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Not because of the fabulous roles he played, but because of who he was. She didn’t see Tom from If Only in front of her. She saw the man who said he liked her smile. The man who picked up her glasses. The man who looked at her as if she were the only woman in the world.

She saw Chase. Her hand shook as she set the phone on the counter next to her. Risking everything for that look, she lifted her hand slowly. Her shaking fingertips traced the rough scruff along his chin.

His eyes sparked with her touch, but he didn’t close the last bit of distance between them. Her fingers wandered up into his slightly damp hair. She rubbed the strands between her fingers. So soft.


She pulled her gaze from his hair and met his eyes. She didn’t care why he was here, just that he was here. With her. Seeing her. Making her feel beautiful.

His eyes shut, and he leaned into her hand for a moment. When he opened them, they were filled with regret. Covering her hand with his, he smiled softly. “I should go. We…we’re not from the same world.”

The little piece of hope that had flared to life went out. Not from the same world. He was Mr. Popularity and she was the nerd. That may not be what he meant, but that’s how it felt.

She slid her hand out from under his. His hand clung to hers until it was freed. He flexed his fingers as he dropped his hand to his side. He wasn’t unaffected by her, but she wasn’t enough to tempt him to stay.

His fingers lifted her chin until she met his eyes again. “I…” He dropped his hand. “I’ve got to go.”

Turning, he shrugged on his coat and stepped into his shoes. She leaned against the wall for support. She had nothing to add. She couldn’t have spoken if she wanted to.

He didn’t look at her as he struggled with the locks and the doorknob. Stepping forward, she brushed his hands aside, undid the locks and pulled the door open. The scent of rain, fresh and clean, filled the small space.

He stepped out. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Yeah,” she rasped as she eased the door shut. Before it closed fully, it stopped.

Natalie stepped back from the door as it slowly opened.

Chase stood in the doorway, hands braced on the door frame. Rain coursed over him. His head hung down. His fingers curved into the wood as if some invisible wall separated them.

“Natalie, tell me to leave and I will.” Haunted green eyes rose to meet her eyes. “I don’t want to leave, but if you tell me to, I will.”

Her heart struggled against her chest. “I…” She dropped her gaze to the puddle forming at his feet. What would it mean if she let Chase in again? Would they make love and then just forget about each other? Would it be enough?


She lifted her gaze to his. Could she resist this opportunity? Did she want to? God yes, she wanted him. She clamped her lips together to stop her doubts from emerging and held out her hand.

He dropped his head again before pushing off the door frame and into the apartment. “To hell with right and wrong.” His foot kicked the door shut as his hand closed over hers.

He yanked her into his arms, and his mouth crashed down on hers. Her jammies were soaked within seconds but she didn’t care. A flood of desire pooled in her core, and her body tingled where his warmth radiated through his clothes.

The intensity of his kiss thrilled her down to her toes. He lifted her against him. His arousal pressed into her stomach as an answering pulse surged between her thighs. A sensuous fog of lust clouded her mind as his mouth trailed away to her neck. Her feet met the floor again and he released her. She whimpered.

He smiled as he kicked off his shoes and dropped his jacket on the floor. He closed the distance between their bodies and tipped up her face to his. His mouth stopped above hers, and his eyes delved into hers. “I couldn’t leave you now. I need you, Natalie. You. Only you.”

His mouth pressed against hers. Her hands sank into his wet locks and held him there. She wanted this moment more than she wanted to breathe. He gathered her in his arms and worked her backward down the hall.

His head lifted and his forehead rested against hers as they both gulped down air. His heart raced against hers. “Which way do we go?”

She opened her eyes to his deep green ones. His hand brushed over the back of her neck, and her eyelids slid shut. His chest rubbed against her breasts. Her lips parted. Had he asked something?

Her eyelids lifted. His eyes smiled down at her.

“Don’t you have a roommate?” His voice was husky and deep. It sent shivers down her spine.


“Much as I love the camera, I don’t want to put on a show tonight. I want you all to myself.” His fingertip traced the curve of her ear.

“Oh.” His words penetrated the fog invading her mind. “She’s out tonight.” The smell of rain and his woodsy scent overwhelmed her nose. It coursed down her body to settle in her belly.

“Where’s your room, Natalie?” His teeth nipped the tender skin of her jaw, and her pulse leapt. The desire reflected in his gaze finally broke through the fog.

She turned within his arms. His hand lifted her hair from her neck, and his mouth caressed the back of her neck. If his arm hadn’t been around her, she would have melted into a puddle at his feet.

“Room?” His warm breath fanned the nape of her neck.

Right, room. She led him into the living room. He’d mercifully lifted his head from his torment of her neck, giving her some space to think. His arm remained around her waist. The backs of his fingers skimmed down the side of her breast.

She stopped in her tracks. Her breath caught in her throat at the whisper of a touch, and she leaned back into the warmth of his chest. A drop of water splattered on her forehead.

His finger brushed away the drop. “I could use another towel.”

This was really happening. Chase was in her living room, touching and kissing her. Not just in her mind or on the screen. Screen? Her gaze darted to the TV still paused on Chase’s face.

The red-hot lava of embarrassment filled her cheeks even as pools of liquid fire gathered between her thighs and his mouth worked down the side of her neck again. Maybe he wouldn’t notice.

“Not the best still frame, but definitely a good scene.” His breath was hot against her neck as he spoke.

So much for hoping he wouldn’t notice. Normally, she’d wish for the floor to swallow her whole, but she didn’t want to be out of Chase’s arms for one second. “I think that’s one of your best smiles.”

His mouth curved into a smile as he dropped a kiss on her lips.

“I stand corrected,” Natalie said as she struggled to control her breathing. “That is your best smile.”

He leaned down until his lips were next to her ear. “You ain’t seen nothing yet.”

His hand trailed from her waist to cup her breast. Her nipples hardened, and she fought to control her breathing. His body was hard against her back. She completely forgot the TV as urgency filled her. Her body pulsed.

His thumb stroked her nipple through her damp pajama top. His other hand relinquished her hip and worked on the buttons of her top. Her hands found his hips, something solid to cling to as desire pulled her farther down. When the top few buttons were undone, his hand slipped inside. His flesh brushed against her nipple. Warmth pooled between her legs.

“Natalie.” Her name was a growl upon his lips.

Her shirt fell open when he finished with the buttons. His hands brushed the shirt down her arms and it slid to the floor. His mouth caressed the sensitive area between her neck and her shoulder.

His hands stroked back up her arms. She was beyond lost. Any doubts she may have felt went up in smoke. She turned in his arms.

Looking down into liquid pools of chocolate, Chase shuddered at the trust and longing revealed there. Gently he removed her glasses and set them on the table next to him. Unable to resist the parting of her lips, he lowered his mouth to hers, taking his time to savor the sweet taste of her.