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Her hand released a little from gouging into his arm, and he led her to the next interview. He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “That was great, love.”

She flushed, but didn’t look up at him as they confronted the next reporter.

“And now I’m here with Chase Booker and his girlfriend, Natalie Collins,” Rick Jones said to the camera. He turned and stuck out his microphone. “Chase, your movie Night Blooming has been nominated for seven awards. How do you feel about your chances tonight?”

“I think all the nominees are wonderful across the board. We’re up against some tight competition. It should be an interesting night.” Chase kept Natalie tight against him.

Rick asked Natalie who she was wearing, and Chase watched Natalie relax slightly and answer. As she spoke, he couldn’t help but realize how lucky he was to find her.

He led her away, noticing how her body shook next to his. He’d pushed her enough for the evening. The interviews were over for now. They stopped for a picture before heading into the theater.

The usher escorted them to their seats. Chase took Natalie’s hand in his and brought it to his lips.

“You did wonderfully, Natalie.”

She blushed softly and smiled. “It wasn’t as awful as I thought it would be.”

“No falling or puking. I think that’s a pass.”

Her gaze roamed the crowd. Her expressions captivated him as she recognized actors she’d seen in movies or TV. Chase had already med most of them, either through his parents or during his own career.

“Chase,” Robert said as he and Alexis sat beside them. “Natalie, you look stunning tonight.” Alexis had chosen a daring gown. Obviously she was aiming for a best-dressed nod. Even worst dressed would help get her the attention she craved.

“Good evening, Chase.” Alexis pouted her full lips his way. “I’m so glad you decided not to bring me. Robert is such a fine escort.” She ran her hand over Robert’s arm.

Robert gave Chase a helpless look. Robert typically avoided bringing anyone to shows. He was a confirmed bachelor and rarely dated. Women tried all the time to get him, but he remained cool and aloof.

Natalie’s face tilted his way. Chase knew he was hopelessly lost when it came to Natalie. He’d been trying to break her all week. Clubs, dinner and finally the Oscars. Maybe he was wrong to push her, but he wanted all or nothing. He’d rather lose her now than years down the road when it would be harder to let go.

He followed her gaze to see Shannen Matthews, his costar from If Only, standing beside his chair. Chase rose from his seat.

“Chase, how are you?” Shannen leaned forward and kissed the air beside his cheeks.

“Good, good, and you?”

“Missing London. I swear L.A. gets hotter every year.” Shannen’s blond hair brushed his sleeve as she turned her head and waved at someone.

“It has been a warm year. Natalie is a huge fan of If Only.” Chase glanced over his shoulder at Natalie, but she wasn’t looking at him.

She nodded in Natalie’s direction. “I must find Bill. We’ll catch up at the after party.” She kissed the air again and sauntered farther down the aisle.

Chase sat down as the lights began to dim. Natalie’s hands were clasped on her lap. He reached over and plucked one of them. He folded his fingers in with hers and listened to the opening act.

“Have you worked with Shannen Matthews after If Only?” The tentative whisper tickled his ear.

“Yeah, we’re supposed to do something in the future. Some sort of period romance,” he whispered without taking his eyes off the stage, where they were announcing Actor in a Supporting Role nominees.


He glanced over at her, but her eyes remained riveted on the stage. What had that been all about?

The ceremony continued. Natalie clapped and watched along with the rest of the crowd, but something was off. Something in the way she smiled alerted him that something was wrong. Her fingers restlessly pinched at her satin dress. Her cheeks were stained pink and her lips were drawn tight. Had he done the right thing by bringing her? Was it too soon?

Becca had been a teenager when she left him. Natalie was a grown woman. Her shyness was one of the things he’d fallen in love with. Her reluctance to be brought into the spotlight charmed him. She made him happy, and she was trying so hard.

She’d taken everything he’d thrown at her this week. He’d stopped worrying that today would be the day she’d leave him. He’d begun to hope that they could make this last. That he could make a life with Natalie even though she wasn’t an actress.

Maybe he could make it up to her by skipping the after parties and just going home. They could cuddle up with some chocolate ice cream, and he could show her once more how much he loved her.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Natalie laced her fingers together. Chase loved her. Would that be enough? They hadn’t talked long term, but she couldn’t begin to imagine a life without him in it. But to have to brave this scrutiny every year…every month…every day…

Her normal, boring life would change. Not that it hadn’t already. After all, she sat next to Chase Booker at the Oscars. Never in a million years would she have imagined being here. She would have never considered it a possibility or wanted it.

The goals she’d set for herself had nothing to do with fame. A good career, a solid man, a few children, retirement. Nowhere in her future had she wished for cameras intruding on all the moments in her life. Strangers wouldn’t have wanted to know what she was doing. But as long as she was with Chase, her life would be open season for reporters and so would her children’s lives.

Her eyes drifted to Alexis’s beautiful profile. Chase had dated Alexis. The woman personified sex, from her lush curves to her to-die-for lips. When Chase went to his next movie set, a woman as gorgeous as Alexis would be waiting for him.

They’d kiss passionately because Chase always got the woman in the movies. How would Natalie’s kisses measure up? How would he feel coming back to L.A.? To her? Natalie Collins, petite brown-haired wallflower. How would they ever have a private life? Chase’s life was public. Had always been public, would always be public.

His smile was radiant as he watched the next presenter. He did look like Prince Charming. Unfortunately, she didn’t qualify as Cinderella.

He reclaimed her hand. Her traitorous body tingled in reaction to his touch. His eyes met hers. How long before he realized he’d made a mistake? How long before he wound up in someone else’s bed because she wasn’t cut out for this kind of life?

“Are you all right?” Chase ran his fingertip down the side of her face, leaving a trail of bittersweet desire behind.

She tried to steady her wayward thoughts. All relationships were built on trust, and she trusted Chase. Even though she preferred a quiet life, she loved him.


The crescendoing music kept time with her pulse as an Oscar winner left the stage.

She smiled at Chase and touched his cheek. “I’m fine.”

His eyes narrowed, but the next presenters began their speech for Best Picture. Chase and Robert’s faces appeared up on the big screen as Night Blooming was announced.

“And the Oscar goes to Chase Booker and Robert Addler for Night Blooming.” Applause sounded all around them.

Chase’s face cleared of all the concern in a heartbeat as he flashed his winning smile at the camera. He leaned close to her. “We’ll talk when I get back.”

He moved to the aisle and strode toward the stage with Robert. The music had stopped, and Chase and Robert were getting ready to deliver their speech.

“We’d like to thank the Academy.” Chase’s voice filled the auditorium. “There are so many people who were part of this film and helped to make it happen.”