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"It's a big city," observed Johannes.

"So, let's start with the obvious." Roic climbed to his feet. "Pack up here and drive us out to the shuttleport."

In the lift van, Roic opened its-ImpSec secured-comconsole and ran a search on lodgings around the shuttleport. Two were inside the security perimeter, half a dozen scattered in the surrounding light-industrial area. He balanced closest against cheapest, and decided to start with cheapest. As they threaded their way to it, he had time to reflect on how Nexus-wide transportation tech had shaped the cities it served, giving more sameness planet to planet than he'd expected, before he'd ever left Barrayar. This provincial boy's come a long way. In a way, he was glad no good fairy had ever endowed him with the future he would have picked for himself when younger. It would have been so much smaller.

"Now what?" asked Johannes, as they swung into the budget hostel's lot. "Stake the place out? Ask at the front desk?"

"Not sure anyone would remember Leiber even if they saw him," said Roic, "and this is one of those self-serve places." Not as cramped as some Roic had encountered on space stations, where sleep cubicles, rented by the hour, seemed a cross between a closet and a coffin, but the building's utilitarian lines didn't invite lingering. It was a shadowed place even in the mid-morning, huddled down below a long concrete road abutment and some sort of manufacturing plant. "Circle the lot. We'll look for his float bike."

Around the building's back, an open-faced shed sheltered a float bike lock-down. Roic recognized Leiber's bike nestled among half a dozen others.

"Right the first time!' said Johannes, in a tone of admiration.

"I've had some practice, trailing m'lord around," said Roic modestly, leaving out the dumb luck part. Well, smart luck, perhaps. Roic would have been surprised not to have turned up something within his first three tries. They sat in the van for a few minutes while Roic tried to think it through the way m'lord would. No, scratch that idea. He'd likely do better trying to think it through like Leiber. Or better still, like Roic.

Would the enemy send cops or goons to collect their quarry? If it was a cryocorp, they could likely get all the cops they wanted-charges of employee theft would do the job-they had only to wait at the pinch-point inside the shuttleport and pick the man off as he scurried through. But that would leave a trail, names, security vid recordings, a whole lot of witnesses not under anyone's direct control. A private goon squad pick-up before Leiber hit the port, that would be the quieter way to go about it. And if Roic could figure out where to look for the fellow, presumably all those smart men in the fancy trousers could, too. Roic wasn't the part of his team born with the silver tongue in his mouth-could he persuade Leiber to come to the safety of the consulate, when m'lord had not? Guess I'll have to try. He glanced up. "What's that?"

A pulsing blue light was reflecting off the concrete wall, coming from the front of the building.

"Blue's the color they use around here for emergency vehicles," said Johannes uneasily.

"Pull around front."

They arrived to see a pair of emergency medtechs dressed in blue scrubs yank a float pallet from the back of an unmarked van and hurry inside the sliding glass doors to the lobby. Both big fellows-one was tall, and the other looked as though he'd had some of those traditional wrestlers in his family tree. On both sides. Didn't emergency services usually try to pair a woman in such a team? Well, not always, belike. With round the clock scheduling, as Roic knew from grappling with the guardsmen's roster for Vorkosigan House and m'lord's other two official residences, you took whatever combinations you could get.

"Wait here." Roic slid out of their own van and went to take a peek in the back of the other. The rear doors had no windows, but had been left unlocked. Careless of the techs, if it was carrying drugs and expensive equipment. Roic quietly opened a door, looked inside, and raised his wristcom to his lips. "Interesting, Johannes. The cupboard is bare. This isn't an ambulance, just a van."


"Think I'll just take a stroll inside and intercept those fellows coming out. You watch my back from there." Roic still wasn't sure what was happening, here, although he was formulating some rapid guesses.

An anxious young lady desk clerk was peering up the central hallway when Roic entered the lobby.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"One of our guests reported in very sick, apparently. He should have called the front desk-we would have assisted him…"

"Was he from off-world? D'you think he might have brought in something bad?" asked Roic. "Contagious?"

"No, no. Some sort of sudden seizure, I gather. He was lucky he could use his wristcom." The clerk gathered her nerve. "I should go and lock up after them, make sure the gentleman's property is secure." She glanced back at Roic. "Were you checking in, sir? There's only me on duty right now…"

"Take your time. First things first." Roic waved her away. She trotted off up the hall to where a loaded float pallet was already being shifted out a doorway and turned. The tall man hitched an IV to a pole, bent, and checked his patient. Roic glimpsed a blanketed male form, firmly strapped down, an oxygen mask in place across his face muffling his moans. Roic stepped forward, radiating curiosity and concern, as the pallet floated out into the lobby flanked by its two escorts.

Dr. Leiber blinked up with bleared eyes and groaned behind his plastic mask.

"What happened?" Roic asked, following along out the front doors. "Is it anything dangerous? Do you need any help?"

"Thanks, no," the tall one told him. "Everything's under control."

"So was it a heart attack?"

"We don't know, yet," said the tall one. "He just collapsed."

"Drugs? Is this a bad area? I just landed, myself." For once, Roic's not-from-around-here looks and accent worked in his favor. "I was about to check in at this place and sleep off the jump-lag, but now I'm not so sure."

The broad one scowled at him in irritation. "No, it's fine. Go check in." The pair swung the van doors wide and slid the pallet aboard, both climbing inside to secure it.

Roic stuck his head in after. "You sure?"

"Yes, it's safe," said the tall one, exasperated, from the windowless cargo area.

"Good," said Roic, pulled his stunner, and shot them both.

That would save some heavy lifting. And scuffling. Roic hated scuffles. Just because he was big didn't mean he liked getting hurt.

Johannes's breathless voice sounded from his side, not his wristcom. "What the hell is going on?" When Roic had said Watch my back, he hadn't meant from this close, but he couldn't fault the lieutenant for curiosity. Johannes's eyes widened, peering into the shadows.

Roic tucked his stunner away in its shoulder holster. "We just rescued Dr. Leiber. I'm not sure if he'll see it that way, though." He climbed into the cargo area, first checking both his victims for health. Stunner fire was by no means safe; it could trigger all sort of problems in people with underlying medical issues. Happily, these two seemed extremely fit. Having assured himself of their continued cooperation by the simple means of a light repeat stun to the base of each neck, he arranged them more tidily. He then turned to Leiber.

Roic was not called upon after all to trot out his encouraging We've saved you, be grateful, I'm taking you to a place of refuge speech, in which he had no faith; Leiber had lost consciousness. Roic hoped to hell it had just been a hypospray of knockout drugs, and not some deadly poison. Even if some bloody and secret murder was planned, if he were Leiber's enemy he'd sure want him alive to question under fast-penta first. Actually, Roic wanted to question Leiber under fast-penta on his own behalf. That decision would be up to m'lord, though.