Ark slithered to a halt as the doorway disappeared, clicking out of existence as if it had never been there. All that was left was a memory of it in the air. In his arms, Erienne's breath was ragged and faint. He closed a hand over her nose and mouth until it ceased altogether. He laid her on the ground and stood astride her, snapping his sword from its back mount. He turned, saw the faces of reavers look up from Hirad's body and the whole room of demons focus on him and move in.

He lifted one hand towards them and beckoned them on.

'No,' said Denser, panic spearing his voice. 'No. Open the door, open the door.'

He scrabbled at the blank wall. The Unknown fell back a pace, swaying. Rebraal and Auum were next to him. Supporting him.

'Open this fucking door!' screamed Denser. 'She's still out there. Sha-Kaan. Please open the door.'

'Oh no,' said The Unknown. 'Not him. Not him. If one of us deserved to live it was him. Oh, Hirad, not you.'

'Please open the door,' mumbled Denser.

But it would not open. Hirad was dead and the link was gone. Denser slumped to the ground by the wall and was leaning against it, desolate, his body wracked with sobs.

The Unknown, his tears flowing free, shook off the elves and knelt by Denser, enveloping him in his powerful embrace. Behind them, the elves joined in prayer. And from the chamber behind them, they all heard the wailing of a dragon lost in grief for his Dragonene.

'Please make him go back.'

'They've gone, Denser. Dear Gods burning, they've all gone.'

The Unknown had no idea how long he sat with Denser. How


long until he stopped crying and he could take control of his shuddering body. But when he did release the mage, when the poor man had sobbed himself out, he looked up into Rebraal's eyes and saw the light of relief there.

'You can feel them, can't you?' he said 'Sense them.'

Rebraal nodded. 'The fabric between worlds is thin here, I can feel so much of those I love who are dead. And he is with my brother even now. The spirits rejoice. They are only lost until we travel to be with them again. And he will be there, sensing you, with you. All the time.'

The Unknown managed a smile though it tore at his heart.

'You know, Rebraal, that is a truly scary thought.'

He pushed himself to his feet, Auum stepping in to help him up. He was covered in blood and his body felt like he was still being attacked.

'Thanks. I think it's time we went and saw Sha-Kaan. Shared some memories and found out where it is this Klene is taking us. His world for now, I expect, until he can find himself a new Dragonene.'

He reached down a hand which Denser took and hauled himself upright. The Unknown threw an arm around his shoulder and looked into his eyes.

'Raven,' he whispered. 'Raven with me.'


Sol unlocked the door of The Raven's Rest in response to the insistent knocking. He cleared his throat irritably.

'We aren't op— Oh, if it isn't the Lord of the Mount elect.'

'Very funny,' said Denser. 'Mind if I come in?'

'Be my guest.' Sol stepped aside and let him in out of the chill rain. 'Fancy a glass of wine? Just had some excellent young Black-thorne red come in.'

'Sounds ideal.'


'I could eat a scabby horse.'

'Sold out of that at midday. Still, I'm sure I can find something. Sit yourself down if you can find a seat.' He gestured around the big empty room, clean for the evening traffic. He limped around the end of the bar and took a bottle from the racking beneath it. 'Jonas, you in the kitchen?'

'Yes, father.'

'Bring in some bread and ham for two, there's a good lad. Denser's here.'

'Oh, great.'

Sol fished in his pocket for a corkscrew. He watched Denser walking around the walls of the tavern, looking fondly at the paintings of The Raven hanging there. And like always, he lingered at the portrait of Erienne, reaching out to touch it, brush away an imaginary hair.

The cork pulled with a satisfying pop. He sniffed the bottle then set it on a tray with a couple of glasses,

'You know,' said Denser. 'I've wanted to ask this for a while but don't you think we should think about taking these down? You know. Let them fade naturally in memory?'

'You cannot expect me to answer that question when you ask it wearing an expression like that. Besides, they bring in the punters.'

'I'm not really sure what I'm trying to say. I don't mean don't display them at all. It's just that The Raven isn't for everyone. They're ours.'

'There are plenty who would dispute that,' said The Unknown. 'Are you saying that I shouldn't profit from them?'

'It's not even that. Gods drowning, but everyone alive still owes us . . .'

Sol set the tray down and sat beside Denser. The dark mage had chosen a high-backed leather chair; one of four grouped around a low table and large open hearth. Same as always. It reminded him of their back room at The Rookery. Long demolished now of course. Gone along with Tomas, Maris and Rhob. Like the loss of so many friends on that cataclysmic day in the demon dimension, the fact still haunted Sol sometimes. At least with Tomas and family he didn't have the nightmare memories too. The unwelcome recollection brought a shake to his hand as he poured the wine.

'See what you make of that,' he said, sitting in die next chair.

'The nerves never really recover, do they?'

Sol shook his head. 'Some days it's worse than others. Yesterday, I couldn't have poured the wine for you.' He felt the familiar sickness twist his stomach. 'That's really why I keep diem up here, you know. How their souls escaped the demons I don't know or care but we need to ... I need to remind myself every day about their sacrifice. I actually find talking to one or other of them a comfort. Keeps me sane.'

Denser chuckled, a laugh born of intimate understanding. 'You talk to pictures to keep yourself sane.'

Sol smiled and the two men chinked glasses.

'Good health.'

'Oh, now that's very good,' said Denser, savouring the taste. 'And tell you what, when that slight sharpness softens in a year or two, it'll be phenomenal.'

'My thoughts exactly.'

'Have you seen him recently?' asked Denser.

'The Baron? No, not for a couple of seasons,' said Sol. 'Funny die effect all this has had on people long-term. Blackthorne doesn't

often leave his town these days and you know what he used to be like.'

Jonas walked in from the kitchen carrying a tray of bread and meat. He set it down on the table. The Unlcnown ruffled his blond hair.


'Hello, Denser,' said Jonas.

'Good to see you, young man. How are-you?'

The tall and very solid lad shrugged. 'All right. The Julatsans ask too many questions. I'd rather be riding my horse.'

'Good points. Pheone is up at the college now. I think she was planning on dropping in to speak to the young man here,' said Denser.

Jonas sighed dramatically. 'Do I have to?'

'It won't last for ever,' said Sol. He patted Jonas's backside. 'Go on now, see if your mother wants anything then you can go and take the horse out if you want. But don't be out after dark.'

'All right.'

Jonas trudged wearily away. The two friends watched him go.

'How old is he?' asked Denser.


'Five years . . .' Denser shook his head and looked again around the bar at the pictures. 'Is he finding it difficult?'

'Some days,' conceded Sol. 'He's reached a stage where he understands how important he is but he doesn't really understand why. After all, he's only ever seen Sha-Kaan as a friend and protector, never as a key inter-dimensional link.'

'He is only eight.'

'Exactly. He's a quarter the age of the next-youngest Dragonene and like Hirad he's not a mage. It confuses him. It's bound to.' Sol took another sip and then reached for a hunk of bread. 'When you see Pheone, tell her to go easy, will you? Sometimes she forgets herself, I think.'