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“Such as?”

“Such as being a loving, caring human being.”

“You don’t think I’m manipulative? Tom accused me of falling in love with ‘Ana’ solely because you were the first woman who didn’t threaten my fragile ego.”

She denied that theory with a shake of her head. “I disagree with him, but maybe I helped teach you something.”

“And what was that?”

“That all any of us has to give is our best. If we do that, we succeed, no matter what the outcome.”

“I have learned that. But you’ve got to promise not to scold when I get moody and sullen after losing a game.”

She kissed him. “I’ll just have to think of ways to improve your bad moods, won’t I?”

He angled his head to one side, and his eyes shone with a teasing light. “You know, I was a trifle jealous when those photographers clustered around us tonight as we left the party. They were as eager to get pictures of you as they were of me. Will you ever want to go back to modeling?”

“Maybe, but only if it doesn’t conflict with you and the children.”

His mouth slanted into that sly grin she loved. His eyebrow tipped down toward it. “Children?”

“Do you mind?”

“Hell, no. I’ve always had a hankering to fill up this house with a few kids.”

“Good. Because I want to get started right away!”

He laughed and hugged her tightly. “God, you’re gorgeous.” He proudly surveyed her face. “I’d like to see you in action, preening before a camera or strutting down a runway with a spotlight on your hair.” He ran his hands through it and she smiled.

“I’ll have to lose some weight first.”

“Lose some weight! You’re all bones now.”

“Not nearly bony enough to strut down a runway. But now that I’ve acquired a taste for potatoes and gravy, I don’t know that I’ll ever go back to a diet of lettuce and water.”

“Just don’t lose these,” he said, lifting his head to kiss her breasts. “They’re perfect.”

She sighed as his mouth moved over her, then adjusted her body to his and took him inside her. He filled her with a warm, solid pressure.

“That’s beautiful,” he said with a groan.


“That little sound you make every time I’m inside you. I want to hear it every day, at least once, for the rest of my life.”

“Then you plan on keeping me”

“I guess I will.”

“Don’t sound so self-sacrificing.”

“Well, I do feel a little sorry for you.”

“You do?”

“Yeah.” He moaned with extreme pleasure when she made a rolling motion with her hips. “If I don’t marry you, you might end up an old maid.”

“Why?” she asked on a soft gasp as he drove deeper.

“Because, you poor, homely thing, your front teeth are crooked.”

Then he kissed her and heaven rained down.