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There might just be a way to solve this problem after all, he thought. He glanced around furtively, and seeing everyone's attention fixed on the fight, he melted into the shadows and disappeared, heading off towards the elephant graveyard as fast as his legs would carry him.

Though his departure had been flawless, his arrivial did not go unnoticed. Scrambling down from atop the skull where he had been sitting, Bashak sped across the open area where the clan held its meetings to where Losara sat. "Mama, " he said breathlessly, "he's comin'! "

She nodded, a disgusted look on her face. "I expected as much. You remember what to do?"

He nodded eagerly. "Uh-huh."

"All right, then let's get moving." The pup shot away towards the far end of the graveyard as fast as his legs would carry him. Losara turned and trotted over to the entrance, where she sat down, waiting.

Skulk's form slowly emerged from the dark. "Greetings, Losara."

She nodded. "Skulk? Why are you not with Shenzi?"

"Things are not proceeding as planned. I'm here to rectify the situation." Brushing past her, he headed towards the skull which sat in the distance. "Our great and glorious Roh'mach challenged Shenzi to the Shi'Khal, which she immediately has proceeded to lose." He looked at her sidewise. "I plan to give the lions a little incentive to solve our problem. Uhuru pledged his life with the cub's. Let's hold him to that promise."

She trotted past him, cutting him off. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to plant his little carcass right in front of our glorious Roh'mach. Then I can sit back and watch the fun begin." His eyes narrowed as he saw her cut in front of him again. "You'd be well advised not to get in my way again, wench, " he said, his lip curling back to reveal his fangs.

"Idiot! You don't have to worry about that anymore." She sneered at him. "Your foolish choice of guards has already been his undoing." Her face pinched in sorrow. "Gods, can't you hear it?"

He stared at her, puzzled, and cocked an ear. Faintly, he heard a distant wailing coming from the northern escarpment where the lion cub had been incarcerated. Eyes widening in realization, he looked at her in shock. "NO! "

Tears sprang to her eyes. "I tried to stop him, but he was too strong." She was abruptly knocked aside as Skulk took off, heading toward the distant skull. Picking herself up, she laughed softly. "Idiot." Shaking herself, she padded off after him.

Griz'nik stood stoically at the mouth of the skull, trying desperately to ignore the horrible sounds coming from within.

"Almighty Roh'kash! " he muttered, "why does stuff like this always happen when I'm on duty?" He gritted his teeth as a drilling shriek issued from inside the dank recesses of the skull where the cub was imprisioned. Kh'tel had ordered him and the other guards to stay outside while he went in there to "interrogate" the prisoner. Judging from the sounds the cub was making, Griz'nik doubted if Kh'tel was in there making polite conversation. He felt a muffled impact thorough the bone at his back, punctuated by an abrupt CRACK. A horrible scream resounded from inside. The guards looked at him, their eyes wide.

Griz'nik winced and shook his head in sympathy. "Gods, that’s gotta HURT."

Skulk ran like one posesssed, the cries of the cub filling his ears, lending a desperate urgency to his straining muscles. As he neared the escarpment, he saw the other guards ringed around the skull, various looks of disgust and glee on their faces. Abruptly, the cries from within the skull ceased, and Kh'tel emerged from the mouth of it, licking his lips in obvious enjoyment.

Skulk bounded up and confronted him immediately. "What the devil are you DOING?! " he screamed.

Kh'tel shrank back, frightened. "Calm down, Skulk. Our little guest decided to get antsy, here, so I had to take care of him." He frowned deeply. "I tell you, though, lions are almighty tough to stomach." He abruptly held forth with a tooth-rattling belch.

Skulk stuck is head into the mouth of the skull. Peering about, he made out vague bloodstains on the inside walls. Casting his gaze down, he saw a small tuft of golden fur, ruffling gently from his breath. Emerging slowly, he glared balefully at his companion. The corners of Skulk's jaw clenched tightly as he fought to repress a shriek. "Do you have any idea what you've done?"

Kh'tel stared at him blankly. "What's wrong with you? Don't tell me you liked the little furball?! "

"No, imbecile! But at least with a body I could have proved he was dead! I could have solved all our problems with one stroke. Now I've got to figure out how to make them think he's dead! " Skulk sat seething for a minute, then brightened. "It's a long shot, but it just might fool them." Ducking his head into the skull, he snatched up the small bit of lion fur lying on the ground. Emerging, he shouldered past Kh'tel roughly as he stalked away, grumbling, but stopped abruptly and looked back. "Hold it, " he said, peering at Kh'tel intently. "You finished him off awfully quick."

The corner of Kh'tel's mouth twitched slightly. "Well, uh, he was kinda small-"

Skulk shook his head in disgust. "You greedy slob." A peevish note crept into his voice. "Couldn't you have saved some for me?"

Kh'tel grinned shame-facedly. "Sorry."

Skulk stared at him a moment longer, then trotted away quickly.

Kh'tel held the grin until the sounds of his footsteps had faded away into the night. Rounding on the remaining guards, he bared his teeth viciously. "Well, what are you laughing at? Dismissed! Go on, get lost! "

Grumbling, the others slowly dispersed. He watched them carefully until the last form had vanished into the dark. Creeping over to a secluded alcove, he sat quietly, listening. Several long moments passed. Satisfied, Kh'tel whooped a sigh of relief and turned around. "C'mon out, kids."

Habusu's head emerged from an eye socket above him. "Did it work?"

"Yeah, kid. Now come on down here, quick." As the cub clambered down the face of the skull, Habusu giggled softly. "I can't believe he fell for it! "

A dark shadow detached itself and trotted over. Losara nuzzled the cub gently. "Rho'kash bless you for what you have done tonight, Kh'tel. For now, however, we have no time to celebrate. Bashak! Come on! "

The pup skittered out from behind a concealing rock. "Where are we goin' Mama?"

"We're going to take Habu home, my son, " she said, grinning. "I'm afraid it's way past his bedtime."

Shenzi's breathing had begun to come in great ragged gasps of air. She shook her head, fighting to clear her vision as she staggered about, bleeding from half a dozen wounds. Across from her, Uhuru panted rapidly, a nasty gash on his ribs giving evidence of Shenzi's prowess in the prolonged battle. But his confidence showed clearly now; the other hyenas merely waited for the combat to draw to its inevitable conclusion. Outside the circle, the jackals had begun to gather, smacking their lips in preparation for the feast which would follow, for neither lion nor hyena will eat the dead bodies of Roh'kash's Chosen Ones; they are corban to all but the lowliest of scavengers.

Shenzi caught Uhuru's eye and gave a silent snarl of defiance; she did not intend to sell her life easily. She slowly gathered her strength, preparing for a final spring. It would leave her wide open for attack, but she would get at least one clear shot at his throat before she went down.

Uhuru's paw struck her high on the face, sending her sprawling. A paw slapped down on either shoulder, pinning her neatly to the ground. She saw the starlight gleaming off his fangs as he prepared to tear out her throat. Closing her eyes, she prayed it would be quick.

Skulk shook his head in despair as he rejoined the circle of his bretheren. "I am saddened by the heavy burden of the news I bring, but it is my duty to inform you, Roh'mach."