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A special chank-you to my wife, Michelle, for all her love and support.

To Ed Victor, for starting it all.

To Steve Ross, Luke Dempsey, and the entire Crown Publishers team.

To T M. for watching my back.

To Brad Graham at the Washington Post; Drs. Cohen, Whiteman, and Hayward; Professors Greenberger and Tongun; Rabbi Andy; Father Fraser; STS2SS Bordeaux (USN fair); “B” and “E”; Jim; Jon; Julie; Jessie; Gregg; Honupo; and Dad, for “the human factor.”

And a final thank-you to the three men whose inspiration made this book possible: Studs Terkel, the late General Sir John Hackett, and, of course, the genius and terror of George A. Romero.

I love you, Mom.