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So I knocked the fucker out. My first punch thrown in anger. Hit him hard with my left, broke two fingers doing it. And that pain, that burning, grinding pain of shattered bone on bone, it was fucking worth it. 'Innes.'

I watched him hit the floor. Watched the blood spill out from his mouth. Watched his eyes roll up into the back of head and thought, Oh fuck, I just killed my dad.

A smack on the window jars me awake. My eyes snap open, a whole world of light going through me like electricity. The tape's stopped. I don't know where I am.

Another smack on the window. 'Innes!'

It's Mo.

And through the haze, I think I can make out Alison Tiernan screaming.


So this were how it panned out, right?

We got there, street were fuckin' deserted. I got out the van and left Baz in there to keep the engine ticking over in case Alison'd fuckin' done us over and sent us to the wrong place. I wouldn't put it past her. She were a sneaky fuckin' bitch. So me and Rossie, we went up to the front door like we was normal lads, just out to pay an early morning visit on a mate of ours and we pressed the doorbell and waited.

There were all this thumping from inside. Someone com- ing down the stairs. I gave Rossie a look what said, you get your fuckin' blade out now, big boy.

The door opened and I grinned at me sister. She were standing there in her nightie, looking all sexy-like, even if she did have a black eye. I jerked me head at Rossie and said to Alison, 'Where is he?'

'Upstairs,' she said. She had red eyes like she'd been crying.

'Cool.' I grabbed her arm and pulled her in the house with us. Rossie were already up the stairs. I closed the door behind us and followed him up. 'Rob, mate? You wanna come out?'

Silence. Rossie were looking at us to do summat and I looked at Alison. 'Fuck is he?'

I dunno,' she said.

'He done a bunk?'

I dunno.'

'You keep an eye on him?'

'He didn't know you were coming,' said me sister. 'Fuck that. Where is he?'

We went in the bedroom and there were the cash in a bag on the bed. Rossie said, 'Fuckin' hell.'

'Yeah,' I said, then to Alison, 'Where is he?'

She were almost in hysterics now — started crying again and her breathing were all over the fuckin' shop. I dunno. He was here. I swear, Mo, he was here.'

I let go of her and zipped up the bag just in case Rossie got any funny ideas.

'We got the money, Mo. You got Alison. Let's go,' said Rossie.

'You fuckin' what? Yeah, we got the money and the girl, but where's the cunt what nicked both?'

'Mo — ' she said. And I wanted to belt her right then, but she caught it and shut the fuck up.

I went round the bedroom like the proper predator, sniffing about. Looked under the bed, but he weren't there. 'He never left this room is what you're telling us,' I said to Alison.

I dunno, Mo. I really don't. He was here the last time I checked.'

'You don't know much, do you? So he didn't leave the room. So the fuck's in here somewhere.' I stopped in front of the wardrobe and looked at Rossie. Rossie shook his head. But what Rossie didn't know were that when fuckers are frightened, they do pretty stupid shit.

When I opened the wardrobe doors, two things happened.

First were that I came face to fuckin' face with Rob Stokes.

Second were that me mobile went off.

'Y'alright, you daft cunt?' I said to Stokes. He were standing there in his boxers and a T-shirt with 'Kiss Her Goodbye' written on it in all swirly writing. Aye, mate. Kiss Her The Fuck Goodbye, because Mo owns your arse now.

I answered me mobile. It were Innes. I grinned. 'Innes! The fuck are you?'

'Morning,' he said. The cunt sounded pleased with himself. 'Where are you?’

‘I'm in Heaton.'

'What's the address?' Like the fucker knew where we was. Rossie looked at us, his arms out.

'I hear you got your sister pregnant, Mo,' said Innes.

'What the fuck are we gonna do with him, MO?' said Rossie.

I waved me hand at Rossie, looked at me sister. I sucked me teeth and watched her eyes start to overflow again. 'You talked to Alison.'

'Is it true?'

'When'd you talk to Alison?'

'I'll take that as a yes, then. So what happens when your dad finds out you've been rolling your own?’

‘She's me half-sister.'

'Semantics, mate. She's sixteen, barely fuckin' legal.'

'What's the matter with you? You have a run-in with the law or something?'

And he started whinging on about how some daft fuck knocked him down or summat. I weren't really listening. It all sounded like: Blah blah fuckin' blah.

'Where are you? Tell me where you are.'

Rossie beckoned me over to the window. I followed, pulled back the nets and looked down at the road. There he fuckin' were. In that scabby Micra with me paint job all over it. I felt like waving at him. He were leaned back in his seat, staring out the windscreen and gabbing away in me ear.

I was gonna do the cunt, first chance I got. But there were another cunt what needed doing first. Innes laughed in me ear. Lad were going nuts.

'Fuck are you talking about?' I said.

And he went on about how he had it all figured out, like he knew it were Rossie following him an' all that. Oh aye, he were the big fuckin' private dick. Sorry cunt, more like. And I'd had enough of his fuckin' rambling, so I cut him off, turned round and Stokes were gone from the wardrobe.

I ran downstairs, caught the fucker in the hall messing with the door. Punched him in the back of the head and bent me finger-splint doing it. Pain roared through me hand as Rossie came down and pulled Stokes up the hall. His feet went all over the place and I kicked him in the bollocks on the way to the kitchen. Alison at the top of the stairs, crying again. I went up and grabbed her, pulled her down and into the kitchen. Rossie had grabbed a chair, sat Stokes up in it and leathered the cunt hard in the face. Stokes made a noise like a fuckin' pig and I pulled Alison right in so's she could get a better look.

'See that?' I said. 'That's your boyfriend right there.'

She closed her eyes and shook her head. Looked like it were gonna come flying off her fuckin' shoulders. I grabbed her face and pulled it about until she opened them eyes. 'You look, Alison. That's your fuckin' boyfriend. He did a runner. And you're gonna find out what happens to people who try to fuckin' run from me.'

'You said you wouldn't hurt him,' she said. 'You said you wouldn't do owt to him.'

'I lied.' Said to Rossie, 'Give us your butterfly'

'Mo — '

'Give us your fuckin' knife.'

Rossie handed it over. I flipped the blade out and held it up to Alison. 'You keep them eyes open, Sis, or I'll cut your fuckin' eyelids off.'