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“We need to pick up the pace,” he said. Yet he did not move.

“Right,” she said.

Talen mustered his courage and retrieved the torch.

“We have surprise on our side,” Sugar said.

But Talen wondered if that was indeed the case.

They stepped forward. All they needed to do was get one of the teeth into the monster. Or deliver the crude crown to someone who could use it. When it came to it, Talen knew his job would be to throw himself into harm’s way to distract the monster. Perhaps into the arms of the monster itself. He did not relish that idea.

The torch burned low. He retrieved the fourth. Even if they hurried, he doubted the two remaining torches would be enough for the trip back. But then there would be no trip back if they fell into some gaping hole in the floor.

He lit the fourth torch and dropped the burned one to the floor.

A little farther and the passage opened into a chamber that contained a large pool of black water. They followed the trail that skirted the edge of the water. At one point, he saw something glowing palely at the edge of the water up ahead. When they got close, he saw it was from many small, thin crablike insects feasting on the remains of a spiny, translucent fish.

They soon exited the chamber and passed what looked to be a number of pillars. They came upon openings to other passageways, but the tracks never varied from the path.

The bluish light grew stronger, as did the odd sulfur smell. It was so strong he could taste it on the edges of the back of his tongue. One thing he had noticed was that the light wasn’t moving away from them. In fact, he suspected that around the next turn they’d see its source. He signaled to Sugar to stop.

He whispered, “I’m going to douse the torch.” The last thing he wanted was for the monster to know they were coming, but the torch would announce them along the walls ahead with its flickering yellow light. Of course, it might already know of their presence and simply be waiting around that bend. And that’s why he was going first. Sugar needed to be able to wield the tooth.

“Follow me,” he whispered and quietly stepped forward.

He heard something-human voices. Had he heard River’s voice? His heart soared. They were yet alive!

He glanced at Sugar, who shared his hope.

Two more steps and he stood at the corner of the chamber ahead. He peered around the edge and saw it opened onto another chamber. This was definitely the source of the light.

He glanced at Sugar one more time. The tooth’s sharp point and the intricate pattern on its side shone in the bluish light. In her other hand she carried the silver case that contained the remaining tooth.

He would distract the monster, draw it to them, and she would stab it anywhere she could.

Talen nodded and stepped out into the full light.

He expected an immediate attack. At the very least he expected the creature to see him and charge. But no such thing happened.

Da’s voice sounded from around a bend in the room where Talen couldn’t see him.

Talen took another step forward, then another, until he saw first Uncle Argoth, then River, the Creek Widow, Da, Ke, and another woman, all manacled at even distances with chains that had been fastened into the semicircular rock wall. Ke stood. The rest of them sat with their backs against the wall.

The monster was nowhere to be seen.

“Mother!” Sugar cried and rushed forward.

The conversation ceased. All of them looked up.

Sugar ran to the woman Talen had not been able to identify. Her hair had been shaved off. She was covered with cuts and bruises.

“No,” the woman said. “Not here!” But she held up her arms anyway and received her girl in an awkward embrace, Sugar holding the hag’s tooth well away from her.

“Talen,” Da said. “What have you done? You must flee.”

Talen withdrew the red cloth from his pocket, unfolded it, then held the odd crown up by one of the leather straps. “I thought you might need this.”

“Hogan,” said the Creek Widow with some hope.

“We can’t use it,” said Da. He motioned at his neck. “Not with these things devouring our power the moment it springs forth.” Da glanced at an exit from the chamber Talen had not seen when he first came in. “I don’t know how you found us, but you must leave before it comes back. Go!”

“Wait,” said Uncle Argoth. He pointed at Sugar. “She carries the teeth.” He turned to Da. “The Skir Master’s ravelers.”

All eyes focused on what Sugar held in her outstretched arm.

Uncle Argoth waved to Sugar. “Here,” he said. “Quickly!”

Sugar rose from her mother and hurried to Uncle Argoth.

He stretched his neck to one side and motioned to a patterened object encircling it. “Careful now. I want you to prick the surface. Let it get a taste.”

“Stop,” said the Creek Widow. “What are you doing?”

Uncle Argoth turned to her. “I’ve been enthralled once. I will not be enthralled again. Let’s see if the tooth can unravel this collar.”

“It will unravel you,” said the Creek Widow.

“Then so be it,” said Uncle Argoth. He turned to Sugar. “Quickly, we don’t have time.”

Sugar glanced at Talen. Then she turned back to Argoth and brought the tooth close to the collar.

The collar moved. Then the worm head of the thing about Uncle Argoth’s neck rose as if it were sniffing the tooth.

Sugar paused, fear on her face.

“Go on, girl,” said Uncle Argoth.

She moved the point of the tooth closer and the collar struck, curling an end around the tooth.

Sugar cried out.

The tooth seemed to shudder, then it leapt out of her fingers.

Uncle Argoth gasped.

The tooth was wriggling, entwining with the collar.

“Grab it,” said Uncle Argoth.

The tooth and collar were now one, struggling, twisting about his neck.

Uncle Argoth fell back against the wall.

Sugar tried to grab the tooth, but it resisted. She tried again. This time she was able to catch it and tug.

She grunted. “It’s stuck,” she said.

“Yes,” said Uncle Argoth. He winced. “I can feel it weakening. Get a good grip. Be ready to yank it back when I tell you.”

The collar writhed.

“It’s slipping,” said Sugar.

Suddenly the collar jerked, spasmed.

“Now!” said Uncle Argoth.

Sugar yanked. The tooth did not budge.

Uncle Argoth cried out, clutched at his neck.

Lords, it was going to burrow into him.

Then Sugar pulled a second time and the tooth came free. It twisted once, twice, and then stilled.

Uncle Argoth grasped the dead worm thing about his throat and ripped it free. He held it up before him then cast it to the floor.

A bright spot of red glistened on his neck.

Uncle Argoth stroked the spot. Then he pulled his hand away and looked at the blood there.

“That was a nasty bite,” he said to Sugar. “But well done. Now free Ke and the Creek Widow. Then Hogan, River, and Purity. In that order.”

“Bring the crown here,” he said. “She’ll feel the breach. We don’t have much time.”

Talen hurried over to Uncle Argoth, who was still in chains, and held the crown out to him.

Uncle Argoth took it by the strap and lay the square medallion in the palm of his hand. He stroked its surface with his finger.

Sugar moved to Ke, who stretched his thick neck to the side.

“Wait,” said Talen. “Give me the other gauntlet and tooth. We’ll do two at a time.”

Sugar nodded and removed the second gauntlet from her belt. She tossed it to Talen.

He caught it midstride. It was as light as silk and thin. Even the weave in its palm was thin. He expected to feel some surge of power when he pulled it on to his left hand, but he felt no such thing. It felt simply like an exceedingly fine glove. The gold studs were small enough that it wouldn’t affect the grip of the glove too much. He had no time to tie the sleeve, so he let the straps dangle.