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"FBI's already on it," said Betack.

Michelle said, "But if I'm the kidnapper I'll know that and I'll drive a long way from where I'm holding Willa to make the drop."

Sean added, "Dalton is in northern Georgia. It's in relatively easy driving distance from Tennessee, Alabama, and North and South Carolina."

"Which makes it hard but not impossible," noted Betack. "And it's one of the few leads we have."

Sean looked over to see Jane staring at a photo she held in her hands. She turned it around for them to see. It was a picture of Willa on a horse.

"She'd just turned six. She wanted a pony, of course. I guess all little kids do. Dan was still in the Senate back then. We took her to a little farm out near Purcellville in Virginia. She got right up on that animal and we almost couldn't get her off. Most kids would've been scared to death."

She slowly put the photo back down.

"A brave girl," Sean said quietly.

Jane said pointedly, "She is brave and capable, but she's still a little girl."

"Does the FBI have any thoughts on motive?" asked Michelle.

"Not as far as I know."

She looked at Betack, who merely shook his head.

"We talked to Tuck and went by his office."

"Did you find anything useful?"

Sean squirmed slightly in his chair before glancing uneasily at Betack. "This might get personal."

Betack looked at the First Lady. "I can leave, Mrs. Cox."

She thought for a moment. "Fine. Thank you, Agent Betack. The president and I want to be made aware of any developments without delay."

After Betack left she said, "What do you mean by personal, Sean?"

"Did Pam ever talk to you about any problems in the marriage?"

"Why do you ask that?" Jane said sharply.

"Just covering all the bases," said Sean. "So was there anything?"

Jane sat back and made a steeple with her hands while she slowly nodded. "It was at the party at Camp David. We were talking about Tuck not being there. That he was away on business. It was really nothing. But-"

"But what?"

"It just seemed that she wanted to say something, but then didn't. She made a casual comment about Tuck being Tuck. And that he'd be back the next day." She looked between the pair. "What is it?"

Sean and Michelle had both snapped forward in their chairs. "Tuck was supposed to come back the day after the kidnapping happened?" Sean asked.

Jane looked unsure. "That's right. I believe that's what she said. But he was there the night it happened." Jane leaned forward too. "What is going on?"

Sean glanced at Michelle. "Tuck might have been having an affair."

Jane stood. "What?"

"You had no idea?"

"Of course not, because it's not true. My brother would never do that. What proof do you have?"

"Enough to make us want to investigate it further."

Jane sat back down. "This is… incredible." She glanced up. "If you think he had an affair, you're not implying that…"

"Jane, I can't answer that question. At least not right now. We've only been on this thing for a short time. We're doing the best we can."

"And our priority has to be getting Willa back safe," added Michelle.

"Of course that's our goal. It's the only reason I asked you to help." Jane put a shaky hand up to her forehead.

Sean could easily read her mind. "When you start an investigation you really can never be sure where it's going to lead. Sometimes the truth does hurt, Jane. Are you prepared for that?"

The First Lady placed a cool, rigid gaze on him.

"The truth is, at this point in my life nothing surprises me anymore. You just find Willa. And let the chips fall."

All three turned when the door swung open. Sean and Michelle reflexively leapt to their feet as President Dan Cox strode into the room, winged by a pair of veteran Secret Service agents. He smiled and put out his hand.

Cox was about Michelle's height, several inches shorter than Sean, but his shoulders were burly and his face, at age fifty, retained more vestiges of youth than it did the toll of middle age. That was somewhat remarkable considering his years under the unrelenting gaze of the world.

Sean and Michelle took turns shaking the man's hand.

Jane said, "I'm surprised to see you."

Cox said, "I canceled the rest of my appearances for today. My people weren't thrilled, but the president does get a few perks. And when you're up by twenty-five points in the polls and your opponent agrees with you more than he disagrees with you, a free day every once in a while is allowable. And even if I were behind in the race, Willa's safety comes first."

Jane gave him a grateful smile. "I know you've always seen it that way."

Cox walked over and gave his wife a peck on the cheek and rubbed her shoulder gently before turning to his two Secret Service agents; his gaze flicked almost imperceptibly to the door. Within moments the men were gone.

Sean, who had watched this little exchange, thought, How many times has a president done that very same eye flick with me?

Cox said, "Jane's told me what you two are doing. I welcome your experience and input. We have to do everything we can to get Willa back safely."

"Absolutely, Mr. President," Sean said automatically.

Cox perched on the edge of his wife's desk and motioned for the pair to retake their seats. "I was briefed on the flight about the package. I pray that will lead to something positive." He paused. "Politics should not become involved in this and I'll do everything possible not to allow that to happen. However, the opposition controls the Congress so I clearly don't have absolute power there." He gazed at his wife and smiled tenderly. "I don't even have it in my own house, which is a good thing since my better half is far smarter than I'll ever be." His casual smile melted. "But officially the FBI leads this investigation. Some of my advisors don't think I can play favorites here, but I've told FBI Director Munson that this case gets maximum priority. I'll deal with the political fallout later. My wife trusts you with this, so I trust you. However, while you will continue to be provided access to the investigation, remember that your role is that of a private consultant. The FBI runs the show."

"We understand, Mr. President."

"They've been very cooperative," Michelle added, without a trace of the sneer she was undoubtedly feeling coming on.

"Good. Have you made any progress?"

Sean shot a quick glance at Jane Cox. Her features were imperturbable yet somehow Sean was able to read them still. "It's early yet, sir, but we're working as hard and as fast as we can. It seems like they got a bit of a break with this package. Hopefully, as you said, that will lead to something else. Those things often do. The bad guys communicate and they let something slip."

"All right." Cox stood and so did Sean and Michelle.

"I'll talk to you later, honey," said the president.

Moments later he was gone, with no doubt his silent guards once more bracketing him.

Outside the White House the few square feet around the president demanded maximum protection, and some agents, using a football analogy, referred to it as the "red zone," meaning that this was where the defense could never allow a score. That meant layers of perimeter walls rolling outward like the multiple skins of an onion. To get to the next depth, the intruder had to wipe out the layer above. The red zone was the last wall before you ran smack into the leader of the free world's flesh and bone. It consisted of top agents who'd been excruciatingly vetted to get to this level, positioned hip and flank in the form of a diamond. A hard diamond. And every single one of those agents would automatically fight to the death and take a lethal round for the man, without question. That was the one layer that could never be breached, because it was the last one.