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Why are you running away?


Oooh Babe

Don't leave me now

Don't say it's the end of the road

Remember the flowers I sent

I need you Babe

To put through the shredder

In front of my friends

Ooh Babe

Don't leave me now

How could you go?

When you know how I need you

To beat to a pulp on a Saturday night

Ooh Babe

Don't leave me now

How can you treat me this way

Running away

Ooh Babe

Why are you running away?

Oooh Babe!


I don't need no arms around me

And I don't need no drugs to calm me

I have seen the writing on the wall

Don't think I need anything at all

No, don't think I'll need anything at all

All in all it was all just bricks in the wall

All in all you were all just bricks in the wall


Goodbye cruel world

I'm leaving you today




Goodbye all you people

There's nothing you can say

To make me change my mind



Hey you! out there in the cold

Getting lonely, getting old, can you feel me?

Hey you! standing in the aisles

With itchy feet and fading smiles, can you feel me?

Hey you! don't help them to bury the light

Don't give in without a fight.

Hey you! out there on your own

Sitting naked by the phone, would you touch me?

Hey you! with your ear against the wall

Waiting for someone to call out, would you touch me?

Hey you! would you help me to carry the stone?

Open your heart, I'm coming home

But it was only fantasy

The Wall was too high, as you can see

No matter how he tried he could not break free

And the worms ate into his brain.

Hey you! out there on the road

Always doing what you're told, can you help me?

Hey you! out there beyond the wall

Breaking bottles in the hall, can you help me?

Hey you! don't tell me there's no hope at all

Together we stand, divided we fall


Is there anybody out there?


I've got a little black book with my poems in

Got a bag with toothbrush and a comb in

When I'm a good dog they sometimes throw me a bone in

I got elastic bands keeping my shoes on

Got those swollen hand blues

I've got 13 channels of shit on the T.V. to choose from

I've got electric light

And I've got second sight

I've got amazing powers of observation

And that is how I know

When I try to get through

On the telephone to you

There'll be nobody home

I've got the obligatory Hendrix Perm

And the inevitable pinhole burns

All down the front of my favourite satin shirt

I've got nicotine stains on my fingers

I've got a silver spoon on a chain

Got a grand piano to prop up my mortal remains

I've got wild staring eyes

And I've got a strong urge to fly

But I've got nowhere to fly to

Ooh Babe when I pick up the phone

There's still nobody home

I've got a pair of Gohills boots

And I've got fading roots…


Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn

Remember how she said that

We would meet again

Some sunny day

Vera! Vera!

What have become of you

Does anybody else in here

Feel the way I do?


Bring the boys back home

Bring the boys back home

Don't leave the children on their own

Bring the boys back home



Is there anybody in there?

Just nod if you can hear me

Is there anyone at home

Come on now,

I hear you're feeling down

I can ease your pain

And get you on your feet again


I'll need some information first

Just the basic facts

Can you show me where it hurts?

There is no pain, you are receding

A distant ship smoke on the horizon

You are only coming through in waves

Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying

When I was a child I had a fever

My hands felt just like two balloons

Now I've got that feeling once again

I can't explain, you would not understand

This is not how I am

I have become comfortably numb


Just a little pin prick

There'll be no more aaaaaaah!

But you may feel a little sick

Can you stand up?

I do, believe it's working, good

That 'll keep you going through the show

Come on, it's time to go.

There is no pain, you are receding

A distant ship smoke on the horizon

You are only coming through in waves

Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying

When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse

Out of the corner of my eye

I turned to look but it was gone

I cannot put my finger on it now

The child is grown

The dream is gone

I have become comfortably numb


Ooh Ma ooh Pa

Must the show go on

Ooh Pa take me home

Ooh Ma let me go

Do I have to stand up

Wild eyed in the spotlight

What a nightmare Why?

Don't I turn and run

There must be some mistake

I didn't mean to let them

Take away my soul

Am I too old is it too late

Ooh Ma Ooh Pa

Where has the feeling gone?

Ooh Ma Ooh Pa

Will I remember the songs?

The show must go on.


So ya

Thought ya

Might like to go to the show

To feel the warm thrill of confusion

That space cadet glow

I've got some bad news for you sunshine

Pink isn't well he stayed back at the hotel

And they sent us along as a surrogate band

And we're going to find out where you fans

Really stand

Are there any queers in the theatre tonight

Get'em up against the wall

There's one in the spotlight

He don't look right to me

Get him up against the wall

And that one looks Jewish

And that one's a coon

Who let all this riff-raff into the room

There's one smoking a joint

And another with spots

If I had my way

I'd have all of you shot