
“You heard what I said. Once Warren returns, I’ll be taking a short vacation. My doctor has told me of a clinic in Europe where I can get some treatments for my condition. You will accompany me, along with four bodyguards.”

“Of course, sir, but begging your pardon, if your brother is under house arrest, who will be in charge of the day-to-day affairs?”

Marco smiled. “My nephew will be taking full control. will be in touch with him daily, but he will be acting CEO until my return.”

The shock in Peter’s voice was unmistakable. “Sir, you can’t be serious? I thought Warren was-”

“You thought what? That I would be foolish enough to place all my hopes in Derek? Don’t question matters about which you know nothing.”

The fear in Peter’s voice brought a smile to Marco’s 1ips. “My apologies, sir. Everything will be as you’ve ordered.”

Marco cut the connection, and leaned back painfully in his chair. He smiled. Yes, Peter; everything will be as I’ve ordered. And when we get to the clinic tomorrow, I will feast on your blood, and show you just what that means.


The virus affects the various metatypes in different ways, and offers many avenues for studying how those distinctive strengths and weaknesses can be exploited. Of the metas tested so far, banshees offer some of the most interesting possibilities. With some exceptions, the group as a whole seems to experience the change as a boon. In some instances, I’ve even been able to forego use of the psychotropic chip.


Dr. Oslo Wake, laboratory notes, lest series OV9267a, 07 August 2060

Rachel’s head hurt as the post-adrenaline fatigue crashed over her. Her anger had dissipated with the excitement of the run. Now, she was merely dead tired.

The Fratellanza, Inc. warehouse was crowded with men, most of them caked with dried sweat and grime, and the smell of fear and anger was a sour tang in the air. Most of the men were still in battle armor but in varying states of undress. The armor they still wore was covered in dust and blood. They were talking among themselves in low, angry tones.

Rachel looked around the huge warehouse at all the men, some tending to the wounded, some field-stripping and cleaning their gear. Then she looked at the huge trucks, all of them showing battle-scarring. These fraggers took heavy losses, she thought.

Rachel sat huddled next to Flak and Sinunu. Unlike the Fratellanza men, the three of them were dressed in night camo, with no body armor. Flak breathed heavily through bloodied lips and still held himself in a combat-ready stance despite the swathing of bandages that covered his torso and neck. Sitting on the floor behind Rachel was Sinunu, pale and distant.

Rachel had been trying to talk to her for the past hour, but to no avail. Sinunu didn’t want to talk; she was stunned by That had happened to Truxa.

If what Flak said was true, Truxa had meant everything to Sinunu, and Rachel could only guess what it might feel like to lose her. She wouldn’t even let herself think about how it would be to lose Warren for good. They’d failed to find him, but Rachel knew they would try again.

She forced herself to stand up and look for Julius. He stood in his combat armor, helmet removed, and she recognized him by his silver hair. Julius was speaking to the red-haired captain, Biggs. At first Rachel was surprised that Julius had the assault himself-after all, he was an executive. But she knew better; the whole D’imato family received combat training, both personal and strategic.

More things about Warren I never knew. It bothered her he’d kept all this from her, as though she were too fragile to handle it. Or perhaps he’d done it to protect her from his family.

Rachel stretched out the kinks in her legs and back. Then touched her neck where the wound had been bandaged, fluffed her hair out of habit before walking across the room toward Julius.

Rachel looked over at de Vries as she went. He sat on the bumper of the Mobmaster, surrounded by soldiers still in combat gear. Several of them held flame-throwers, the nozzeles pointed at de Vries. Next to de Vries sat Short Eyes, looking bored.

Julius had told Rachel he was going to check out their story, if possible, before letting them go. Rachel didn’t think Julius could actually hold de Vries, even with the whole Fratellanza arsenal and all its troops, but de Vries was going along with the game for now.

Rachel walked up to Julius, pushing past two big, cybered orks who seemed to be listening to instructions. “Excuse me, Mr. D’imato” she said.

“Yes, Rachel?” Rachel had never met Warren’s father, and the familiar way he used her name bothered her a little. She didn’t know much about him, but from the way he addressed her, she guessed he knew almost everything about her.

Rachel hooked a thumb back over her shoulder at the runners. “Their mage died on the run trying to get Warren out,” she said. “Her name was Truxa. We were almost out of there, but we’d been going at it for too long. I guess we got sloppy. A vamp got her when we were loading into the truck.”

“I saw. I’ve also been told that the albino woman-”


“-Sinunu held the mage in… shall we say, very high regard.”

Rachel nodded.

“We all know what it’s like to lose someone we love.”

Rachel frowned. “If you know that, then you’ve got to know these people have gone through hell and back to get your son, and I think they deserve a bit more consideration than you’ve shown them.”

Julius flinched. “Of course,” he said. “There’s not much I can do for them here, but I plan to do something about their loses.” He turned to one of the orks. “Biggs, you finish up here for me?”

The big ork nodded his assent.

Julius put his arm around Rachel’s shoulders and led her back toward Flak and Sinunu.

Flak looked up at Rachel and Julius as they approached.

Julius spoke with pain in his voice. “I know that you risked your lives trying to rescue my son.”

Flak stood, and offered his huge hand to Julius, though his face was like something chipped from granite. “I’m just sorry we failed.” His voice was raspy and harsh.

Julius took the troll’s huge paw and shook it. “I also understand that you’ve suffered losses due to something you had no stake in. I cannot apologize enough for that, so I won’t insult you by trying. The best I can say is that none of you will ever want for anything again.” His voice cracked on the last word, and Rachel knew how he felt.

Flak shook his head. “We knew the risks when we took the job, and we’ve been paid. You owe us nothing.” Even though he sounded sincere, his voice was dead, flat.

“Yes, he does.” If Flak’s voice had sounded dead, Sinunu’s voice sounded as if all Hell’s damned were speaking in chorus. There was so much anger and pain in her voice that for a moment Rachel feared the other woman might actually attack Julius.

Julius stood tall and looked at her. “You are the one called Sinunu. Of everyone, I believe you have lost the most tonight. What could I possibly do to make that up to you?”

Sinunu stood. She was nearly as tall as Julius, though leaner. She still had dried blood on her face and neck, but it only made her look all the more deadly. “You can tell us you’re going to do something about the evil out there.”

Julius nodded. “Do you think I would dishonor the losses both you and I have suffered by sitting idle while those things still walk? But, to my mind, the first order of business is to reattempt to rescue my son.”

Sinunu smiled, and Rachel could see the gaps in her mouth where teeth were missing. “And you could say that we’re coming with you. Though you must know that it doesn’t matter what you say; we will avenge our own.”