Y'Qatt girl, orphaned in her home village of Tivston S'DORYN, a Qirsi man

N'TEVVA, S'Doryn's wife

T'NoTH, a Qirsi man, friend of S'Doryn and N'Tevva

T'KAAR, a Qirsi man, brother of T'Noth

A'VINYA, T'Kaar's wife

U'SELLE, a'laq (leader) of the village

ETAN, a young Y'Qatt boy, orphaned in his home village of Tivston VETTALA, a young Y'Qatt girl, orphaned in her home village of Tivston HEY, an Y'Qatt boy, orphaned in his home village of Tivston

PELDA, an Y'Qatt girl, orphaned in her home village of Tivston

SEBBI, Pelda's younger sister, orphaned in her home village of Tivston

The Merchants

R'SHEV, a Qirsi merchant on the plains of Stelpana

D'CHUL, a Qirsi lutenist and merchant on the plains of Stelpana TORGAN PLYE, an Eandi merchant from Tordjanne

Y'FARL, an Y'Qatt merchant in C'Bijor's Neck

JASHA ZIFFEL, an Eandi merchant

BRINT HEDFARREN, an Eandi merchant from Tordjanne

On the Plains of the Fal'Borna

GRINSA JAL ARRIET, a Qirsi man, originally from the Forelands CRESENNE JA TERBA, Grinsa's wife, originally from the Forelands BRYNTELLE JA GRINSA, Grinsa and Cresenne's daughter

S'PLAED, a'laq of a Fal'Borna sept in the northern plain E'MENUA, a'laq of a Fal'Borna sept in the central plain D'PERA, E'Menua's wife

U'VARA, E'Menua and D'Pera's eldest daughter Q'DAER, a Weaver in E'Menua's sept

L'NoRR, a Weaver in E'Menua's sept

F'SOLVA, a Fal'Borna woman

I'JOLED, F'Solya's husband H'SHEM, a Fal'Borna warrior

Sentaya (once a Mettai village along the Silverwater Wash)

KYTHA, younger sister of Licaldi

BAETRI, also Baet, youngest sister of Licaldi SosLi, a young girl, a friend of Licaldi