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He unwrapped a line from his waist and fixed one end to the pulsing wall of the chamber. As the jaws of the clip bit, Poole found himself wincing, but he forced himself to tug at the clip, feeling its strong teeth tear a little into the Spline’s flesh, before he felt confident enough to push himself away from the wall after Parz.

Parz, propelled by some subtle reaction-pack built onto the spine of his skinsuit, swam with a stiff grace around the chamber. His skinsuit was slick with gobbets of blood-analogue, Poole noticed, giving Parz the odd and obscene appearance of something newborn. "This is the stomach chamber," Parz said. "The Spline’s main — ah — hold, if you will. Where the Qax would customarily reside. At least, the Occupation-era Qax I have described; the turbulent-fluid beings."

Poole glanced around the dim recesses of the space; it was like some ugly, fleshy cathedral. "I guess they needed the elbow room."

Parz glanced across at Poole; the shadows cast by the floating globe threw the age lines of his face into sharp relief. His green eyes glimmered, startling. "You shouldn’t be surprised to feel uncomfortable, moving through this Spline, Mr. Poole. It’s not a human environment. No attempt has been made to adapt it to human needs, or human sensibilities." His face seemed to soften, then, and Poole tried to read his expression in the uncertain light. "You know, I’d give a lot to see the Spline of a few centuries from now. From my time," he corrected himself absently. "After the overthrow of the Qax, when human engineers adapt the Splines for our own purposes. Tiled vein corridors; metal-walled stomach chambers—"

"The overthrow of the Qax?" Poole asked sharply. "Parz, what do you know about the overthrow of the Qax?"

Parz smiled dreamily. "Only what I was told by the Governor of Occupied Earth… The second Governor, that is. Only what it told me of the future, when it was convinced I would die before seeing another human."

Poole felt blood pulse in the veins of his neck. "Jasoft, for the first time I’m glad I rescued you from that damn ridiculous eyeball."

Parz turned away. Half swimming, he made his way toward one section of the stomach-chamber wall, some way from the areas violated by the irruption of the Crab. He came to rest beside a metal canister, a coffin-sized box that was fixed to the fleshy wall by a web of metal strands.

"What is it?" Poole asked. "Have you found something?" Clumsily he made his way across the deserted space of the chamber toward Parz.

The two of them huddled over the box, the light globe hovering close like a faithful dog; the small tent of light cast over them was strangely intimate. Parz ran quick, practiced hands over the box, fingering telltale touch-screens that, Poole noticed, refused to light. His face was quite clear to Poole, but his expression was neutral. Unreadable.

Parz said, " ‘Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair.’ "


"This is Qax." He slapped the box with one gloved palm. "The Governor of Earth. Dead, harmless…"


"The Qax preferred to run their Spline craft by direct conscious control, with their own awareness alongside — complementing and directing — the continuing sentience of the Spline."

Poole frowned. "Can’t have been comfortable for the Spline."

"The Spline didn’t have much choice," said Parz. "It’s an efficient method. But not without its risks.

"When the collision with your ship terminated the Spline’s higher functions, perhaps the Qax could have disengaged. But it didn’t. Driven by its hatred — and, perhaps, by hubris, right to the end — it stayed locked inside the Spline’s sensorium. And when the ship died, the Qax died with it."

Poole fingered the metal webbing, thoughtfully. "I wonder if the Spline could be salvaged, somehow. After all, the hyperdrive alone is worth centuries of research. Maybe we could link up the Crab’s AI to what’s left of the Spline’s functions."

Parz frowned. "But if the Qax’s method is any guide, you need a sophisticated conscious entity as a front end, something that can feel its way into what’s left of the Spline’s — identity. Sympathetically. Do you understand?"

Poole nodded, smiling. "I think so. And I know just the conscious entity to try it."

Parz was silent for a moment. His gloved fingers stroked the surface of the metal canister almost tenderly, and he seemed to be rocking in the thick intestinal air. Poole leaned closer, trying to read Parz’s expression; but the half-shadowed face, with its mask of age tightened by AS, was as empty as it had ever been. "Jasoft? What are you thinking?"

Parz looked up at him. "Why," he said with a note of surprise, "I think I’m mourning."

"Mourning a Qax?" A creature, thought Poole, whose fellows had turned Earth’s cities to glass — who would have, given a little more fortune, scraped humanity out of the Solar System before most people had even learned the name of their destroyers — and who had turned Parz himself into a quisling, a man unable even to face his true self… "Jasoft, are you crazy?"

Parz shook his head slowly; folds of the clear skinsuit creased at his neck. "Poole, one day humans are going to cause the destruction of the Qax’s home world. We’ll almost wipe them out.

"…But they’re unique. There are only — have only ever been — a few hundred of them. Yet each one has the seed of immortality — the potential to live long enough to witness star-corpses shine by proton decay.

"Poole, this is the second Qax I’ve seen die." Parz bent his head to the metal case, apparently looking inward. "Yes," he said. "Yes, I’m mourning."

Poole stayed with him in the silence of the dead Spline.

* * *

Miriam Berg, Jaar at her side, walked into the devastated heart of Stonehenge.

The ground had been ripped open, wadded into thick furrows; grass clung to the broken turf like hair to flesh. And the ancient stones had been scattered like matchsticks, shivered to rubble by the casual brush of a gravity-wave starbreaker beam.

Jaar touched her shoulder and pointed into the sky, toward the bulk of Jupiter. "Look up there," he said.

Miriam stared hard along the line of his long arm, crumpling her eyes with the effort. There was a shadow: a boxy, rough rectangle, a silhouette against the gaudy pink of Jupiter, turning slowly as it sailed away from the earth-craft. "The last of the henge," she said.

"Well, at least one of the old stones has survived. It will sail around Jupiter for a hundred thousand years, perhaps."

Berg shook her head. "Damn it. I should feel happier, I guess. We’ve saved the human race!… but what a cost."

Jaar inclined his head toward her with awkward tenderness. "Miriam, I think the first builders of this old henge — had they been able to imagine it — would have been happy with such a monument as that orbiting menhir."

"Maybe." Miriam stared around at what was left of the earth-craft. The Xeelee-material huts of the Friends had been flattened like canvas tents in a gale; she could see Friends picking sadly through the debris. Although the earth-craft’s essential life-support equipment had survived inside the singularity-plane chamber, she knew that most of the Friends’ personal possessions had been abandoned up here during the assault: clothes, their records of families and places lost fifteen centuries in the future — much that made life worth living from day to day, when there was time for less weighty concerns than the fate of the universe.

Berg found herself shivering; her chest and lungs — which had not healed properly following her leap out to the edge of the atmosphere during the attack — ached dully, a constant, brooding presence. And the air of the craft was noticeably thinner, now. The weakening of the earth-craft’s gravity field, as generated by the devastated plane of singularities, was marked; in some places the craft had been rendered virtually uninhabitable. The Friends’ latest estimate was that fully forty percent of their stock of singularities had been fired away or lost while the Spline starbreakers had riffled through the craft’s defenses like fingers through paper. Many of the singularities launched before Berg had made it into the dome had hit their primary target: Jupiter, it seemed, had probably been seeded with enough singularities to cause its ultimate implosion, and — one day, centuries away — there would be a single, spinning singularity on the site now occupied by the greatest planet. But the singularity wouldn’t be of the right size, or the right spin, or whatever the hell were the mysterious success criteria the Friends had laid down for themselves. And now there weren’t enough singularities left for them to finish the job.