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He simply smiled. Meaning he couldn't, or wouldn't.

"What pack does the woman impersonating Mrs. Hunt come from?"

Again with the silence. Obviously, Mrs. Hunt—or whoever she truly was—was someone we had to keep following.

"What about Kade, then? Why was his partner killed and he kept alive?"

"His partner was killed because they were getting too close to a source. Kade was kept alive simply because he had interesting skills."

He certainly did. "What pack has brown eyes, ringed by blue and amber?"

"The Helki pack, who live around Bendigo." His eyes were chips of glittery ice in the hazy light filling the room. "It's simply a matter of asking the right questions, Riley."

I sipped my beer. "What can you tell me about the Helki pack?"

"They're shifters."

I gave him a deadpan sort of look. "We're all shifters." Even if most shapeshifters actually denied the fact they came from the same base stock as weres.

"Yes, but not all weres are shapeshifters in the same way the Helki pack are."

I frowned. "Meaning?"

"Meaning, some can take different animal shapes, other than just a wolf. And some can take on other human shapes."

"You're kidding."


This had implications I didn't even want to contemplate. "I'm surprised the Helki pack haven't disappeared into the dark recesses of hidden labs."

His smile was grim. "Who's saying many of them haven't?"

We had to find this other damn lab! Had to stop them. "Is the woman I saw tonight a member of the Helki pack?"

His eyes gleamed with amusement. "I think you're beginning to catch on. She's a clone made using the genes of the Helki pack."

More damn clones. Was there a never ending supply of these bastards? "So was the original Mrs. Hunt human, and did she have the same weirdly colored eyes? If not, how did the replacement explain the sudden difference in eye color?"

"The original was human, and her eyes were very similar to a Helki's in color—brown ringed by blue. And the new Mrs. Hunt retreated from her friends and charities for three weeks. The only person who might have noticed the slight difference would have been her husband—except the two of them have been sexually alienated for some time. They still share a room, but not the same bed."

"So the original is dead?"


I took a swig of beer, then changed tack. "You said once before that the answer lies in my past. In lovers from my past."


"Did you mean long-term or short-term lovers?"

"Very short-term, I believe."

Gee, that was going to make it easy. Particularly if he meant "short-term" as in one-night stand. "How far back in the past?"

He hesitated. "Three and a half years ago."

Great. That was going to be a cinch to remember—particularly if it had happened during the moon phase. I rubbed a hand across my eyes. "How connected is that man to the woman I met tonight?"

"Very connected."





"What then?"

"That I cannot say."

Could not, or would not? Given the smile touching his lips, I suspected the latter. "Is the man we're talking about from the Helki pack?"

"In the same sense as the woman, yes."

Then the Helki pack definitely had to be checked out. What remained of them, anyway. "Can you give me a description?"

He shrugged. "Brown hair, medium build. Blue eyes."

Ordinary, in other words. Then I frowned. "I thought you said he was a member of the Helki tribe?"

"I did."

"How could he have blue eyes?"

"The color of the eyes change, depending on what form they're wearing."

I raised my eyebrows. "Then why wouldn't the fake Mrs. Hunt just complete the disguise and take on the original's true eye color?"

"Because such transformations take a lot of energy and power. The less you actually have to transform, the longer you can hold the transformation. And the eyes, believe it or not, are one of the hardest items to hold and maintain."

"Them being the windows to the soul and all that."

"Yes." He paused. "Has anyone ever said you've got extremely expressive eyes?"

"No, and I'm not interested in hearing it from you, either."

He smiled. It reminded me of a cat watching a mouse he knew he was about to eat.

"So, the man sent to seduce me three or so years ago wasn't wearing his true form?" Which meant remembering him wasn't going to help anyway.


I drank some more beer, then asked, "What did he claim to do as a job?"

"I believe he said he was military."

Military? I'd only ever danced with one military man, and had ended up losing part of my heart to him. But it couldn't be Jaskin. He'd been checked and silently approved by the Directorate—there couldn't have been anything remotely dodgy about his past.

And there'd been no other military lovers—had there? I frowned, remembering back to when I'd first met Jaskin. Remembered then the man before him—the man who had introduced us.

He'd come from the same carrier, but had somehow gotten separated from his shipmates and had ended up at the Blue Moon alone. Or so he'd told me. The moon had been two nights from full bloom and the fever had been riding me hard. Though I was with a couple of regular mates at the time, there'd been something about him that attracted me—a dangerous edge that spoke to the wildness. We danced the rest of the evening, and had agreed to meet the following night.

Only, he didn't come back alone. Jaskin and several others had been with him. They, too, had that edge, but something else had just clicked between me and Jaskin, and it was him rather than the first man I danced with all night long.

God, what was the first man's name?

Ben. No, something stranger. Benito. Benito Verdi.

Finally, I had a lead I could follow. It might be a total dead end, but at least it was something.

"Was that blue eyed man the first plant?"

"The first attempt at a plant, yes."


He raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, what did I do or say at that particular time that tipped you and your lab-mates off to the fact that I was something more than an ordinary wolf?"

"It was actually Gautier who suggested it. He said you were extraordinarily fast for a wolf, and could be a good donor for our labs or other experiments. He also said it was obvious you knew he was about, even when he was shadowed."

Something no wolf could do. But then, why hadn't Gautier also noticed those same facts when it came to Rhoan? Why mention me, and not my brother?

And then it hit me. Rhoan drank blood. That was why they'd never questioned his speed, his reflexes. They all thought he was a wolf who'd performed the ritual ceremony and blood-sharing to become a vampire.

After all, he worked at night, came home at dawn. Well, when he did come home, that is. The Jensen red wolf pack might be a small one in Australia, but our pack had a long history over in England and Ireland, so the fact that he was a Jensen was no clue in itself of his age. No one at the Directorate knew we were brother and sister—no one except Jack and the Director herself—and it certainly wasn't in our files. Hell, even his birth date on file was fake. But then, a lot of vampires did the exact same thing. Fake records was how many of the older vampires had gotten through the centuries undiscovered.

It was very possible to think him a vampire—and a vampire old enough to stand a little daylight.

Which was good for him. Not so good for me. After all, the bastards were still after me.

"So," I said, "you began to watch me?"

He nodded and sipped his beer. His gaze slipped leisurely down my body, his hunger beginning to roll across my flesh in ever-warming waves. Obviously, I'd yet to finish payment for the night. "I even lived in a building across from you for over a year. Believe me, I loved the fact none of your windows had blinds."