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He gripped her hand. "Yes?"

A promise with no date for fulfillment is always perilously easy to grant, especially for the young. Maia's mind

was running with excitement and pleasure on the release of Tharrin. She felt full of the elation of success. It had been a desperate venture and she had pulled it off. But she owed this to Randronoth-to his obsession and his reckless extravagance. Besides, to refuse would only upset him-just when everything had gone off so well. Nennau-nir was going to be delighted, and she herself-well, she felt more than rich enough in spirit to give him a kind answer.

"Yes, darling, of course I will: only you must keep quiet about it. This auction was one thing, but if it gets round that you're counting on going to bed with me next time you come to Bekla, that'll be-well, I mean-I'd be-"

He smiled. "Compromised?"

"Something o' that. Any road, I wouldn't want everyone knowing: so just you remember."

Suddenly she sat up in alarm, listening. "Whatever's that downstairs?"

What she had heard was heavy knocking at the outer door. There followed JarviFs voice and another male voice answering. Randronoth, also listening, nodded unperturbed.

"That'll be two of my men, bringing your money. I sent them orders last night, before we left the barrarz."

"You mean it's really down there? Nine thousand meld, in coin? Oh, Randro! Thank you! Thank you!"

She kissed him more warmly than she had throughout the entire night. "Oh, I must go down and see it!" Jumping out of bed, she flung her robe round her. Then, turning back to him with shining eyes, "Of course it's not that I don't trust you! You know that. It's just that-oh, I'm so glad! I'm so happy about it!"

He frowned, puzzled. "But you just said you weren't going to get any of it for yourself. Maia, what's all this about? Has it got you out of a mess or something?"

She kissed him quickly. "I'll answer that if you'll answer me another. Nine thousand meld-in ready money. Where did it come from?"

That had stopped him in his tracks all right; she could see that. He paused.

"Never ask me, Maia; you leave that to me. I'm hopelessly in love with you: I had to have you. That's enough for you-and best for you, too, believe me. Come on, I'll go downstairs with you and make sure it's all there. Then

we'll have breakfast-I need it-and after that I'll have to go. I wonder whether you'll ever realize how much you've given mei"

She had given him nothing, she thought. He had sought pleasure, he had found pleasure, but she had not bestowed it. How strange that he should be in no doubt that he had acquired something which she had not conferred; and more, that he should be so much dominated by this unreality! Just so, old Drigga had once told her, might two people be together and one see a ghost while the other could not.

The Sacred Queen's garden was no less fresh and morning-scented than on the day before. The peacock was busy among a handful of cornseed which a gardener's boy was scattering on the sunny lawn, while from somewhere out of sight, behind the purple lam bushes, sounded the clicking of a pair of shears.

Maia, without waiting to announce her arrival, made her way round to the stone doorway. Direct prayers were never offered to Frella-Tiltheh-the unknown and unknowable-but for a full minute or more she stood silently, with bowed head and outstretched palms, beneath the niche containing the cowled figure of the goddess; so long, indeed, that at length Brero, waiting behind her, put down the box containing the money and turned aside to watch a squirrel in a near-by tree.

When at length she knocked, Zuno opened the door almost immediately. Pausing only a moment to glance towards the soldier in attendance behind her, he led the way across the red-and-white tiled hall and up the staircase. Plainly, she thought, her arrival had been expected; no doubt the events of the night were already known to the Sacred Queen.

At the top of the stairs he turned and said, "You're to go straight in. She's due at the temple soon, you see, and she won't-" He hesitated. "She certainly doesn't mean to be late."

The bedroom door was standing open. Maia stopped in the entrance, looking in. Fornis was bustling about the room, moving hastily from one place to another, yet to all appearances doing nothing in particular. She seemed both excited and preoccupied. As Maia watched, she spread out her hands in front of her, examining first one side and then

the other. Next moment she picked up her comb and looked in the mirror, but almost at once put it down, went across to the window and stood tapping her fingers on the sill. She was wearing a deep-purple robe embroidered with gold thread and her hair, piled high, was enclosed within the sacred crown of Airtha. Now, at close quarters, Maia recognized the great emerald which Occula, in the temple, had known for her father's. Of Ashaktis there was no sign: the Sacred Queen was alone.

Maia coughed and made a slight movement. Form's, turning, for an instant, looked slightly startled, actually seeming not to recall who she was. Next moment, however, smiling cordially and graciously, she had come forward and taken the hand which Maia had raised to her forehead. Her own hand felt hot and sweating, and before speaking she passed her tongue once or twice across her dry lips.

"Maia! How delightful to see you again! I'm glad you've managed to come early: I should have been most disappointed to miss you; only I have to go out very soon, you see. Never mind: do sit down for a moment and make yourself comfortable. What a beautiful morning, isn't it?"

Her completely unexpected air of geniality and warmth left Maia-for some moments, at all events-speechless. Faced with any other woman who might have had the effrontery to adopt such a manner, following upon what had passed between them the day before, she would have found sufficient self-confidence to answer her as she deserved. But this was the Sacred Queen: nor was it only consciousness of her power and authority which threw Maia into confusion. There emanated from this extraordinary woman an almost hypnotic dominance and self-possession, so that quite possibly, if she had pointed to the moon and said, "Oh, look at the sun!" a hearer's first reaction might well have been to wonder whether there was something wrong with his own eyes or even with his own mind. Just so Maia, for a fleeting instant, found herself wondering whether yesterday's encounter in the archery field had really taken place, and then-since it had-whether perhaps it might have been with someone else and not with the queen. Then, and only then, did it occur to her that the queen was entertaining herself. It amused her to treat people- particularly those who were helpless before her-with flagrant inconsistency, and to see how they responded while trying to keep themselves in countenance.

"Esta-saiyett," she began, "since you're in a hurry I won't keep you any longer'n what I need to. I've brought-"

"Oh, come now, there's not all that much of a rush, Maia," replied Fornis, motioning her towards one of the big, carved chairs and patting her forearm reassuringly. "Do you know, I feel quite full of curiosity about you? Do tell me-" and at this she leaned forward with every show of interest-"did you go to Elvair-ka-Virrion's bar-rarz for the Chalcon expedition?"

Did I-? But she must know every last thing about it, thought Maia. '

"Yes, esta-saiyett, I was there for a time."

"And I suppose it was great fun, was it? Lots of young men from all over the empire? I expect you danced, didn't you? I've heard about your dancing."

"Yes, esta-saiyett: Lord Elvair-ka-Virrion asked me to dance."

"What did you dance?"

She wants to see me lose control. She wants to see me break off short and start in about Tharrin and the money before she does.