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“Soon, I hope.” He smiled softly, and it made me feel a little better. “I stepped out to make a few calls.”


“Of Faerie, for a few minutes. No cell phone reception here.”

“Yeah, I’d imagine not. So what’s the story?”

“The vampires doubled the price on your head after the last test.”

“Ick. Why? They can’t get near me here. All the money in the world can’t buy them a ticket in.”

“The vampires can’t get in, no, but there are necromancers who can, and more than enough sorcerers as well, and they’re always interested in makin’ a fast dollar. ’Specially if it hurts someone else, like a witch.”

“But they still can’t get in here, they won’t get past my cousins.” My voice didn’t quite hold the note of surety in it that I hoped for. Any assassins would have to get through the Silverleafs to get to me, but my clan wasn’t exactly prepared to go on high-security alert. They’d never been attacked in their home-that was the main appeal of Faerie to its inhabitants, and the reason for its creation.

“Probably not, but it’s possible, and it’s something to be concerned about. The necromancer council wants you out of the way before you can take the third test, because if you become Titania they can’t touch you again without startin’ a war. I’ve spoken to Tybalt. He’s alerting the rest of the clan to be on guard.”

“Okay. So all I have to do is survive until the final test.”

“Right.” Lex nodded in agreement, and after a moment’s hesitation tugged his T-shirt shirt over his head and tossed it onto the floor. He untied his boots and pulled them off, adding them to the pile.

“Hey, you said you were here for business,” I pointed out.

“I did. I’ve delivered the news, and since you might be in danger here it’s my sworn duty to stick right by your side from here on out. It’s a tough job, but I’ll suffer through it.” With a great sigh, as though the weight of the world had been placed upon his shoulders, he continued to strip, and I laughed at the mock-serious expression on his face.

“You poor thing, how will you survive?”

“With courage and stamina, darlin’,” Lex replied. I was only able to enjoy a glimpse of the lovely sight of naked Lex before he joined me in the water. “This is a very girly set-up you’ve conjured, Cat. Is that perfume?” he asked, sniffing the bubbles warily.


“That’s used in love spells, isn’t it?”

“If you’re an alchemist. Witches don’t generally approve of love spells,” I reminded him. Lex moved toward me, and I placed my palms against his chest to prevent him from getting any closer. “Slow down there, buddy. You and I need to talk.”

“’Bout what?”

“About this.” I gestured at the tub, the bubbles and the nakedness. “Us. I want to know what your intentions are. Specifics.”

“Specifics, huh?” Sitting back, he gave me some space. “All right. Where do you think we’d be right now if you hadn’t been attacked?”

I frowned at him, hugging my arms to my chest. It was something I tried not to think about, all the “what ifs” and “might have beens” with Lex-it was just too painful. Until he showed up in the Three Willows to tell me about Maureen’s death, I honestly thought I’d never see him again. But before my attack, our relationship had been wonderful.

“Married, maybe,” I admitted cautiously.

“Just maybe?”

“Okay, married, a house in Des Plaines, with 2.5 kids and a Golden Retriever. Is that what you want to hear?”

“Yes.” He took one of my hands in his, and I felt a tingle rush up my arm.

“Geez, don’t do that.” Frowning, I pulled my hand away and watched him closely.

“I’m not doing anything, not really, which is my point. We’re connected, you and I. On more than one level. I feel something just bein’ near you.”

Silent, we studied each other. It explained how he managed to get through my shields. We were connected; my magic wanted to protect him as much as it wanted to protect me. The idea was scary and exhilarating, and I shivered despite the warmth of the water.

“So what happens when this is over, when things go back to normal? Or at least relatively normal?” I asked.

Moving toward me, he drew me into his arms and kissed me. “I’ll take you home to meet my mama, and the rest of my sisters.” Lex grinned roguishly as my eyes widened in surprise. “Don’t worry, you survived a dragon, they’ll be easy compared to that. We can get married in New Orleans.”

“Whoa, wait a minute, I did not agree-” I sputtered, and he cut me off with another kiss.

“We can argue about it later. Now, I seem to recall you suggestin’ that I help you get dirtier before you get clean.”

Deciding that was a good place to end the discussion, I gave in to Lex’s distraction.

Chapter Twelve

The target dummy died a death most painful a dozen times over in the span of an hour, but that wasn’t enough for the sadists who insisted I continue to murder it.

“I think you’re gettin’ better at this,” Lex commented as I skewered it once more with my rapier.

“Good. So we’re done then?”


“You’re an evil bastard.”

“That’s funny, I seem to recall last night-”

“Don’t even think about finishing that statement,” I warned him. Straightening my top hat, I tugged my outfit back into place. Once again I was wearing my Renaissance faire/army surplus ensemble. It was functional and semi-comfortable, and considering the wide variety of fashions sported by my cousins, I blended right in.

Grinning innocently, Lex turned to Tybalt. “She still needs more practice, doesn’t she?”

“Cat could use a few years of practice, but we don’t have that kind of time.” Scratching his chin as though stroking an imaginary beard, Tybalt studied me. “Her skills are showing some improvement.”

“I’m so glad you’re in agreement over this. I don’t think I’m cut out to be a warrior princess.”

“Well if you’d hit them with some destructive magic, you wouldn’t have to be.”

Sheathing the rapier, I placed my hands on my hips and frowned severely at the two of them. “We’ve already proved that I do as much damage to me as I do to them when I try that. I like this shirt. I don’t want to light it on fire.” It would be easier if I could pretend to be a sorceress and hail fireballs down on the vampires, but that wasn’t me.

“We just need to work on your control. And pick a different element, for you’ve frost in your blood, not fire,” Tybalt commented. “I know you hate to admit it, you’ve also sorcerer in your heritage, so I think it’s possible for you to learn more effective offensive spells.”

Before he could continue his speech a strange tearing sound split the air. A large rectangular glow formed on the surface of one of the stone walls of the courtyard near to us, and I realized someone must be opening a doorway into Faerie. The glow brightened and then vanished suddenly, leaving only a murky darkness in its place. Normally I’d expect someone to step through after that, but a thin round disk sailed out of the portal and bounced across the ground. It rolled to a stop a few feet in front of me, and I frowned down at it in confusion. About the size and thickness of a dinner plate, there was a dark rim that looked like a bent tree branch forming the edge, and a black tangle of string webbing in the center.

“What the-” I started, but was cut off as the disk shot up into the air. Hovering at eye-level it began to spin counterclockwise at a slow, mesmerizing pace. Entranced, I stared at it as a tiny rainbow light zoomed past me and danced around the edge.

“Tybalt!” Lex shouted. The alarm in his voice allowed me to tear my attention away from the spinning circle, but before I could turn toward Lex I spotted a new problem. Ponderously slow, dozens of magma elementals poured through the gateway, the sharp hiss of steam heralding their arrival as their feet melted the snow and ice of the courtyard with every heavy step.