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“I’m not sure. It’s up to Jay Scott.” Reid glanced at Joel. “There may not be enough room for my security team, and Jay’s not about to let me go without them. I’ll either see you tonight or tomorrow. Either way, thanks again, and good luck on the golf course.” “Thanks, Reid.” “See ya later, man.”

Chapter 31

Reid went up to the lobby with Joel, Stu and the others on his tail. The room had the subtle scent of fresh flowers. To Reid’s surprise, Shane, Joan, Hunter, Jay and Buck were sitting there, waiting for him. “Hey, guys,” he said. “How’d you hit ‘em?” Hunter asked. “Let’s just say it was interesting out there today.” “That good, huh?” she said. “Well, if you must know, I started lousy and ended well. If I play the rest of the week like I played the last nine, I can take the tournament. We’ll see.” He turned to Jay. “What do you think about tonight’s festivities? Should we attend or not? As much as I prefer not, I really should be there.”

“I’d prefer not as well, but if they’ll make room for all of us, I guess we can go.”

“I’ll go ask the maitre d’. I’ll be right back.” He started to walk and the team went right with him. “Not even a moment’s peace, huh guys?” “Sorry, Reid, you’re stuck with us,” Joel said. “Yeah, I know, like glue,” Reid muttered, getting a little fed up. “Superglue,” Stu emphasized. Reid found the maitre d’ in the dining room and asked if there was room enough for his party. “The only way I can fit you in is at three tables back there.” The maitre d’ pointed. “That’ll be fine, thank you,” Reid said. The maitre d’ made the changes in his table assignment book. “All set,” he said. “Thanks,” Reid said. He turned and walked back to the lobby with the guys on his heels. “They’ve given us three tables in the back,” he told the group. That should be more then enough room for all of us. Dinner starts at 7. The entertainment starts at 8 and ends at 10. I need to go back to the hotel, and get a massage. Ladies, if you want to come back to the hotel I’ll treat you to facials, manicures and pedicures.”

Joan, Hunter and Shane all perked up. Shane said, “I’ve never turned down an offer like that before, and I’m not going to start now. Come to think of it, I’ve never gotten an offer like that. Come on, girls!”

Walking into the hotel a short time later, Jay said, “Everyone please be back here ready to leave by 6:45. I’d like to be discreet tonight, and a late entrance by a party of our size would draw too much attention.”

They all split up and went their separate ways. Reid, Buck and Jay went for massages. It was a little awkward getting a rubdown with bodyguards in the room watching.

The girls could not have been happier with their pampering. Joan got her hair done along with her manicure and pedicure. Luckily, Reid had thought to have the women bring their evening attire to the hotel, just in case.

Everyone was totally relaxed when they met in the lobby at 6:45. They went back to the club and entered the dining room without fanfare. During dinner, key executives from the hosting company welcomed everyone to the event and spoke about how proud they were to be sponsoring such a wonderful week of PGA golf.

Bill Taylor then went to the podium and, after thanking the sponsors, he thanked Tom Burnett, the president of the club, for hosting the tournament, making sure the course was in impeccable condition and providing such excellent weather. After a quick laugh from the crowd, he spoke about the interesting season the tour was having. He informed the crowd that there had been more tiebreakers than in any other season in PGA history. He said that every player in the room should be proud of such a competitive season with such close finishes. He spoke about how good it felt to be the commissioner of such a fine organization.

“I didn’t think that there was anything that could enhance my pride in the PGA until I witnessed something earlier today.” He asked Reid and Howard to come up to the podium. He described the difficult issues of the threats and the hardships that Reid was facing. He said, “Folks, I did not inform these gentlemen of what I am about to do. I was in a back office of the locker room earlier, writing this speech, when I overheard a remarkable few minutes of inspirational dialogue between these two men and a locker room full of PGA players. Luckily, I had my mini voice recorder with me and was able to tape it.” He held up the device. “If the two of you don’t mind, I’d like to play the tape right now for everyone to hear.”

Reid and Howard looked at each other and shrugged. Reid joked, “I hope you at least edited out some of my more colorful language.” “No Reid, this is the real you. Okay?” “I guess.” “Folks, let me set the stage,” Bill continued. “Reid has just walked into the locker room. As we know, he has had a difficult week and a half. With a lunatic on his tail and pressure from the media, he now feels like the players are not backing him. Listen to this.” Bill placed the recorder near the microphone and pressed play.

“Can I please have everybody’s attention? Look guys, I know

you’re all trying to give me room, but this is ridiculous…”

The tape rolled on, playing the rest of the locker room conversation. When it was finished, everyone in the room rose in a standing ovation. Bill let the applause continue for a full minute, then came back to the microphone, wiping tears from his eyes. “You’ll have to excuse me, I’m a little choked up. I’ve listened to that tape three times already and it’s gotten to me each time. Folks, these are remarkable men. I feel so proud that they are members of the PGA. Let them be examples to us all. Reid, Howard, good luck this week. Reid, I’m very glad you decided to play and as Howard said, it is the right thing to do. We can’t let terrorism run our lives into the ground; don’t mistake it, folks: This is terrorism.

“Jay.” Bill looked at the back table and spoke directly to Jay Scott. “Please get this nut before he hurts Reid or anyone else. The PGA and the country need Reid Clark alive.” He walked over and embraced Reid, then Howard.

Once again, the crowd rose from their seats and applauded as Reid and Howard went to their seats. Reid got hugs and handshakes from everyone at his table.

Bill finished by welcoming Dennis Manak, the popular comedian renowned for his edgy political satire. Immediately following Dennis would be an acoustic folk-rock performance by Donny Peret. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the show. Dennis was hilarious of course, making fun of hitting a little white ball as a profession. He threw a few quick jabs at Reid saying, “I thought this was pro golf, not pro wrestling. What was that on the range the other day? And the threats, maybe we should call it Gangsta Golf. What do you think?” he asked the crowd.

They all booed and he held up his hands and said, “Sorry, you’re right. Alright, let’s get some music crankin’ up here. But before Donny comes up I have one last question for Reid. Are you going to bring an extra pair of pants to the tournament tomorrow? You know, in case you get a hole in one?”

The audience applauded once again as Donny Peret took Dennis’ place on the stage. Peret sat on a lone stool centered on the dark stage with a soft spotlight shining on him from above. He played many of his fans favorite tunes. His acoustic guitar music was mesmerizing, and the audience sang his hit songs along with him. He finished as requested by 10 p.m., but in true concert fashion, the audience gave a standing ovation and yelled “encore” until he asked Bill if it was okay to continue. Bill walked to the podium and said, “I hate breaking my own rules, but you all look like you might riot if I say no. Okay, Donny, rock on.”