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Mabatu trembled. She quickly let go and looked him in the eye. “Your heart is pounding. Are you all right?”

He stared back. “Isha....”

“I didn’t mean to offend you. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry. It is I who have offended you.”

“Nonsense,” she said, nuzzling him softly.

He returned her nuzzle and nibbled at her ear. Before she could pull back with surprise, he said, “Don’t hate me. You don’t know how long I’ve waited to do that.” He sighed. “How VERY long.”

“We need to get back to hunting,” she said unsteadily, recognizing the look in his eyes. “We don’t have much time.”

“We DON’T have much time. I must hunt now. I may not have a chance, but I’ve stalked for a long time. Now I must break my cover and rush to you.”

She took a step backward. “Even though I’m old enough to be your mother? I’m flattered. Really I am. But when you’re older, you’ll find someone more your own age. Then you’ll look back on this and laugh.”

“You know I’ll never get much older. I’m being sacrificed to help the others. You know it.”

She looked down. “I wish you wouldn’t say that.”

“But you don’t deny it.”

“How can I?” Tears began to roll down her cheeks. “My poor Baba! My precious little Nisei! I love you more than the food I eat or the water I drink. Even more than the air I breathe. I would give them up if it would save you.”

“I love you, Isha. I’ve always loved you.” He kissed away her tears. “Remember, I said when I grew up, I’d marry you. You laughed then, but if you laugh now, I’ll die. While life holds my soul and body together, I will love you. Even in death I will love you.”

“In death?” She pawed and nuzzled him. “Don’t think of death. You are alive. There is still hope.”

“How can I be alive? I’ve never lived!” He looked her intently in the eyes. The fire in his hazel eyes was unmistakable even if it was uncertain. “If I could only be close to you, just for tonight, I would have LIVED, Isha.”

She looked deeply into his eyes and saw the sincerity of his love. Isha was held captive by its overwhelming purity and depth. She pawed him affectionately and he playfully batted back at her. She drew off a length and began to circle him, looking for an opening. “If you hunt big game, prepare to exert yourself.”

He watched her lithe body as it crept gracefully but forcefully about him. Any moment the huntress could rush her prey. A flick of her ears betrayed her attack, but it was not enough warning. She pounced, collaring his throat and wrestling him. Laughing and panting, she nearly shoved him to the ground. He flailed at her with his arms, but struck her very gently.

"I can still throw you," he said.

"Prove it!" She threw her weight on him with a mighty thrust and easily pushed him over.

Mabatu regained his feet and circled her. He tried to use his weight to push her over, but she had the advantage and sidestepped him. She put her arm over his shoulder and began to lean in on him, causing his legs to start buckling. Then when it seemed victory was hers, she relaxed and did not move. He put his head under her arm and pushed her over into the grass and looked down into her face. “Gotcha!”

Her paw reached up and gently traced the curve of his cheek and fondled his chin. She looked deep into his eyes smiled alluringly as his breath came and went like a wild wind. “Now that you’ve caught me, do what you will.”

“Oh gods!” Breathless, he knelt down and began to nuzzle her passionately, nibbling her ears and pawing her cheek gently. Her fragrance made him tremble, and he kissed her on the cheek and forehead murmuring, “Isha, beloved!”

She whispered, “Not here. Come, my lover, where the night shall hide us away.” They rose from the verdant grass and he walked, pressed against her warm, soft body into the shadows.

When they were alone, he stroked her thigh with his paw. “How could one lioness be so beautiful?” He expected a reply, but suddenly she broke away from him and began to run.

“Isha, wait! What did I do??”

She looked at him reassuringly. “If you want me, you’ll have to catch me!”

He realized it was a game. Laughing like a cub, he began to pursue her through the tall grass. She cornered sharply like a wise huntress, keeping him off balance and maddeningly at bay. They bounded over the hill and down the other side, splashed through a small creek, and ran around Anteater Kopje. She looked back and laughed. “Can’t you run faster than that??”

“Are you kidding?? You haven’t seen anything!”

Driven by the fierce heat of desire, he lunged forward and began to narrow the gap with each spring. Sensing his approach, Isha plunged through a field of gold and purple blossoms, somewhat wilted by the drought but still holding an essence of their former beauty. And amid the blossoms, she stopped and looked back.

Mabatu came to a halt and looked at her wonderingly. “Give up?”

“You’ll need some of that great strength,” she said. “I wouldn’t leave you drained. We'll start out simple.” She took a couple of steps and crouched among the fragrant blossoms. “Come, Baba. Make love to me.”

He stared at her apprehensively. An awkward moment passed.

“Do I not still please you?”

“Isha, you ARE pleasure. It’s just--well--this is my first time. I don't know my father and my mother did not speak with me. All I know about making love is a lot of cub gossip.”

She smiled. “I’ll help you if you need it. Just remember, you are saying farewell to cubhood. Once you’ve taken this step, you will be a lion.” She smiled disarmingly. “Come and kiss me. Would you like that?”

He trembled. “Always!” He shyly came forward and reached down, touching her cheek with his tongue. She looked up and kissed him passionately, pawing at his mane. She rolled over and stroked his throat and chest with her paws, setting him on fire. “I can feel your heart throbbing.” She reached up with a paw and drew his face toward hers, kissing him passionately. In a sultry voice, she purred, “Deep inside, you know what you want. Forget what your head tells you. Go where your feelings lead you. Make love to me.”

His feelings were strong and clear this time. She rolled back into a crouch, purring softly. “It’s OK. Don't be afraid.”

He gently mouthed her neck, and trembling with desire he pressed himself against her soft golden body. With faint utterances of contentment and pleasure, Baba filled his senses with her love, the love that made her his lioness. Feeling her shudder in his gentle embrace, he lived out all the tender fantasies that filled his dreams. Never had he felt so alive as he had in that moment.

“Beloved,” she purred, “Are you happy?”

“Delirious! And you? Do I please you?”

“Yes! I feel...I feel...” She jerked and moaned. “Oh, Baba! Yes!”

Mabatu was drunk with her pleasures, and just as he thought his heart would burst, he knew in his own body the ecstasy that made her cry out. He gasped and wanted to let it out in a roar, but he dared not. Only a gentle sigh of fulfillment left him, and overcome he nuzzled her and stumbled away.

“Will that ever happen again?”

“Many times," Isha said. "The night is still young.”

Panting, he fell in the grass. "Many times," he said, heaving a contented sigh. "Imagine that! I must have done something good in my life. Aiheu has been good to me--so have you."

He patted with his paw on the ground, and Isha came and snuggled next to him, rolling on her back and stroking his mane with her paw. “I love you,” he said simply. “You're everything I've ever wanted. And at every special moment of my life, you were always there.”

"Always," she said. "Because I love you."

Cubhood was over--he was a lion at last.