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"I remember that," said Raven. "Uncomfortable it may have been, but it didn't really last that long. We were just pressed for time, back then. Madame Sato-well, I can't give any guarantees at this point."

Miles nodded understanding, both of what was said and what was unsaid, and turned again to Suze. "I need one more favor. I'd like to borrow a cryo-corpse."

"What," Suze began in a towering tone, which weakened to, "… kind?"

"Female, about fifty kilos. As young as you have available. Anything else, Raven?"

Raven shook his head. "That should do it."

"We undertake not to damage her in any way that would compromise her future revival," Miles went on, hoping he didn't sound too airy.

"That a guarantee, galactic?"

"It won't be wholly under my control, but if things go my way, she should be all right." I hope. "In any covert operation, people…?take their chances."

Raven winced-ah, maybe not the best parallel to draw, after the chest display.


"Soon. Possibly tonight, no later than tomorrow night."

Suze's nostrils flared in a long, indrawn breath of doubt.

Miles held up a pair of fingers. "Two cryorevivals of your choice."

Suze turned her head and made a throwing-away gesture. "Go see the plant medtech. Vristi Tanaka. Jin will show you the way. If you can talk her into going along with all this nonsense, though I suppose you will… Talk, talk, talk. Makes me tired."

Miles rose quickly, so as not to outwear his welcome or her decision. "Thank you, Madame Suze. I promise you…" you won't regret this was too big a diplomacy to push past even his teeth. "… it will be interesting," he finished.

Suze's snort sent them on their way.


The infirmary turned out to be on the second floor of the facility's old patron intake building. Jin led Miles and Raven through double doors to a corridor with some two or three rooms apparently furbished up for action, judging from the fresh medical smell. They found Tenbury lingering outside of one of them, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, a narrow float pallet grounded at his feet.

"Jin!" he said, looking pleased. "They said you'd got lost!" He looked somewhat less pleased at Miles. "You again." His brow wrinkled at Raven.

"We came to see Tanaka-san," Jin explained. "It's important."

"She's busy right now"-Tenbury jerked a thumb at the room beyond-"but they should be done soon."

Raven craned his neck to peer through a narrow glass window in the door. "Ah, cryoprep in progress? I'd like to see that."

"Raven-sensei's a doctor. From Escobar," Jin began. Tenbury looked perturbed, and began to speak. Miles cut the debate short by simply knocking.

The knock was answered by a frowning woman, brown skin like old leather, spare of build and with straight white hair where Suze was stout and frizzy, but of a like age, Miles judged, and without the alcohol fumes. Her face lightened when she saw Jin.

"Ah, you're found, Jin! And who have your creatures savaged now, and can it wait?"

"No one, Tanaka-san. But it's kind of urgent. Suze-san sent us over."

Miles let Jin run through his introductions, at which the boy was becoming nicely practiced. He picked up: "We've made arrangements with Madame Suze to use your facilities for a private cryorevival, if they meet Dr. Durona's needs. May we come in?"

"Huh!" she said, and gave way, staring at Raven. Miles wondered if he'd rumpled Raven's clothes, mussed his neat hair, and doused him with gin if he would have seemed less out of place, here, less alarming to these people. Too late.

On a table standing out from the far wall lay the naked body of a frail old man, detained, Miles thought, at the border crossing between life and death. A sheet draped across his middle lent him a scrap of dignity, as much as one could have when given over to plastic tubes and the will or whim of others. A cold-blanket wrapped around his skull sped the chilling of his brain. A tube from a tank above, divided partway down, ran a clear liquid into both carotid arteries. A wider tube, from a vein in his thigh, ran a dark pink color to a knee-height tub with a drain, with a trickle of water from a spout above to keep things flowing. Judging from the paleness of the skin and nails, and the color of the murky exit fluid, the old body was almost wholly perfused with cryo-solution.

Ako hovered, closely supervising the process; she'd evidently overheard something through the doorway, because she looked up and said excitedly, "A doctor? We're getting a real doctor?"

Miles waved down this hope, before it could grow big and bite. "Just visiting. We'll explain it all when you're finished, here."

Jin was staring; Miles wondered how disturbing this process was to the boy, or if he'd seen it before. It was disturbing to Miles, and he'd done it before, or had it done to him. Maybe the more unsettling for that? For the first time, he wondered how much the news of his own encounter with the needle-grenade had felt like history repeats to his father, if it had triggered unwelcome old memories of the Princess-and-Countess Olivia's messy death. I must apologize to him for that, when next we meet.

"It almost seems too simple," Miles murmured to Raven.

Raven said, "The complexity lies in the cryo-preservation fluid, which has a whole pharmaceutical facility behind it. Or so one trusts. Where are you getting your cryo-fluid, Madame Tanaka?"

The medtech's old mouth set in a flat smile. "The concentrate falls off the back of a few loading docks of hospitals here in town. They discard their outdated supplies a couple of times a year. We distill our own water to reconstitute it."

Miles's brows rose. "Is that, um…?all right? Medically?"

Raven shrugged. "If the use-by dating is fairly conservative, yes."

It was not, Miles supposed, a choice between discarded fluid and fresh, but between discarded and none. He was reminded again that this place was a parasite operation, clinging to the underbelly of a more functional economy, without which it could not continue to exist. Granted, if its host economy functioned rather better, it wouldn't need to exist.

Medical sensors blinked timing lights. Ako withdrew the tubes and sealed the entry and exit incisions with plastic bandage, and carefully lathered the skin with ointment. She and Medtech Tanaka horsed the body into a sort of plastic body-glove, then joined forces with Tenbury to shift it all onto the float pallet, where Tenbury covered it more corpselike with a sheet. He guided the pallet out the door. "Want to help me, Jin?" Tenbury asked hopefully over his shoulder. Jin, planting his feet, doggedly shook his head. Tenbury sighed and trundled his burden away.

Ako turned to the clean-up process, Raven leaned against a counter, and Miles found a stool to perch upon. While the medtech folded her arms and listened dubiously, Miles embarked on much the same pitch as he'd presented to Madame Suze, heavy on the implication that Suze had sent them over here with her full blessing. Since Tanaka seemed susceptible to the boy, Miles also unleashed Jin for a judicious blast of heartfelt imploring.

As a result, her frown at the end seemed more technical than political. "We haven't had most of that section open for years. A lot of the equipment that wasn't stripped out when the place was decommissioned went later."

Palmed and pawned or sold, Miles presumed.

"But I do maintain…?huh. I think we'll have to go up and take a look around."

Not a flat no, impossible, then. Good so far. "That's what Raven is here for," Miles assured her. "Suze said-is that her first name or her last, by the way?"

"Both," said the medtech. "Susan Suzuki."

"Have you been working with her for long?"

"Since the beginning. There were three of us put the scheme together-Suze, her sister, who was assistant to the comptroller, and me. We roped in Tenbury pretty quick, though."