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"Sometimes," he said, voice a low rumble that shivered across my skin, "five seconds is all you need to know exactly want you want."

I smiled. "Smooth line."

"But the truth, nonetheless." His hand slid down my spine to my rump, and pressed me closer. The rich smell of him—leather and warm spices—teased my senses, tested my resolve. "The only reason I am in this club is to catch the attentions of a certain flame-haired wolf. She's been remarkably absent until tonight."

My treacherous hormones were suddenly scurrying to form a fan club for the green-eyed wolf. "Sorry. Had a problem with a former partner and had to stay away for a few months."

Which was nothing but the truth. And a damn pity, if this man had been waiting for me here all that time.

"I want you, and I intend to have you," he said. "Not for just one dance, but for many. And you're not escaping me tonight until I at least get a phone number."

Given that Quinn and Kade weren't likely to be long-term prospects, and Misha definitely wasn't, I certainly had no qualms about giving him my cell phone number. Even if he was a psycho, he couldn't actually trace me through it, because it was a work phone.

Once I'd given him the number, he kissed me. As kisses went, it was top-notch, and a definite signal of intent.

When he finally pulled away, he added, "I'll call tomorrow."

Even without his words, the determination evident in his green eyes, and the flare of his nostrils, warned that this was a wolf on the hunt.

I'd never been considered prey before, and damn if it didn't make me want him all the more. In the past, my relationships, even with Misha and Talon, had only grown into something permanent after many casual liaisons—and only after I'd decided I liked them enough to proceed onto something more. But they'd never pursued me with single-minded determination, even though both of them had been sent with the purpose of seducing me. This alpha obviously didn't want a casual dalliance, and he had no intention of waiting until I made up my mind. The chase was on, and modern wolf or not, my blood raced at the thought.

I kissed him, soft and lingering. "Please do."

"I will, rest assured of that."

While my hormones did an excited little shuffle, he escorted me to the change room, then gave me a kiss that again left me in no doubt of future intentions. As he walked away, I headed into the change room, and couldn't help feeling dizzy with elation. My life might be one big mess, and my future decidedly dark, but at least tonight I'd found something—or someone—to look forward to.

I went to the toilet and cleaned up, then headed back out. Kellen was nowhere to be seen, and part of me was glad. I had a feeling he might just fight for my attentions, and while I was wolf enough to think that wasn't a bad thing, neither Misha nor I needed that sort of attention at the moment.

Misha was over near the bar, sitting on a stool and nursing what looked like a beer. I made my way toward him.

"Didn't expect to find you here," I said, kissing his cheek and forcing a cheerful note into my voice. "What happened to the Rocker?"

His eyes met mine, then briefly slid past. I understood the warning clear enough. His watcher was near. I'd have to be the one to make the moves.

"They've decided to go modern," he said, his voice dry. "And you know I can't stand that stuff."

"You and me both." I plonked down on the stool beside his. "You want another beer?"


I ordered two from the bartender, then said, "You know, it's nice to see you again."

Amusement touched his cold eyes. He raised a hand, brushing the hair away from my cheek, his fingers cool against my skin. "It's been a while," he said softly.

I resisted the urge to pull away. "How come you're here alone? You've usually got a half dozen pretty blondes hanging off you five minutes after you walk into a club."

His smile was warm, genuine. "I did have. But I've got an important liaison with a couple of pretty sisters in the green room in—" He paused, glancing at his watch. "Forty-five minutes."

The green room was one of five private rooms the Blue Moon offered, and from what I'd heard, the most expensive. It apparently came complete with a spa, vibrating chairs, the latest in "air" beds, and for those who got off on pain, a whipping area. "And you're not using it in the meantime? Misha, you're getting old."

He grinned. "Conserving strength, more likely." He thanked the barman as he placed our drinks, then added, "The sisters are young and extremely active."

"So," I said softly, sliding my hand up his thigh, "there's nothing I could say that would sway you toward putting that room to use for the next half hour?"

He raised an eyebrow. "The last time I saw you here, you said you wanted nothing more to do with me."

I'd said nothing of the sort, though I'd certainly thought it. But given Misha could no more read my mind than I could his, it was obviously said for the benefit of the watcher. And if I wanted to pick Misha's brain, I had to play this game, at least for the time being.

"As I told you at the time, I don't take kindly to being kept waiting. Not when there's plenty of other offers on the table."

"So what made you change your mind?"

I forced a grin, and lightly ran my fingers up and down his erection. "What makes you think I have? Maybe I'm just getting a little revenge. Making you rue missed opportunities."

"Oh, I have been," he said dryly, "especially in the last few minutes."

"So that means we can play?"

"I guess if you're going to insist… "

"And I am."

"Then a sensible wolf has no choice but to give in."

He rose, and offered me a hand. I placed my fingers in his, grabbed the beer with my free hand, and slid off the stool.

He escorted me down the dark hall, and opened the last door. Candles flickered in the wall sconces set in each corner, throwing pale light across walls painted in various shades of green, so that they resembled leaves in a forest. The ceiling was black, and dotted with hologram stars that offered little in the way of light. What looked like a mat of dry leaves sat near the right wall. This was obviously the air bed. Had I been here with anyone else but Misha, that would have been the first thing I tried out. Instead, I headed for the pondlike spa, easing myself into the steaming, bubbling water with a sigh.

Misha locked the door, then pressed several buttons on the security panel to the right of the door, setting the timer and the psychic shield.

"So," I said, dropping all pretense of niceness. "Tell me why I should let you fuck the hell out of me."

"Because you want a kid."

"Besides that. You and I both know that I could walk out onto that dance floor and within five minutes have half a dozen wolves ready and willing to get their chips ripped out and attempt to have a kid with me." Though there was only one particular wolf I'd actually be interested in.

Misha nodded. "The chance of having a son, with no strings attached, is something few male wolves would pass up."

"So why should I settle for you?"

He slipped into the opposite end of the spa, and stretched his arms across the edge. The heat of the water lent warmth to his pale skin, but it did little to erase the calculating chill from his gaze. "Because you also want answers."

"You haven't yet proven you can give them to me."

"No, but I will."

"And what do you get out of the deal?"

He raised an eyebrow. "A son or a daughter to carry my name."

The slight edge in his voice made me frown. "Why is that suddenly so important?"

"Because I'm dying."

I blinked, not sure I had heard him right. "What?"

"I'm dying." He shrugged, as if it was something he'd long ago accepted. "And I want to leave this world knowing something of me is left behind."