The next day his folks went shopping and I asked him if he was okay. He said, "Yeah. I am now. It only hurts while they do it and a little while later."

I asked if I could see his butt and was surprised to see only a few purple places. His whole butt was covered with red stripes the last time I had seen it.

"He said, "I wish I knew why she decided to go to the canal. Do you think mothers are psychic?"

I rationalized that his punishment was my fault but actually I wanted to know how it felt.

"No. It was my fault. I told her you went swimming. I am sorry. You can give me a switching if you want to make up for it."

"Really? It would make me feel better for you to know the pain you caused me."

"Then let's do it. I hate feeling guilty for telling on you."

We went outside and he cut a branch off their willow tree. I felt a combination of fear and excitement as he pulled off the leaves and little branches to leave a skinny whip.

He led me out to the log and said. "You straddle that branch sticking out and hold on to branches on the other side to keep from moving around."

I knew that all I would have to do was lift my skirt and pull down my panties but I thought I should be naked the way he was and took off my shirt, skirt and panties. I stood in front of him very excited and was proud when he said, "You are beautiful. You even have boobies."

He turned me around to face the log and I stepped over the branch to lay my tummy on the log. I was shorter than him so the branch didn't just go between my thighs. My pussy was resting on it. I gasped as a little knot pressed into my clitoris.

He said, "I didn't count. How many times did he hit me?"

I had, relishing each stripe on his butt. It was fifteen but I said, "Twenty. I will try to be brave like you."

He hit across both my cheeks. I expected excrusiating pain but there was just a sting that made me lunge forward to rub the knot on my clit. He began a steady rythmn that began enveloping my butt with stings. By ten when my only reaction had been gasps with lunges to rub my clit he began hitting a little harder but that just increased my excitement and I spread my legs to let the branch deeper in my gash and let my chest down for my nipples to rub on the log. I began having orgasms at the end when he quit.

I was gasping and shuddering and he lifted me to my feet and asked concerned, "Are you alright?"

"Oh my butt is on fire. Rub my pussy to take my mind off it."

He did to bring on another orgasm he recognised, "Oh good. You came. That should have made you forget the pain."

I moaned, "It did. Let me make you cum."

He unzipped his pants proving the whipping had excited him too since it was throbbing hard. I knelt in front of him and began rubbing it with my hand until he gasped, "Kiss it." It seemed appropriate for a slave to do it and I ran my lips up and down on it totally excited by being naked and servile out in the open. When he moaned, "Put it in your mouth." I didn't hesitate and was not even repulsed when his dick began twitching in my mouth as hot cum flooded it for me to swallow.

I was only there for two more days. Somehow we must have been ashamed over the incident because neither of us suggested another whipping. He did give me another grand experience though. We skinny dipped on the last day and he offered to kiss my pussy as I had his dick. It felt wonderful and I reciprocated by sucking his dick.

I must have really felt guilty because when the quarterback asked me to suck his I had forgotten I had done it before and would not even consider it.

Now that he was not forcing me into terrible pain I found that I was losing the courage to ask for anything terrrible and running out of ideas. I told him that from then on I would just pick out slips and he could do anything on them.

He said, "No. That is a bad idea. There are some terrible things in there that I only planned to do when I hated you."

"Alright. We both have to agree on the punishment and might make modifications. If it is too bad I can always scream "Mercy."

There were some awful things and now that I knew him I doubted he would have done them even in hatred. We agreed not to do any of the burning things like being branded or having gasoline poured on my pussy and lighted but over his objection I decided I wanted to try the candles in my ass and pussy.

He tied a thick rope around my waist and lifted me up until most of my weight was on my shoulders then tied my legs in a slit to the adjoining walls. He licked on my slit and asshole to get them wet to insert the candle then lit them explaing they were special drippy candles.

He was right. The pain came very gradually as first just slightly hot wax puddled in my slit and asshole. As the candles burned down the wax became hotter and hotter. I watched the ceiling mirror fascinated by the lowering flame as the wax became hot enough to sizzle when it hit my gushing juices. finally the flame was low enough to cause terrible pain but I was in orgasm. Before it got any lower he blew them out and pulled them out of my holes ripping out hair that had been covered by the wax.

I sobbed, "Why did you blow them out. I was almost to ultimate pain!"

"Because you are self-destructive and I love your pussy. I don't want it out of action while you heal."

I knew he was right and when I was loose I knelt humbly in front of him and said, "Thank you master." then sucked his dick. licked his balls and tongued his asshole until I was rewarded by squirts of his cum I let cover my face then scraped into my mouth with my fingers.

The next slip I drew was to be whipped with barbed wire. He objected saying it would rip the skin from my body but I told him he could hit easy. Even then he only agreed if I took them untied so I could cover up if I forgot to yell "Mercy."

It was much worse than I expected the barbs were dull and ripped into my skin and when one lash set barbs into both nipples causing excruciating pain I yelled, "Mercy."

He wiped off the blood with a wet towel and I was ashamed of my cowardice when I saw little marks like insect bites and no stripes proving he had not hit hard.

I soobbed, "I'm sorry I was such a coward!"

In spite of that he must have felt guilty because he offered to let me whip him but I refused. It would ruin it for me for us to be equals.

He seemed relieved then said, "Is there anyone you would like to punish?"

"Oh God yes! There was a girl in school named Patty. She was mad that the girls had voted me head cheerleader and was jealous. She was always getting me in troube by telling lies about me. Once she even told the principal I had drugs in my locker. They dragged me out of class to open my locker to search it. The principal apologized when they didn't find anything and showed me the anonymous note he had received. I recognized Patty's hand writing. I told him she was a bitch and had just wanted me to get in trouble but he said there was no proof she had sent the note and even if she had it may have been an honest mistake because Patty was a model student who never got in trouble. Even though I was innocent he always suspected me. Once I had to strip in front of his ugly old secretary we suspected of being a lesbian so she could search me. She put her finger in my pussy then when she said she couldn't get deep enough to feel anything she put two fingers of each hand in my pussy and stretched it open so far I was afraid it may tear! I almost died of shame. I am sure Patty told them I hid drugs in my pussy."

"You could get even with her if you like. She sounds like the type of girl I was looking for when I found you. It might take a few days but I can bring her to you."

"Oh I couldn't. I am not brave like you. I am afraid the police might find out and arrest us. We would have to let her go eventually and I know she would go to the cops. She loves to snitch."