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Once Mr. Lin took our family to an exhibition of contemporary Chinese painting at Yale. “Which one you like best?” he asked my sister and me. Marty chose a cat chasing a butterfly. I looked awhile, and then selected a very long horizontal painting of grasses bent by the wind. “Why you like?” he asked me.

“It looks like writing.”

“Pau-yu, your elder daughter has the heart of the philosophers,” Mr. Lin said.

One afternoon Mel said he was going to make me lasagna with white sauce. “White?” I asked.

“Northern,” he told me. “At my dad’s restaurant they don’t serve anything else.”

We went to the Winn-Dixie and Mel fretted over their selection of olive oils and ricotta. Then he banned me from the kitchen and I curled up on the brown dog-smelling couch to sip Chianti and watch the six o’clock local news, which had replaced talk shows as my new addiction.

“God, that’s so much food,” I said when it was all laid out.

“Well, you ought to eat. My mom would faint if she saw you.”

Besides lasagna, there was pompano fried in beautiful little crisps and risotto and a salad with three kinds of lettuce and, of course, garlic bread. Zabaglione for dessert. Espresso, black and unnervingly strong.

Mel came over to my side of the table, knelt down, and lifted up my shirt. “Hmm. Looks like an expansion of at least three belt holes.”

“That tickles.”

“What are the chances of your staying the night?”

“I don’t know. I think I better go back.”

“You sure?”

“Don’t you think we should do the dishes? Or maybe I should, since you cooked.”

“Should you?” He slid his hand up the leg of my shorts and stroked. “Did you know that garlic is considered an aphrodisiac?”

On the stereo Eric Clapton was playing the blues.

I thought of plausible lies to tell Aunty Mabel.

We stuck one of the candles we’d bought at the Winn-Dixie into the empty Chianti bottle. It was a cliche, but like many cliches I’d never had a chance to try it.

“It isn’t going to work, you know,” I said to Mel. He was inside me but we weren’t moving, he was blowing on the little hairs that grew along my temples, the ones Marty used to call sideburns when she was making fun of me.

“Who said anything about work? We’re screwing, honey.”

“You know what I mean.”

“Yeah, okay, I know what you mean.”

“What about your girlfriend? The one with the rabbit coat?”

“Bethie? She’s history.”

“But there must be others.”

“Christ, Sally, you really know how to kill a mood.”


“And you’re not concentrating. Concentrate on this.” He began again, and I forgot what more I was going to say.

Afterward he whispered, “I’ll miss you, you know.”

“That’s what you said at Willowridge. That time in the kitchen.”

“Well it was true then. And it’s true now.”

I didn’t tell him that what had kicked me into coming this time was my father’s face above me in the dark, his straining Monkey King scowl. And he stayed, that ghost, in the bed with us. As Mel twitched into sleep I lay there counting each breath in, each breath out.

I was awake at dawn and drawing. I hadn’t brought my pad with me but managed to find an old composition book in a desk drawer and took the liberty of ripping out several blank pages. Mel found me at the kitchen table bearing down so hard I’d torn holes in the paper.

“Hey, hey,” he said, his voice husky with sleep.

I stopped and looked down at what I was doing. It was stupid and crude. “Okay,” I said and ripped the page up into the smallest pieces I could and brushed them off the table so they snowed onto the linoleum. The gesture was familiar but I couldn’t remember why.

“Whadja do that for?”

I didn’t answer but picked up the other drawings and tore them up too. I could feel Mel standing in the doorway, waking up, watching me.

“You feel like explaining or are you just going to sulk?”

“It’s my pathetic attempt to make myself feel better.”

“Feel better about what?”

“The fact that I can’t paint anymore. Or draw, for that matter.”

“I’ve seen your stuff.”

“What you saw was shit. Art therapy shit. Anybody can be a star in a loony bin.”

“What I think is pathetic is you feeling so sorry for yourself.” He turned away. “I’m going back to bed.”

I made tea and drank it sitting out on the dock. Behind me I could hear doors opening, cars starting, people going to work, beginning their normal day.

It was amazing how up until now I had almost been able to fool myself that if I worked hard enough, I could become an artist again. But it took something I didn’t have anymore. Going through the motions was a futile exercise. I had lost that peculiar quality of concentration needed to tap into the soul. That was the price for being allowed to live after having swallowed thirty-six tranquilizers. Or perhaps the truth was I had lost it way before that, at RISD, and I had known it then. That was the real reason I’d dropped out, gotten married.

I had my Swiss Army knife with me, but it was back in the bedroom with Mel. There was a paint scraper lying in the bottom of one of the rowboats, and I retrieved it, wiped the blade off on my shirt, and tested it on the inside of my wrist, where the impressions of Mel’s nails were still printed from last night like sickle moons. Then I moved higher until I found an open spot, closed my eyes, and flicked.

“When was your last tetanus shot?” Mel asked. He was furious, I could tell, although his voice was even. We were in the car, driving down the coast to a place where we’d heard brown pelicans congregated.

“I’m fine, I promise. It’s just a scratch. Anyway, I thought you liked my scars.”

“If this is a game, I’m not playing, Sally.”

“Don’t flatter yourself. I’ve been doing it since I was fourteen.”

“You sound proud of yourself.”

“I’m not. Why’re you being such a pill? You’re the one who brought it up. I wasn’t even going to mention it.”

“I think you’re mixing me up with someone, Sally.”

“Oh, so now we’re going to play group therapy. Who might that be? My father?”

“You said it, not me.”

“Maybe you should drive me home. I’m worried about my uncle, anyway.”

“We can turn around anytime you want.”

I didn’t say anything.

When we were almost to the beach he said: “Did you know that Catholic suicides can’t be buried in consecrated ground?”

“Are you trying to make me feel worse?”

“I’m trying to tell you a story. A cousin of mine blew his brains out. My aunt asked around at various Protestant churches to see if they’d take him as a member posthumously. No luck.”

“I want to be cremated.”

“Well, that’s what they did with Joey. His mom and dad flew to Italy and threw his ashes into the Mediterranean.”

Strewing ashes was what I was thinking about as we fed the birds. The pelicans ate only fresh fish, but you could buy plastic bags of meal at a shack by the road for the gulls and terns. A very touristy thing to do, I saw other people with bags, but I didn’t care. Not only did I want to be a regular tourist, I also wanted to be faceless, anonymous, not special. I was sick of being special.

The birds liked Mel. It was the way he flung the meal, so that it fell in an ostentatious arc, easily visible.

“They’re so ugly,” I said.

He pulled me so that my face was in his shoulder, so that no one could see me crying.

“Yes,” he said. “I guess they are.”

“Do you really want to know what I think about in bed?” I asked

It was our last night on the lagoon. Mel was steering and I was resting, slouched in the front of the canoe, knees up and my own paddle balanced on top of them. His voice came from behind me: “You know that stuff I talked about in the hospital, about my older cousins in the garage?”