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“Yes.” He hesitated. “Though you and I are both aware he doesn’t always report changes of direction.”

Wasn’t that the truth. And if he wasn’t where he was supposed to be, then finding him was going to be a whole lot of fun. “When will he become overdue?”

“He’s due to report at nine tomorrow morning.”

“And if he doesn’t?”

“I shall decide then what to do.”

“I want in.”

“Riley, you’re not a guardian.”

Yet. I could almost hear the unspoken modifier. I could certainly see the amusement crinkling the corners of his eyes. Though I’d failed the tests, Jack, for some reason, held the firm belief that I had the makings of a great guardian. He’d told me so, lots of times. But because I’d already taken the test, he couldn’t force me to take another. I was safe—at least until he found a way to make me do the damn thing again. Or until I played into his hands, as I suspected I might be doing

“He’s my pack mate. I don’t intend to sit back and twiddle my thumbs if he’s in trouble.”

“Then report to work in the morning, and we’ll see what happens.”

Which was neither a yes nor a no, but about as much as I was going to get that night. “Thanks, Jack.”

“Try not to scent anything else on the wind tonight,” he said, voice dry. “It looks like an ant could knock you over right now.”

“But only a very toned ant.”

He laughed and hung up. I stared at the phone’s blank screen for several seconds. If Jack wasn’t going to be forthcoming with information, maybe I should try someone else. Like Kelly

Guardians often discussed missions, so maybe she knew where Rhoan had been headed. I had no idea if she was actually home, but I knew for a fact she wasn’t working. It was worth a try

I dialed her number, but after three rings it clicked over to the answering machine. “Kel, it’s Riley. Give me a call when you get home, no matter what the time.” I hesitated, then added, so as not to panic her, “Nothing urgent. I just have a question.”

I hung up, shoved the phone back in my bag, and walked home

Only to find the night’s weirdness had not finished with me yet. A vampire stood at my door

A naked vampire, in fact

I stopped and stared. I couldn’t help it. He was naked, after all. And damn, he was built

He had hair that might have been black, but just then looked brown with all the mud caked onto it, dark eyes that were anything but soulless, and a face angels would kill for

His body was just as caked with mud as his hair, but underneath the dirt, it was lean and powerful—in an athletic sort of way. And to complete the perfect packaging, he was well endowed. Not the largest I’d ever seen, but mighty fine all the same

The stairwell door slammed shut against my back, knocking me out of my admiring stupor

“Hello,” I said

“Hello,” he repeated

A polite vampire. Amazing. “Is there any particular reason you’re standing naked at my door?”

I was hoping there was. Hoping that maybe he was some kind of present. Granted, my birthday was quite a few months off, but a girl can always dream

Though my dreams didn’t usually contain naked vampires, especially mud-covered ones

He answered my question with one of his own. “Is there any particular reason you’re covered in blood?”

“I got into a fight. What’s your excuse?”

He looked down, as if his state of undress was something he hadn’t noticed until that moment. “I really have no idea how I ended up like this.”

His voice was a low vibration that shivered through my soul and made my toes want to curl. Damn if it wasn’t the sexiest voice I’d ever heard on a man—dead or alive

“But you do know why you’re standing at my door?”

He nodded. “If you live here, then I am here to see you.”

“Well, I can tell you, I don’t get many bare-assed guys turning up on my doorstep.” Which was partly what I’d been bitching about to my brother before he’d disappeared on his mission, and the main reason I’d half hoped this vamp might be a present. Rhoan tended to do things like that. Though admittedly, few vampires had a sense of humor, and most would not have gone along with such a stunt. “So, unless you can explain what’s going on, you can march your pretty body down the stairs and out of our building.”

“I need help.”

Which more than likely meant he wanted Directorate help more than my personal help. Which was a damn shame. My gaze did another tour down his naked torso, and I couldn’t help an almost wistful sigh. Okay, so I saw a lot of nice naked bodies at the werewolf nightclubs, but this vampire was definitely the best-put-together specimen of manhood I’d seen recently

“Why do you need help? Did you flash your bits at the wrong man’s wife?”

Annoyance flickered through his dark eyes. “I’m being serious. Someone is trying to kill me.”

He might be serious, but it was hard to take him that way when he was standing there so calmly. Wouldn’t the obvious action have been to report problems to the police, or even the Directorate? “There’s always someone trying to kill vamps, and generally, you guys deserve it.”

“Not all of us kill to survive.”

Well, no, but the ones who did certainly gave the rest a bad rep. “Look, tell me what you want or go away and flash at someone else.”

“You’re a guardian for the Directorate of Other Races, are you not?”

“Nope. That’s my flatmate.”

“Is your flatmate here?”

I sighed. Why did all the pretty ones want to see Rhoan? “I don’t expect him back until sometime tomorrow.” Or later, if the feeling of wrongness in the pit of my stomach was anything to go by

“Then I shall wait.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Really? Where?”

“Here.” He indicated the floor with an elegant gesture

“You can’t stay here.” Mrs. Russel, the owner of this ramshackle ex-factory they now had the cheek to call an apartment block, would have a fit. The only reason she’d rented us a room in the first place was because it was against the law to discriminate against nonhumans—and because having werewolves in the building had the fortunate side effect of keeping vermin away. Rats, it seemed, didn’t like us

But finding a vampire sitting in her hall would tip the old cow over the edge and us out of the apartment. Mrs. Russel had a long-standing hatred of vamps—even though she celebrated every day the fact that her husband had become the meal of one

“Especially when you’re naked,” I added. “It’s against the law to loiter naked in public.”

A fact I knew after having been arrested for doing the same thing a couple of months ago—though I’d been in a park rather than a hallway. I’d escaped with only a small fine, but then, I had the full moon as an excuse. The silk dress I’d been wearing had fared no better against the change than my lacy shirt. Not that either event would stop me from wearing inappropriate clothing. The law might have problems with people running around naked, but werewolves didn’t

“The light is broken,” he said, his voice so soft, so warm, that I again felt that shiver up my spine. “There are no windows, and the hall lies in shadows. No one will see me.”

I’d seen him, but then, though he must have heard me coming up the stairs, he hadn’t bothered shadowing. And that fact stirred uneasiness. As did the fact he was naked. It was no secret that I was a werewolf, and no secret that the full moon was only seven days away. And it was a very well-known fact that a werewolf’s sexual urges rose dramatically in the seven days before the moon reached fullness. He might be bait

Though why would someone want to bait me? Other than having a guardian brother, I was a nothing, a nobody. Maybe my apprehension for Rhoan was making me paranoid

“If you’re in trouble, why not go to the Directorate? There are plenty of guardians there to help.”

“I cannot.”