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"But what about Sednil, then?" asked Maia.

"Well, now we come to it, pet; and if you don't like it, just say so; I shan't mind. Randronoth's up here again. He comes up every summer, you know, like all the provincial governors, to hand over his tax money. That's why he's brought so many soldiers with him. I hear they've drunk 'The Serpent' dry already and now they're starting on 'The Green Grove'. Anyway, he came round to see me and all he could talk about was you."

She paused, but Maia said nothing.

"He said he wanted you more than anything he'd ever wanted in the world," continued Nennaunir. " "The lovely, inaccessible Serrelinda.' He knew you weren't a shearna, so could I help him-would I speak to you?"

"But-but why ever didn't he come and ask me himself, at that rate?" asked Maia.

"It seems he did," replied Nennaunir. "He went to your house this afternoon, but your porter sent him packing- said you weren't to be disturbed on any account. More or less told him to go and jump in the Barb, I gather."

"I was asleep. I'd said as I didn' want to see anyone."

"Oh-well, apparently Randronoth took it to mean you didn't want to see him."

"Well, that's quite right," said Maia. "I don't feel inclined for anybody nowadays; not just at present."

Nennaunir was no less swift than Sessendris had been. "Someone you fancy, is there? Someone who's not here?"

"Well, maybe-I don't know, really, Nan. Only I just don't feel like becoming a shearna for the present, that's all."

"Well, that's sensible enough. Who'd work if she hadn't got to? But listen-I asked Randronoth whether he'd be ready to do something out of the ordinary if only he could go to bed with you, and of course he said oh yes, he'd drink the Zhairgen dry and walk backwards to Zeray and half a dozen other stupid things. So then I reminded him about Sednil and said did he think that if he put his mind to it he could get him out of the temple; and he said he was pretty sure he could."

"How?" asked Maia.

"Well, you see, he's got quite a few branded men working for him in Lapan; all the provincial governors have. And if he were to have a word with the household officer of the temple, who's in charge of the labor there-and slip

him a few hundred meld, I dare say-he could probably fix up an exchange. A body for a body-why should anyone else care? Then once Sednil's been down in Lapan for a bit, Randronoth could probably arrange to have him discharged. Anyway, that's what he said and I think he'd keep his word-he's always been straight enough with me- if only he can get what he wants. And what he wants is you."

Before Maia could answer they had arrived at the terrace flanking the door of the Lord General's house, where a group of girls and young officers were standing together in the sunset, drinking and talking as they waited for supper to be announced. Their arrival was the signal for Shend-Lador and a half a dozen others (among whom Maia recognized the big, bearded man whose breeches she had pulled about his knees in the Barb) to come crowding round their jekzha, shouting greetings and compliments and holding out willing hands to help them down.

"We'll talk about it later, Nan," whispered Maia quickly. "I'll try and help if I can, honest. Just let me think it over."

Nennaunir nodded and at once, with the air of having never a care in the world, leapt headlong from the jekzha as lightly as a hare, to be caught by the bearded man, whom she immediately kissed and allowed to carry her up to the terrace with her arms round his neck.

Maia followed somewhat more sedately. Elvair-ka-Vir-rion himself came forward to hand her down and Milvushina-who, Maia noticed with relief, was dressed as demurely as herself-embraced her and led her over to where several porous, earthenware pitchers of wine, beaded with moisture, were standing in the shade under the terrace wall.

"Elvair's told me about your plan," she murmured. "I hope you'll succeed, Maia, with all my heart. You ought to: you seem to grow more beautiful every day. Being a public heroine obviously suits you."

Maia inquired about the baby.

"Oh, I'm fine," answered Milvushina. "Sick as a cat every morning, and back-ache to go with it. The doctor says they're all good signs: the worse you feel, the more it shows he's getting all he needs."

"It's a he, then?" smiled Maia.

"Elvair's been sacrificing to Airtha every third morning for a month," said Milvushina. "He dedicated his sword

today, and swore to make over all his Chalcon spoils to her; prisoners, too. I never said anything, but I don't really want to see Santil become a temple slave: he's a very honorable, upright man, you know…Everyone in Chalcon admires him. I don't think he ought to be humiliated."

"You're in no doubt he'll be captured, then?" asked Maia.

"Elvair's certain it'll all be over in two months," replied Milvushina.

As they talked on, Maia gradually became aware that at this, the first party she had attended since her return to the city, she was plainly regarded as virtually a different girl from the Tonildan who had been one of Sencho's concubines. Nennaunir, a goblet in one hand, was already surrounded by young officers, among whom she was laughing and chattering with all her customary animation. A little further along the terrace stood the composed, elegant figure of Dyphna, talking gravely with Fordil and Sarget. They were evidently conferring about music, for every now and then Fordil, nodding or questioning as he did so, would beat a rhythm with one hand upon the table beside them. She glimpsed Otavis, too; still as startlingly beautiful as at the Rains banquet, but now dressed, for the barrarz, in a kind of provocative imitation of traditional Deelguy dress, with loose, gauzy breeches, two gold hoops round her neck and her hair in thick plaits fastened below each shoulder to cover her otherwise bare breasts. Several other shearnas were present-she recognized the black-eyed, merry little girl whom she had seen snubbed at the Rains banquet by Kembri's steward-and more were arriving, as well as several ladies who, tike Milvushina, were evidently wives or sweethearts. There must, Maia thought, now be over a hundred men gathered on and near the terrace, yet none- as would undoubtedly have been the case last year-had come up to her of his own accord. Once she caught, from a little distance, a low voice, "That's the Serrelinda, look- the girl in red." It seemed as though the entire company were filled with a kind of constraining awe of the girl who had saved them all from Karnat of Terekenalt.

A moment later, however, a man's voice behind them greeted first Milvushina and then herself. Turning, she saw Randronoth of Lapan. Plainly, here was one man who was neither daunted by the Serrelinda nor too respectful to

look her up and down with the air of a boy scarcely able to contain himself before a bowl of strawberries.

"We met last year, Maia, at the High Counselor's: I hope you haven't forgotten." His eyes gazed into hers with a confident directness which said, "I certainly haven't: and I don't believe you will have, either."

She paused, smiling, yet uncertain how to reply. She had no wish-as much for Milvushina's sake as her own- for him to begin talking of Sencho's household. But before she could speak he went on, "The death of the High Counselor was a terrible shock to me. When the news reached us in Lapan I could scarcely believe it at first."

The three of them had conversed for no more than a short time when suddenly, bowing to Milvushina and asking her, somewhat perfunctorily, to excuse him, he took Maia's arm, led her some yards along the terrace and, halting beside the wall, turned to face her.

"Maia! Listen to me, Serrelinda! There's nothing I've ever wanted in my life so much as-"