The Last Hero
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Страниц: 30
Символов: 180572
ID: 125457
Язык книги: Английский
Оригинальный язык книги: Английский
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Создана 31 октября 2010 03:52


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He's been a legend in his own lifetime.He can remember when a hero didn't have to worry about fences and lawyers and civilisation, and when people didn't tell you off for killing dragons.But he can't always remember, these days, where he put his teeth...So now, with his ancient sword and his new walking stick and his old friends -- and they're very old friends -- Cohen the Barbarian is going on one final quest. He's going to climb the highest mountain in the Discworld and meet his gods.The last hero in the world is going to return what the first hero stole.With a vengeance.That'll mean the end of the world, if no one stops him in time.

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