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When the movie ended he gave me a speculative look. “Are you feeling better?”

“Much, thanks.”

Zach reached over and touched the side of my face. “You still look pale.”

“I always look pale.” Suspicious, I moved away from him. “No offense, but I don’t trust you not to take advantage of me.”

“I did give you-”

“Your word, I know,” I finished for him. “But you also have a habit of overstepping your bounds, and I do seem to recall being in your lap earlier.”

“Yes, I’m sure it was a most horrifying experience.” The vampire gave me a charming smile, showing off his perfect white teeth.

“Listen, I am actually considering working with you on a limited basis, but strictly business. That’s it,” I informed him matter-of-factly. “No one should have to go through what that poor kid did.”

“Agreed. But it’s a shame not to mix pleasure with business. Do you really find me so unattractive?”

“You’re rich, handsome, usually charming, well-dressed. It’d be an appealing package, but I already have one pushy, demanding man in my life, and that’s my limit.”

“Is he?”

“Is he what?”

“In your life?”

“Oh. Well…” I struggled to find the right words to say. I loved Lex, and I knew he loved me. He just loved his job more. Not unlike my father, who’d loved his magic more than his family, and look how well that turned out.

“You don’t sound very sure of yourself. He did turn down the position of Oberon. That’s not very encouraging.”

“He didn’t turn it down. He said he needed more time to think about it.”

“Did he? If I were in that position, I would’ve agreed immediately.”

“Like hell you would’ve. You’d give up being a vampire to be Oberon?” I asked, skeptical.

“Necromancer. Though I don’t mind it, to be honest most of us consider ‘vampire’ a derogatory term. But if being Oberon meant being partnered with my soul mate, then yes, I would. A soul mate is the rarest of gifts. To deny it would be like second-guessing fate. What will you do if he rejects the offer?”

“I’m going to be Titania, with or without Lex as Oberon. It’d just be easier to work with him.” I tried to sound nonchalant about it, but it was hard to pretend it wasn’t like an ice pick digging around in my heart.

“He doesn’t deserve you.”

“Hmph. You sound like a jealous ex,” I joked.

“Perhaps.” Reaching out, he picked up my hand and held it in his. “You’re a lovely woman, Catherine. I think the higher powers were unfair pairing you with someone who obviously doesn’t appreciate that.”

I tensed, expecting him to give me a magical nudge, but none came. Cautious, I raised an eyebrow. “And you would?”

“I wouldn’t have handed you over to the witches’ council, and I certainly wouldn’t have abandoned you when you were most vulnerable.” His voice was warm and soothing, and I found myself believing him. It was true, after all, wasn’t it? Lex betrayed me, and left me alone and outcast. Somewhere in the back of my mind, my better judgment was trying to warn me that normally I wouldn’t trust a damn word Harrison said, but it seemed faint and far away. There was such sincerity in his eyes.

Sliding closer to me, he raised my hand to his lips and brushed a light kiss across my knuckles. “I think you should give me a chance. We could do amazing things together.”

“I think you’re only interested in me because I’m going to be Titania, otherwise I’d never get a second glance,” I countered, tugging my hand away.

Taking that as a challenge, Zach scooped me up into his lap as he had in the limo, except this time he turned me so I was straddling him. He kissed me senseless, leaving no doubt that he found me attractive. One hand rested on my hip, while the other slid up my back, drawing me closer. I should’ve fought him, zotted him with a spell that’d stand his blond hair on end, but instead I leaned into him. He continued to kiss me, hungry and eager, and then he moved to my neck. Lightly his lips brushed against my skin, and I nearly yelped with surprise, but he held me in place.

“Please, Catherine. Just a small bite,” he murmured against my throat. I shivered, frozen and afraid to breathe, struggling to find my voice. Taking my silence as permission, the vampire sank his fangs into my skin. Magic washed over me in a sharp, fast wave that made my back arch and hands clench into fists against his chest. The spell was stronger this time, and it completely overwhelmed me.

He drank greedily, though in my weakened state I probably tasted as appetizing as a flat diet soda left out on the counter all day. The hand at my hip slid up my side and caressed my breast through my blouse. My eyes closed as I let myself enjoy the sensations. I was so deeply enthralled, I didn’t even notice that he’d stopped drinking until I felt his lips brush my collarbone. The buttons of my blouse were undone, and I realized my bra was soon to follow. The thought was sobering enough to finally give me focus.

“Wait. I can’t-I can’t do this,” I stammered breathily.

“Why not?” His eyes had faded to a pale green, and it startled me. I suddenly became aware of the strong scent of smoke, and wondered how I hadn’t sensed it sooner.

“I can’t,” I repeated, shaking my head. What the hell are you doing? Squirming away from him, I retreated to the other end of the couch and hastily buttoned my shirt. Frustrated, he ran a hand through his hair, and after a long moment he nodded.

“All right. I’ll escort you back to your room, but this conversation isn’t over.”

Yeah, I was afraid of that, but at least the make-out session was over, and that was good enough for now.

Chapter Twenty

I went to bed as soon as I could, eager to crawl under the covers and hide from the embarrassment. After drifting off to sleep I soon found myself in the middle of the grove once again. This time a large flat rock appeared in the middle of the clearing, and I sat perched atop it. I hugged my knees to my chest, and the skirt of my long robes was tucked around my feet. The sound of my weeping was the only noise in the summer night. I sobbed in confusion, regret and sorrow, as though my heart was broken. I didn’t know what to do anymore-I had a knight in shining armor who didn’t want to ride off into the sunset with me, and a vampire who wanted me to be his evil queen. Gods help me, but the vampire’s offer was sounding more appealing with each passing day.

“Don’t cry, sugar.” Looking up, I saw Lex kneeling next to me, and he rubbed my back soothingly.

“You don’t know,” I replied, shaking my head.

“Know what?”

“What I…” I shook my head again, unable to answer. Lex frowned, and then he brushed my hair out of the way and examined my throat. I knew there weren’t any marks-I’d looked-but he cursed as loudly as he would have if there’d been a stream of blood trickling down the side of my neck.

“Damn it, I told him to leave you alone,” he growled.

“Why do you care, when you don’t even want me?” Surprised, I clamped a hand over my mouth-had I really said that? Out loud? Lex looked about as startled as I was, and he rocked back on his heels.

“You know that’s not true.”

“Yes it is. Why aren’t I enough for you?” I asked, the question ending on a shrill, hiccuping sob.

“I never said that, Cat-”

“You don’t have to, I know it’s true.” Rising to my feet, I glared down at him. “But that’s fine. I don’t need you.”

A loud crack of thunder startled me, and a chill wind blew through the grove. I looked up at the night sky, expecting to see rain clouds rolling in, but the stars were still bright above us.

“You don’t mean that,” Lex said. He gazed up at me, confused, and I folded my arms across my chest.

“I won’t waste my life waiting for you to decide what’s most important to you.”