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“‘We’? Some of us are a bit out of our league here,” Mac piped up, and I nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, and that’s a lot of bullets to dodge. I don’t suppose you had anything else besides a brick in your purse?” I asked Emily.

“Sorry, it was the only thing that got through the metal detectors.”

“Great. Ideas?”

“Hey, look up,” Mac said, pointing at the ceiling near our attackers. A bright red sprinkler head jutted from the bland concrete. Water. I could work with that.

Staring hard at the sprinkler, I reached out with my magic and yanked on the water in the pipes, which then erupted in a fine spray. I chanted the same spell that’d let me bean Laura with an iceball, and the water froze into sharp spikes, sending a hail of icicles in every direction.

“Nice.” Lex grinned, darting out from our cover.

Emily grabbed a hold of my hand and tugged me after her as she dashed back into the aisle. A few of the men were down, injured but alive, and the ones left standing looked bewildered by what attacked their friends. Lex engaged those closest to us, and drawing back her fist, Emily decked one and laid him out flat. Not bad for a little vamp in a cocktail dress.

Lex made quick work of the rest of them, but the last man standing turned toward us and aimed his gun at Emily. I stepped closer to her, and instead of throwing my shields out from within me I pictured a perfect sphere of water around us, drawing on energy from the gush spewing from the sprinkler. The energy pulsed bright blue around us a heartbeat before he pulled the trigger, and the bullet hit the barrier. For a moment it hung there, suspended in midair, and then slid slowly to the ground.

“Good work,” she said, impressed.

Before the gunman could fire again, a ball of ice the size of a grapefruit struck him in the side of the head and sent him sprawling. Emily and I turned to our vampire entourage, and Michael held out his hands, attempting to look innocent.

“Freak sprinkler accident,” he explained, pointing upwards.

“Of course it was, darling. Let’s hurry before it happens again, shall we?” Emily suggested.

Before I could manage to ask where exactly the car was, I felt a wave of white-hot anger thrum through me, and I collapsed in a pile of twitching, flailing limbs.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Emily bent over me as I thrashed and kicked, molten agony racing through my veins. A high-pitched scream tore from my throat, long and agonized. The vampire placed her hands on either side of my face, and she held me steady as she looked deeply into my eyes.

Lex knelt next to me, and then grabbed my hand and held it. Some of the heat subsided, enough to let me concentrate on Emily as she spoke.

“Catherine, how much did you drink?” she asked.

“What?” My breath was still too fast, too shallow-I felt like I was hyperventilating.

“How much did you drink from Harrison?” she asked.

“I don’t know.”

“Did he have you recite any spells? Any oaths?”


“Good. Alexander, you’ll have to carry her.”

Lex picked me up and held me close, and my thrashing quieted into mild shakes. Just his mere presence helped fight back the effects of the poison racing through my body. We hurried through the parking garage, and once we reached their car-a bright red SUV-I was dropped into the backseat as everyone climbed into the car.

“I’ll take care of her from here, Alexander. You need to drive,” Emily informed him, patting his arm. Lex appeared less than thrilled at being banished from my side, but he obeyed her command.

“What’s happening to me?” My voice trembled as the heat suddenly turned to an icy chill, and I shivered. The engine revved, and I heard the tires squeal as Lex raced through the parking garage and out into the rainy Chicago night.

“Please have a care with my car. We’re going to need a bit of stability back here,” Emily warned him, and then she turned to me. “The blood you ingested has saturated your aura with necromancy, and it’s allowing Zachary’s emotions to overwhelm you.”

Taking my hand, she turned it over and peered thoughtfully at my wrist. “How much did you drink? Was it more than one time? Did he force you?”

“No, Laura tried to kill me, but Zach chased her off. He said I had to drink or he couldn’t help me.”

“You lost a lot of blood?” Simon asked, and I nodded. “A mortal wound would have required a good deal of his blood to heal.”

“Will it wear off? Zach said it was dangerous for a magician to drink vamp blood if they weren’t a necromancer.”

“Yes, it is.” Emily sighed, shaking her head in annoyance. “Alexander, you’ll need to take her directly to your home once we part ways. The farther away from here she is, the better. Young Mr. Harrison won’t leave the safety of the wards on this building. He knows the Silverleafs have marked him.”

“I’ll be damned,” Michael said softly. “That’s brilliant.”

“What is, darling?”

“He’s bought himself immunity from the faeries-they can’t touch him without risking the safety of their Titania.”

“Well, there’s nothing to be done about that now. Now, I’ll do what I can to aid you, Catherine. I’m afraid this isn’t going to be simple, or pleasant-”

“Em, I don’t think you should try this,” Michael interrupted.

“I’m afraid I’m the only one who can, darling. No more interruptions,” she admonished him. Focusing her attention on me, she patted my hand gently. “Unfortunately, I can’t remove the attunement. I can ease some of your discomfort by drawing out the worst of the necromantic magic, but I can’t remove all of it. Losing that much blood at once would likely kill you.”

Oh, that was comforting. Still shivering uncontrollably, I couldn’t really argue with her plan. All I wanted to do was get away, far away as I possibly could, and sleep for a week.

“Emily,” her husband intoned again. “This isn’t safe.” I glanced at him, noticing the deep concern in his expression.

“Why? What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Nothing, he’s just being overly cautious.” She gave me a reassuring smile.

I wasn’t convinced, particularly when Simon spoke up on the subject. “I’m afraid I must agree with Michael. We don’t know how Harrison’s magic will affect you, Emily.”

Squaring her small shoulders, the petite woman drew herself up. “I’m sure I can handle anything from one of Laura’s kept men. He’s only a child.” Waving her hand dismissively, she ignored their fears. “Now, Catherine, it will be easiest on you if you do not watch this.”

Like getting a shot-just close your eyes, slight pinch, and it’s all over. Too bad nobody was going to offer me a lollipop afterwards. Nodding my consent, I squeezed my eyes shut and turned my head away. Intent on ignoring the feel of her fangs piercing my wrist, I concentrated on the sound of the speeding SUV and the splatter of rain against the roof and windows. Emily used just enough of her vampire magic to dull the pain of the bite. It made me wonder if she knew what her buddy Simon had put me through, and what she thought about it.

The chill in my veins began to subside, and the shivering quieted. As the sensations calmed, I could distantly feel even greater anger from Harrison, now mixed with poignant anguish as he realized he was powerless to stop me from being spirited away. Even as I regained control of myself, Harrison continued to remain in the back of my thoughts. I wondered if I would ever be completely free of him.

I also wondered if Emily was going to drain me into unconsciousness as I felt increasingly lightheaded, but she finally withdrew her fangs and moved away. Opening my eyes, I studied the vampire’s expression. A frown creased her brow, and her gaze was distant and glassy as though she was in some sort of trance.

“Emily?” I asked.